I was trying to think of an instance in my life where that would be true, because it sorta depends on what his idea of entertaining is.
Is it simple enough that to even think of it you have entertained it.
Or are you deeply contemplating acting upon the situation?
Is that what he means by entertaining a thought?
Anyway, this event in my life occurred way back in around 81/82 in a club in NYC when cocaine was everywhere
Clean flake for around a buck a gram which was expensive but worth every penny
So, one night at around 2:30 in the morning I'm out of blow & would kill for another line (the beer was catching up, if you know what I mean & I was getting woozy

I had to go piss & I'm pissing & this guy comes in the bathroom & there's like 5 urinals & he comes over to the one next to me.
I say's to myself, "Oh boy, this could get interesting"
I knew that fucker was up to something & he proved me right (I have 6th sense for gay's, probably because I had a lot of friends that were gay)
So, he leans over to me and whispers "I'll give you a gram if you let me blow you"
Now, some people wouldn't like hearing that & probably a normal reaction would be to assault him
But not me, because gay guy's seemed to be attracted to me so this wasn't the 1st time I've been propositioned.
So I thinks to myself, a gram huh?
But, that was maybe the only thing I wouldn't do for drugs, most others I've probably done (except murder/giving head

So, I turn to the guy & seeing his face for the 1st time & this guy had this handlebar moustache & was ugly as fuck & I started to laugh & when I stopped I say's to him
"Sorry, my dick doesn't like moustaches"
So, I guess for a moment the thought crossed my mind, a fucking gram right now?/just close you eyes & think of Debbie Harry, right?
So, that was my entertaining a thought moment, plus AIDS was everywhere so that thought also was evaluated.
But, I didn't accept it.
Is that what that man meant?
Sounds like just being rational & really has nothing to do with an education.
This is my Lifes Philosophy
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Yea, now I got Debbie on my mind
(they got into so much shit for this recording/Rap was a no-no for their crew/I hate it)
This one I like