The Junk Drawer

I had an old beater car that one of the doors would not lock, so I bought this thing called "The Club" that would make it so you couldn't operate the steering wheel.

One evening when I came back to my car, the door was open. I looked inside and somebody had stolen The Club.
oh my. That’s not exactly a product testimonial.

I remember the ads, from the golden age of disco hair.
Don’t buy a Kia unless you want it stolen
I dunno if theft is a big issue around here, is there a systemic issue? It is one of those keyless things and it will probably take me a half hour to figure out how to turn the headlights on! It does have Harmon Kardon speakers though...
I dunno if theft is a big issue around here, is there a systemic issue? It is one of those keyless things and it will probably take me a half hour to figure out how to turn the headlights on! It does have Harmon Kardon speakers though...
It is an issue USA wide

despite it being keyless though you’ll still have people who think it CAN or maybe stolen just because it’s a Kia
So you’ll have broken windows

look upKia boys it’s a huge thing all over the USA
The main issue with it is Kia and Hyundai just don’t give a flying fick
They literally refuse to do anything about it and 13 year old kids are stealing cars witha. USB stick

expect a large class action lawsuit

many Kia parts can’t even be found people arewaiting 6+ plus for just basic windows etc for their kias

I just wouldn’t recommend one given their current issues
Just looked, a simple kill switch under the drivers seat should do the trick, but this one does have an alarm. Figuring out how to wire it in would be the challenge!
They’re kids though who are doing it so they’re stupid
They won’t know it’s not an easy steal until they smash your windows in

it’s just not worth it imho
Thehre taking them to joyride not to actually do anything for parts so they just destroy them

you’re taking a large chance but maybein 2 years it’ll be over
They’re kids though who are doing it so they’re stupid
They won’t know it’s not an easy steal until they smash your windows in

it’s just not worth it imho
Thehre taking them to joyride not to actually do anything for parts so they just destroy them

you’re taking a large chance but maybein 2 years it’ll be over
I'll look into it, but there are not that many kids around this area in semi rural Nova Scotia, but I'll have a look online about local incidents, perhaps in Halifax almost 300 miles away from here on Cape Breton Island. I will also inquire about parts availability when I talk to the dealer. Thanks for the heads up
They’re kids though who are doing it so they’re stupid
They won’t know it’s not an easy steal until they smash your windows in

it’s just not worth it imho
Thehre taking them to joyride not to actually do anything for parts so they just destroy them

you’re taking a large chance but maybein 2 years it’ll be over
Looks like I'm covered by responsible government! ;)

If you’re wondering why you haven’t seen headlines in your Canadian city, it’s because Canada made the anti-theft immobilizers a requirement in all vehicles in 2007.

U.S. owners are not so lucky. “It is unfortunate that criminals are using social media to target vehicles without engine immobilizers in a coordinated effort,” a Kia spokesperson told CNBC.
Looks like I'm covered by responsible government! ;)

If you’re wondering why you haven’t seen headlines in your Canadian city, it’s because Canada made the anti-theft immobilizers a requirement in all vehicles in 2007.

U.S. owners are not so lucky. “It is unfortunate that criminals are using social media to target vehicles without engine immobilizers in a coordinated effort,” a Kia spokesperson told CNBC.
Oh shut I forgot you’re Canadian my bad disregard
Anyways regardless 0/10 stars do not recommend getting your car stolen it ficking sucks
What a headache that shit was

they did 18k+ damage to my brand new 2022 Kia soul that I had for just about a year

Thankfully insurance despite putting me through the ringer paid up and totalled me out gave me a rental etc

but we pay high for our insurance with usaa
But it was supposed to have an immobilisers and didn’t
And Kia is a dick imho
It's not KIA that doesn't give a fuck about you, it is the government! :lol:
Their stance is horrible though they’re leaving to theft and violence and many of the kids can’t actually drive so a few have died doing it

They claim they haven’t don’t anything wrong imho if a 13 year old can take your cars with a usb cord in under 2 mins but no other key cars you did something wrong

they Kia claim no fault but lawsuits are saying otherwise
Their stance is horrible though they’re leaving to theft and violence and many of the kids can’t actually drive so a few have died doing it

They claim they haven’t don’t anything wrong imho if a 13 year old can take your cars with a usb cord in under 2 mins but no other key cars you did something wrong

they Kia claim no fault but lawsuits are saying otherwise
They will use Canadian law as an example of how they can comply easily. I had a look and KIA is not even in the top ten stolen cars here and most thefts are in Ontario. So it's a question of governments making them do it or insurance companies making them.
I see that sunni locked my thread.
