The Junk Drawer

yeah, pretty much.
to actually enlighten you as to the state of American politics, that would require a couple of days just to cover the basics...
all you really need to know is that the republicans have embraced fascist authoritarianism, and have used shady means (gerrymandering, illegally manipulating the size and shape of voting districts for unfair advantage) to artificially inflate their presence and influence.
they've spent the past decade packing our judicial system with very VERY sympathetic to their causes judges, and loading their gerrymandered state legislatures with people willing to lie and cheat for them. this all led up to the worst president who has ever been trying to overthrow our government, with the assistance of at least half of the republican party.
now, while they're slowly self immolating, the republican party is thrashing about in pain, and doing as much damage to democracy as it can, while it has the chance. they're trying to obstruct the ongoing investigations by the Department of Justice and the FBI, into their own criminal acts. they're openly planning to use the house as a place to take revenge for slights, both real and imagined.
the democrats, on the other hand, are trying to stop them, are trying to see that justice gets done...but they don't seem to be trying incredibly hard...which many of us find both confusing and highly irritating.
our processes are convoluted and time consuming, and many of them don't actually make a lot of sense in a modern environment...
there, you know what you need to know...republicans = mussolini level fascism, democrats = pro democracy...but apparently not very motivated pro democracy... :(
Yer gonna bum out his trip!
I had a lovely weekend

I was alone for a change

Very relaxing I must say & then I decided that today is a good day for travel

8 grams Preacher mushrooms
Dark room & my favorite pair of Sennheiser headphones
4k projector & a white wall & a well worn sofa

And this on a loop

Anyway, I'm Leo from Wales, not England, & I'm new and curious about the political situation in the USA and I guess I might get some insight here.

Enlighten me because I'm confused

Is it aways this fucked up?

All responses are appreciated.

Amazon brings my copy on the 12th. I just knew they mistreated him because of the preposterous Hewitt connection.


And just like my father accused my younger brother of not being's the recessive genes for blondes/gingers. Diana's brother is a moms fathers family all had flaming red hair. I hate people.

Pleased to meet you!:hug:
yeah, pretty much.
to actually enlighten you as to the state of American politics, that would require a couple of days just to cover the basics...
all you really need to know is that the republicans have embraced fascist authoritarianism, and have used shady means (gerrymandering, illegally manipulating the size and shape of voting districts for unfair advantage) to artificially inflate their presence and influence.
they've spent the past decade packing our judicial system with very VERY sympathetic to their causes judges, and loading their gerrymandered state legislatures with people willing to lie and cheat for them. this all led up to the worst president who has ever been trying to overthrow our government, with the assistance of at least half of the republican party.
now, while they're slowly self immolating, the republican party is thrashing about in pain, and doing as much damage to democracy as it can, while it has the chance. they're trying to obstruct the ongoing investigations by the Department of Justice and the FBI, into their own criminal acts. they're openly planning to use the house as a place to take revenge for slights, both real and imagined.
the democrats, on the other hand, are trying to stop them, are trying to see that justice gets done...but they don't seem to be trying incredibly hard...which many of us find both confusing and highly irritating.
our processes are convoluted and time consuming, and many of them don't actually make a lot of sense in a modern environment...
there, you know what you need to know...republicans = mussolini level fascism, democrats = pro democracy...but apparently not very motivated pro democracy... :(

You know Roger, this can be considered wall of words.
bring attention, don't ever stop...

It's why I keep harping on Social Security, what Trump did (what his potential plans are for the SS Trust Fund) and how so many people quit when Andrew Saul was appointed, having employees refuse eligible recipients. That was already done; they say they're a year behind now- you can, at the very least, double it.

I beg every American to remember this..what would you do if your check just disappeared? It's possible and Trump was moving towards it.
Imagine teaching school kids how to spot bullshit online and not to become suckers! The republicans would go MAD! :lol:

I say the best defense is a good offense, keep the fuckers scrambling and sweating so they don't cause trouble. Elon would be outraged and even George Santos would whine about freedom to fleece. I can see how that curriculum item would cause a lot of controversy at school board meetings where they burn books on a regular basis. I mean they might start teaching civics and actual history next, this truth business is dangerous for the right, and having kids be able to tell shit from silver while their parents can't might be a might embarrassing to some. Likewise history and civics would reveal their parents as racist morons, so would a mindfulness program! :lol:
Imagine teaching school kids how to spot bullshit online and not to become suckers! The republicans would go MAD! :lol:

I say the best defense is a good offense, keep the fuckers scrambling and sweating so they don't cause trouble. Elon would be outraged and even George Santos would whine about freedom to fleece. I can see how that curriculum item would cause a lot of controversy at school board meetings where they burn books on a regular basis. I mean they might start teaching civics and actual history next, this truth business is dangerous for the right, and having kids be able to tell shit from silver while their parents can't might be a might embarrassing to some. Likewise history and civics would reveal their parents as racist morons, so would a mindfulness program! :lol:

I want this so much. It is a topic I try to teach my kid already.

Ancient aliens is marvelous as an example of fake science.
i didn't realize he had. whatever he did, he did between me seeing a pretty tame post, and intersecting Fuck Around and Find Out.

He was probably a sock of notoriety..they have IP addresses that they look for, besides you know he had to be a Rightie; they always come off as Liberals in post #1 and maybe #2..then halfway through #3 the change happens. Telling us name, location? That shit's always suspect.