The Junk Drawer

Before it crashed, Hakuto-R took this lovely shot of Earth in eclipse.

Nice, too bad they didn't have better luck, I'd much rather have the Japanese exploring space than muck...
I got an idea, how about a yellow flashing light on top of cars that are in autopilot mode? If the wipers can turn on, so can the yellow flashing light on the roof and the good news is it can be retro fitted by DOT order and not just grandfathered in. Other drivers should be aware when drivers around them are asleep at the switch or too busy and distracted to actually drive the car. Alternately the Fourway flashers can be programmed to flash in a certain pattern or timing. He trusts an autopilot that is obviously malfunctioning, what else could be wrong with it?

This guy bought a Tesla, and he is whining, take it to the local dealer, oh yeah there is none. Well send a tweet to Elon, I'm sure he is answering Tesla complaints on Twitter because Elon really cares...

I got an idea, how about a yellow flashing light on top of cars that are in autopilot mode? If the wipers can turn on, so can the yellow flashing light on the roof and the good news is it can be retro fitted by DOT order and not just grandfathered in. Other drivers should be aware when drivers around them are asleep at the switch or too busy and distracted to actually drive the car. Alternately the Fourway flashers can be programmed to flash in a certain pattern or timing. He trusts an autopilot that is obviously malfunctioning, what else could be wrong with it?

This guy bought a Tesla, and he is whining, take it to the local dealer, oh yeah there is none. Well send a tweet to Elon, I'm sure he is answering Tesla complaints on Twitter because Elon really cares...

i wonder what you have to do to get the hidden bidet feature to activate?
I got an idea, how about a yellow flashing light on top of cars that are in autopilot mode? If the wipers can turn on, so can the yellow flashing light on the roof and the good news is it can be retro fitted by DOT order and not just grandfathered in. Other drivers should be aware when drivers around them are asleep at the switch or too busy and distracted to actually drive the car. Alternately the Fourway flashers can be programmed to flash in a certain pattern or timing. He trusts an autopilot that is obviously malfunctioning, what else could be wrong with it?

This guy bought a Tesla, and he is whining, take it to the local dealer, oh yeah there is none. Well send a tweet to Elon, I'm sure he is answering Tesla complaints on Twitter because Elon really cares...

Owner called the car HAL. Car was insulted.
Systemic racism is contributing to rise in induced labor among Black and Latina mothers, new study says
Cunning,what'd I say about the Bruins and the Pres. Cup,don't resemble reg. season juggernot at all,defense coughing up puck,last nights game I wanted to vomit,even if they somehow win Sun.,they're exposed IMO,for Tor. the addition of O'Reilly is HUGE,that dude is clutch and SHOWS UP big time when it really counts may be the missing piece for all you tortured fans,if B's don't choke Sun,I don't like them against Tor. either w/O'Reilly,he killed them w/St. Louis.Sometimes the 1st series is the hardest and serves as a springboard forward but Boston's season is looking like a fraud at this point,in playoffs things get tighter and the B's def. is melting under hard forechecking,give-aways and turnovers up the ass,same formula St. Louis used in Cup finals a few yrs. ago,B's fans shocked here,I'm not surprised at all.
Cunning,what'd I say about the Bruins and the Pres. Cup,don't resemble reg. season juggernot at all,defense coughing up puck,last nights game I wanted to vomit,even if they somehow win Sun.,they're exposed IMO,for Tor. the addition of O'Reilly is HUGE,that dude is clutch and SHOWS UP big time when it really counts may be the missing piece for all you tortured fans,if B's don't choke Sun,I don't like them against Tor. either w/O'Reilly,he killed them w/St. Louis.Sometimes the 1st series is the hardest and serves as a springboard forward but Boston's season is looking like a fraud at this point,in playoffs things get tighter and the B's def. is melting under hard forechecking,give-aways and turnovers up the ass,same formula St. Louis used in Cup finals a few yrs. ago,B's fans shocked here,I'm not surprised at all.
The Leafs haven’t won their series yet and they aren’t playing much like a team that has any sense of urgency. Yes, O’Reilly was a nice addition and I really like the rookie, Knies but the guys getting paid $12 million a year aren’t doing enough.

I’m giving the Leafs a 50/50 shot of going to the next round, and I’m being generous.
The demographic crunch is on globally, in China, Japan, the EU and North America, with female emancipation and birth control. Since it is mostly minorities who will be immigrating, bigotry will stifle growth in those places where it is uncontrolled and not suppressed. It is unacceptable for a segment of the majority population to be at civil war and constantly attacking minorities in big and little ways. They are now trying to look for others to pick on, trans, gays, the unhoused and the handicapped are targets of the republican fascists. There are no conservatives in the republican party, all are bigots, psychos and fascists, they ran out of excuses with Trump. It's the same thing for so called "Christians", there are none of those to be found in the GOP either, there are those who claim to be, but they are either lying to others or themselves and are on the fast track to Hell.

Gee, I wonder how many years it will take to approve this!

Having known someone with this cancer there is a definite risk to benefit ratio here, since it is almost always fatal, there would be little reason for delaying approval. The alternative is death, so unless this is somehow worse...

Think if you had such a diagnosis, you would try very hard to get this treatment ASAP, as would your physician. Such a success rate should motivate fast action by regulators and other concerned parties to deploy this, there would have to be significant downsides not to and I can't think of what they would be in this circumstance.

This will go from mice to men quickly.
