The Junk Drawer

For those not familiar with jockery, a protein shake is purported to be of benefit building muscle right after weight training and is a staple in most gyms. Protein powder drinks are big business in the fitness world, and they sell the shit by the kilogram so are all kinds of weird supplements.
For those not familiar with jockery, a protein shake is purported to be of benefit building muscle right after weight training and is a staple in most gyms. Protein powder drinks are big business in the fitness world, and they sell the shit by the kilogram so are all kinds of weird supplements.
Dad was a cheesemaker. We had 8 cows. The whey was fed to the pigs. Here they dehydrate it and feed it to humans. Odd.
I lucked onto a celestial event this am. I’ve been in the habit of glassing the horizon at half-light and watching planet Mercury. This morning I (just —it was getting bright) acquired the planet in the 15x glass — and immediately to the left was the razor-thin Cheshire Cat smile of a very old moon.

The planet was just outside the circle suggested by the faint quarter-arc of visible moon. So I stood in place for a few minutes, optics stabilized against the living room window, and was soon rewarded by the planet growing faint and then gone over perhaps a five-second interval. The moon was 20 hours and 50 minutes from new , incidentally the oldest moon I’ve managed to observe. Best Butthead voice: “it was cool.”

Not my photo; the event was too faint for my phone.


Current view of constellation Virgo, 145 minutes later. Moon is just past Mercury, and Venus is at superior conjunction.

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I was near the southern limit of event visibility. At a rough guess, the hi-lo points of disappearance ellipse (red in image) stretched from San Diego to Edmonton.

Here is the footprint of a future such occultation. @ANC

n. b. the occultation can be seen from the entire worm shape, but the eastern part is in sunshine, requiring pricy specialist equipment to view.

The map below shows the visibility of the occultation across the world. Separate contours show where the disappearance of Mercury is visible (shown in red), and where its reappearance is visible (shown in blue). Solid contours show where each event is likely to be visible through binoculars at a reasonable altitude in the sky. Dotted contours indicate where each event occurs above the horizon, but may not be visible due to the sky being too bright or the Moon being very close to the horizon.

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I was near the southern limit of event visibility. At a rough guess, the hi-lo points of disappearance ellipse (red in image) stretched from San Diego to Edmonton.

Here is the footprint of a future such occultation. @ANC

n. b. the occultation can be seen from the entire worm shape, but the eastern part is in sunshine, requiring pricy specialist equipment to view.

Lol, only about 10 to 15% of people with my condition make it 10 years....