The Junk Drawer

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
they're reporting this like an actual news service ran biased stories to influence the elections...but they're talking about fox, that's exactly what fox has always done, and anyone who considers them a source of "news" is a motherfucking moron.
this is like running a story that says "fish swim" or "birds fly"....lying, cheating, foul, unethical pieces of shit run biased stories...
and walking pieces of shit like fuckface carlson "report"'s just what shit does.


Ursus marijanus
they're reporting this like an actual news service ran biased stories to influence the elections...but they're talking about fox, that's exactly what fox has always done, and anyone who considers them a source of "news" is a motherfucking moron.
this is like running a story that says "fish swim" or "birds fly"....lying, cheating, foul, unethical pieces of shit run biased stories...
and walking pieces of shit like fuckface carlson "report"'s just what shit does.
One way Fox camouflages itself is by publishing local news stories that do well when verified. It imbues their much more biased national/opinion pieces with a false legitimacy.


Well-Known Member
I’m not challenging that there are very cool things living in the deep ocean. But so far everything is evolved from forms we know. I especially groove on ctenophores.

View attachment 5230537
Right. So I'm suggesting it is very possible that an organic animal can live in the troposphere and slightly higher than where planes don't travel but not quite the inhospitable stratosphere- the animal that is capable of which we have several in the ocean- electro reception and electro genesis in which to 'feel' it's prey without even being there with an eating propulsion system like jellyfish.

That thing above is really cool..the farther you go down or the higher you go up the stronger your ability because of adaptation.


Ursus marijanus
Right. So I'm suggesting it is very possible that an organic animal can live in the troposphere and slightly higher than where planes don't travel but not quite the inhospitable stratosphere- the animal that is capable of which we have several in the ocean- electro reception and electro genesis in which to 'feel' it's prey without even being there with an eating propulsion system like jellyfish.

That thing above is really cool..the farther you go down or the higher you go up the stronger your ability because of adaptation.
yeah, and I say no. Nothing that weighs more than a gram, anyway.
Calculate the joules per gram it takes anything to get from ground level to the top of weather. Earth has not evolved living airships.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
yeah, and I say no. Nothing that weighs more than a gram, anyway.
Calculate the joules per gram it takes anything to get from ground level to the top of weather. Earth has not evolved living airships.
not to mention that while deep sea creatures may be able to escape detection for years, due to their environment, avian creatures would have no such camouflage to rely on, photographs of the earth are taken from planes, space craft, and satellites daily, anything living in the upper atmosphere would be on glaring display 24 hours a day. it would also have to be one tough organism, the upper atmosphere is not a nurturing environment.


Ursus marijanus
being ignorant of or indifferent to the process that controls most aspects of your own life seems like an idiotic thing to me...of course, i could see how idiots would see it differently.
I see it as a part of the human condition. Fox and similar organs are good at exploiting how we think and perceive things. To wish otherwise heads into the utopian trap imo.

I’m pretty smart, but there are certainly some important things of which I am ignorant and thus to which I’m indifferent. That dampens my disgust a little.


Well-Known Member
A book is made from a tree. It is an assemblage of flat, flexible parts (still called ‘leaves’) imprinted with dark pigmented squiggles. One glance at it and you hear the voice of another person - perhaps someone dead for thousands of years. Across the millennia, the author is speaking, clearly and silently, inside your head, directly to you. Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people, citizens of distant epochs, who never knew one another. Books break the shackles of time, proof that humans can work magic.
-Carl Sagan, Cosmos

The internet proves they can create Hell too! :lol:


Well-Known Member
The place is full of ice just under a thin layer of sand in many places, grab a chunk of ice and bring it back, fuck the rocks, if microbial life was there, it will be frozen in the ice or traces of it will be. I favor panspermia as a life origin theory for several reasons and imagine a liquid world capped in ice and heated by internal or gravitational tidal forces in an ocean of thousands of cubic kilometers. Now imagine a comet or rock smashing into it and scattering its contents into space, simple tough life forms could seed a galaxy over many millions of years and one landing in earth's primordial ocean inside a space rock would be enough. We might have an answer on Mars indicating one or the other, or life could have originated there and traveld her, or made a pit stop there on the way here. Life arose on earth very early according to the scant evidence we have and there is every indication it was already quite complex, even then.

On the way from being star dust to us, complex life came into the picture as soon as our rock cooled enough.

NASA rover discovery reveals there may have been life on Mars

24,298 views Nov 25, 2022
Caroline Smith, who works at the Natural History Museum, discusses a new discovery made by a NASA rover that may provide evidence of past life on Mars.