The Junk Drawer

Many people will be fucked for life with covid, there is a new strain on the rise, but there will be boosters by September that helps to address it. Even mild cases can lead to permeant consequences and winter is flu and covid season. Getting immunized against the flu and covid can save you and those you may infect a lot of misery, and you never know what disability either illness may leave you with. Tens of millions of vaccines doses given have shown them to be safe and effective, safer than most medications that are advertised on TV. They are not perfect nor a perfect match for the prevailing strain, but they do offer a measure of demonstrated protection.

Many people will be fucked for life with covid, there is a new strain on the rise, but there will be boosters by September that helps to address it. Even mild cases can lead to permeant consequences and winter is flu and covid season. Getting immunized against the flu and covid can save you and those you may infect a lot of misery, and you never know what disability either illness may leave you with. Tens of millions of vaccines doses given have shown them to be safe and effective, safer than most medications that are advertised on TV. They are not perfect nor a perfect match for the prevailing strain, but they do offer a measure of demonstrated protection.

I'm not too worried. You make it sound like this new strain is more dangerous, but that is not true.
I'm not too worried. You make it sound like this new strain is more dangerous, but that is not true.
The point is even a mild case of covid can have long term consequences, so keep the chances to a minimum. There is a lot of herd immunity around both by vaccination and natural infection, covid is not as fatal as in the beginning of the pandemic. The reason the new strain is spreading is that immunity from past vaccinations and natural infections it not as effective and immunity fades with time.

The pandemic is over, it is endemic now and vaccination is optional so make your own choices.
Boy, this is a surprise.

Sports, reading more beneficial to kids’ intelligence than video games: study
Kids who play organized sports and less time on the computer are smarter, according to a new Finnish study.

The study, recently published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, looked at the effects of diet and physical activity on 504 elementary school students over two years.

Researchers found that children who spent more time playing on supervised organized sports teams and reading had better thinking skills than those who did not.

Likewise, researchers also found that children who spent more time on the computer without adult supervision had worse thinking skills.

Research shows that children across the globe are not getting enough exercise. One 2016 study found that 81 percent of children aged 11 to 17 were physically inactive.

The study’s findings add to the existing body of work that points to how physical activity is good for children’s overall health.

Regular physical activity can help build strong bones and muscles while improving heart health among children and adolescents, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Moving around is also good for children’s mental health, with research showing that exercise can reduce anxiety and depression.

In the same study, Finnish researchers also found that diet played a role in children’s thinking.

Researchers found that children who ate less red meat and sausages and drank more low-fat milk had better thinking skills than those who didn’t.