Roger A. Shrubber
Well-Known Member
I will never have one in my house, not even if they gave it to me free of charge.How long will it take before ASTRO becomes ASSHOLE! As in, hey asshole do the dishes, hey asshole take out the trash...
The Future Is Here: Amazon Is Now Selling Astro, An AI Driven Household Robot
This technology may change the face of healthcare delivery at
There is no mic connected to my computers unless i want to talk to someone, my phone goes in my desk drawer when i'm at home, i have no alexa bullshit in my house, anything connected that has a mic gets disconnected or de-mic-ed...I'll be fucked in the middle of main street before i welcome any spy device into my home.
No, I'm not a paranoiac that imagine someone is listening to my every word, but there are devices that catch key words and custom sort ads for you, that organize your news feeds, that customize search engine results....I don't want their suggestions, i don't want to see what they want me to see, I want to see what i'm interested in, ONLY...and my search results are none of goofles fucking business.