The Junk Drawer

trouble is, most spices have become priced out of reach of such a practice.

Outdated spices stink and you might as well as cook Indian food which is delicious but not all the curries..if you live near someone? Someone on our floor was using them but it reeked..I could've lit earthy gas and those spices would've overtaken. I think she got the hint from one of the men's performances that would be worthy of @Roger A. Shrubber in front of her door.

A bit too much sensationalism from politico for my taste but some background:


A bit too much sensationalism from politico for my taste but some background:

They will have other markets in America and Europe, there is a long lead time for their stuff and new chip fabs going up. Sanctions on China depend on their behavior and the EU, that's one of the reasons for it. So keep them on their best behavior!
Total bombshell! How the spare was told his role, even as a child, was to 'supply blood transfusion or needed body part like kidney' to the heir to the it's a Potamkin Village reminding him of Disney World due to it's fakeness. He can't even walk in Frogmore Cottage the home assigned to The Sussex'..the ceilings are only 6 feet tall and in some places less, sagging in disrepair. This just in the first few can see already that William got the best of everything and Harry an afterthought..he's telling us the behind the scenes reality of some very famous photos and times. What he remembers and more importantly what he doesn't..this is real and raw!


*****:clap: Bravo, Harry..bravo!
Total bombshell! How the spare was told his role, even as a child, was to 'supply blood transfusion or needed body part like kidney' to the heir to the it's a Potamkin Village reminding him of Disney World due to it's fakeness. He can't even walk in Frogmore Cottage the home assigned to The Sussex'..the ceilings are only 6 feet tall and in some places less, sagging in disrepair. This just in the first few can see already that William got the best of everything and Harry an afterthought..he's telling us the behind the scenes reality of some very famous photos and times. What he remembers and more importantly what he doesn't..this is real and raw!

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*****:clap: Bravo, Harry..bravo!
i do not give one fuck about him or his family of inbred twats....they can all fucking disappear and they could use all that real estate for something useful, instead of the maintenance of people as inbred as the dogs they waste a fortune on.

When I lived with my great grandma she had a gas stove..I was scared shitless of that thing- you had to turn on the gas then light a match..and throw it on the burner hoping to God it didn't blow. Little Schuylaar still remembers the experiment with an electrical socket and butter when my cousin wanted to see how much of a starter fire he could make..that was all him..I think he singed his eyebrows:lol:
Outdated spices stink and you might as well as cook Indian food which is delicious but not all the curries..if you live near someone? Someone on our floor was using them but it reeked..I could've lit earthy gas and those spices would've overtaken. I think she got the hint from one of the men's performances that would be worthy of @Roger A. Shrubber in front of her door.
oh! I don’t cook Indian food; in fact I don’t eat it out either. Not my thing.

Yah but you do that anyway- sear on top of rage then throw in the oven. But you can't follow a regular recipe..some times I'm spot on others not.
with his searing rage, does he still need an oven? (giggling, ducking)

who gives one thin fuck? who has ever given one thin fuck.
morons, who have the ego to think anyone capable of interstellar travel would waste their time here...
whatever they're seeing, i do not care...
the only possible reason i would ever give a fuck is the slim chance that it could be a weapon in development by an enemy power...which seems incredibly unlikely, as our enemies are behind us technologically by a good distance.