The Junk Drawer

Now here is something that could be a good long range drone engine depending on fuel economy. If it works out there would be plenty of military uses and it could power a tank at turbine engine sizes and vibration levels, perhaps with better fuel economy, rotaries were not the best on fuel economy, but neither are turbines. This can probably be developed into a multirotor design with no counterweight or much of one required.

here you can see how it works! Very cool if it proves durable.

here you can see how it works! Very cool if it proves durable.

The final iteration of the ICE , it might be an interesting option for powering a hybrid and hooked up to a generator, compact, powerful, quiet? and fuel efficient. Seems the perfect choice for say an emergency power generator or a tank engine or wherever you want high power in a light compact package.
here you can see how it works! Very cool if it proves durable.

It could easily replace the turbine engine of an Abrams which are modularized, make an experimental module with this multirotor engine and drop it in, if it saves a lot of fuel and can perform when ya put the hammer down ya got a winner. Durability does not seem to be much of an issue with his design, no vibration and in a multi rotor design the rotors can be offset for balancing. I'd say there is a paper on it on someone's desk at the Pentagon.
found this chuckler
Churchill got a laugh when he visited Bletchley Park during the war and addressed the staff. Looking out over the assembled academics, math geniuses, and freaks from the stage, he turned to the head of British intelligence and said, "Now see her, I know I told you to leave no stone unturned, but I didn't think you would take me literally"! That was his introduction.... :lol:
I was doing some thinking about the large oceanic condensation towers mentioned above in the thread. They could be made almost entirely of reinforced concrete, even the condensers. If it was free floating and anchored, it could pivot broad side to the wind and move the pointed ends into it when storms happen. It would just need to pump 4 degree C water up from below the thermocline into the condensers using wind turbine power and oceanic air flow through the tower could be largely passive. The thermocline off the Californian coast is only a few hundred meters deep. We buld such floating reinforced structures all the time and tow them to be sunk and a 300X 200 x 50-meter floating reinforced concrete structure might be large but the method of construction is not novel, just the scale.
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From 5 years ago, but this would be a great choice for a portable generator, drone or hybrid electric vehicle, a ten or 20kW generator would not be large at all. It looks cheaper and simpler to make than a piston engine too. The military wants to make some of its vehicles electric and new battery tech and this make it possible. A 20 to 50kW generator won't take up much space and a full charge allows for silent non heat producing running at night. I think new high energy battery tech might not make it useful for widespread auto use. However as long as there are hybrids on the road, this could be what helps power them and other such industrial equipment.

Saw this shopping today. Graphic design 5 stars. $17/4 cans 1 star. Pass

I've worked for several wealthy people, and they've all told me pretty much exactly that...
"with a little effort you could be making so much more."....sure...and then i have to start doing all the stupid shit i see you numb fucks doing?
worrying about your money, protecting your money, letting your money become more important than your friends, letting your money become more important than your family, doing shit you hate, because it makes you look good to other idiots who have money...
I'm happier relatively poor than a single one of them is with thousands of times the money i will ever have.