The Pure (from Speedy Seedz) 180 watt ProSource LED : My 1st Real Grow

Hey Solodolo-

Are you letting the soil dry out a little in between waterings, or do you keep em pretty moist? Might be a little overwatered with a little too much nutrients, kinda early to be having defficiency problems. That's my wild guess, but if all the plants are receiving the exact same treatment and only two are stressed...hmmm

Hey Surf- I have been letting the soil dry out before watering again. I do not think I was overwatering if anything I erred on the side of underwatering... could underwatering cause the spots?
I really thought I was watering just right... ugh, I am bummed out because I am trying to do everything right but something has gone awry.
There is also the thought that maybe my well water is shitty- even though we have a water softener and the Ph is neutral... maybe there is excess calcium or iron or something I don't know about because it is well water.
I am going to buy a gallon of distilled water at the grocery store 2morrow- that should be Ph neutral and free of any harmful elements.

I am also double worried because I am leaving for a few days on Spring Break- the babies will be left alone for 3 days... I am going to water thoroughly the day I leave and I hope they are OK when I get home!!
Nothing like worring over sick children! At least the new growth looks alright. Fresh water can't hurt.

It's not just a grow it's an adventure.
Got back late Friday night, around midnight. I was so worried about the babies this early in their development and when i got back they looked pretty bad- very dehydrated. The Pures all looked OK (but still wilted) compared to the Bagseeds. The Bagseeds looked so bad and shriveled up :cry:
The Pure #5 (the last one to pop) is pretty much dead. I guess because it was a baby baby it wasn't able to survive without water for 3 days (even though I watered them all well before I left)
All the new growth is lookin good though- no more Phosphorus deficiency! As far as I can tell, the new distilled bottled water is the key to fixing the problem.

Here are some pictures from Friday night vs Saturday- so y'all can see how much better they look after getting some much needed water and TLC.

Notice how all the Pures look so much better than the Bagseed. The Pure is obviously superior genetically to be able to survive so much better.


Bagseed #3- on Friday 3/12- looking half dead and shriveled up :?


Bagseed #3- on Saturday 3/13- perking up after soaking up so me water overnight (but still not lookin as good as the Pures)


Bagseed #2- Friday- Wilted and fallen over


Bagseed #2- Saturday- standing straight again, the water did wonders!


Bagseed #1- Friday- looking horrible...


Bagseed #1- Saturday, lookin a lil better (notice the Pure in the background looks a lot better)


OK- so that is an update on the really bad Bagseed plants. I will post some pics of the Pures in a bit as well. They look a little rough, but pretty good considering I left them alone for 3 days.
Next time fill up a turkey baster with water and stick it in the soil tip down lol. Damn man, can't believe you saved them that good, mad props.
Next time fill up a turkey baster with water and stick it in the soil tip down lol. Damn man, can't believe you saved them that good, mad props.

Thanks Reel! Dude- I am so surprised they are all recovering nicely although I am sure this will stunt their growth and potential. Thanks for the tip on the turkey baster, I've never heard that before. I considered getting those Aqua Globe things that are supposed to automatically water, but then I thought they might overwater- have you heard of anyone using those? It prolly works the same as the baster though.
About how tall are your Lemon Babies right now?:weed:
Party boy is back, right on, how was the break?

So ya think the well water is no good? Only distilled from here on out?
Thanks Reel! Dude- I am so surprised they are all recovering nicely although I am sure this will stunt their growth and potential. Thanks for the tip on the turkey baster, I've never heard that before. I considered getting those Aqua Globe things that are supposed to automatically water, but then I thought they might overwater- have you heard of anyone using those? It prolly works the same as the baster though.
About how tall are your Lemon Babies right now?:weed:

I don't know anybody using those, but I got the idea one night, watching infomercials blazed, you know. You could prolly rig a drip emitter by putting a pin sized hole in the cap of a small water bottle. I hope they don't get too messed up, let them recover in veg for a while man.
Party boy is back, right on, how was the break?

So ya think the well water is no good? Only distilled from here on out?

Yo Surf- the break was cool- I needed a vacation form work.

I am pretty sure, like 90%, that the well water had either calcium or sodium and was bonding to and leaching the Phosphorous out of the soil so that the plants couldn't get any. All the new growth is looking good with no yellowing/browning on the leaves- so keep your fingers crossed that the distilled water solves that problem :cool:
Next week it will be one month since I germed these babies and wow, time flies when you are having fun!

So, the Bagseeds are starting to smell (yum!) and the Pure has no odor yet that I can tell.

Everything is rebounding nicely after the previous fiasco during Spring Break.

I repotted all of them except Pure #5 which might not die after all. I am using Plantable Pots made from that Coco fiber stuff, so when I drop the smaller pot into a larger one, the roots will grow right through into the larger pot. This is supposed to save your plants from stress during the pot transfer phase.

Pics of the girls in their 'new deluxe apartment in the sky' aka a bigger pot.


THE PURE #1- all the new growth is nice and green, no symptoms of Phosphorus deficiency.


THE PURE #4- notice the far left side leaf- this is the old (P) deficiency- it is a grayish yellow color on the tip of the leaf. The new growth is lookin' good though.


OK- so that's an update with the Pures and to show the repotting. The next post is going to be the miraculous rebound of the bagseeds. :weed:
As posted earlier, I was gone for 3 days and it took it's toll on the Bagseeds the worse. The Pures didn't seem to mind I was gone that long- they needed water but not as much as the Bagseeds did.
As of today, the Bagseeds are making a full recovery!

Here are some before and after pictures:

Bagseed #1 from Friday night: Looking so bad


Bagseed #1 today on Monday: WOW! What a difference! (Notice the leaf on the far left with the (P) deficiency. But the other new growth is nice and green.


Bagseed #2 from Friday night: wilted and sad


Bagseed #2 from today on Monday: looking happy and growing nicely


I am soooo fuckin' happy nothing died and everything is coming back to life! :clap:
What do y'all think?
Good save. Amazing what plants can recover from!

I like your closet Reel, only got shit I don't wear in mines.
They'll definately come back no worse for the wear. Check out my clones man they were starting to go completely yellow and there was standing water on the tall one and it started to rot. 1 week later they recieved some fertilizer and are going strong. Gotta plan your vacations better, at least you didn't let someone watch em lol. I've done that a few times and your more likely to have dead plants than if you just leave em. plus you gotta tell someone your growing than they expect you to hook em up and all that if they somehow live. Anyways those aqua globes woulda done you good but bigger plants can do better than small ones.

Get back on the saddle can't wait to see these skunk #1 buds.
They'll definately come back no worse for the wear. Check out my clones man they were starting to go completely yellow and there was standing water on the tall one and it started to rot. 1 week later they recieved some fertilizer and are going strong. Gotta plan your vacations better, at least you didn't let someone watch em lol. I've done that a few times and your more likely to have dead plants than if you just leave em. plus you gotta tell someone your growing than they expect you to hook em up and all that if they somehow live. Anyways those aqua globes woulda done you good but bigger plants can do better than small ones.

Get back on the saddle can't wait to see these skunk #1 buds.

Yeah man- I saw your clones are coming back strong, nice!
I am too paranoid to ask anyone to watch them- :shock: LOL :shock:

Live and Learn, right. Hopefully by the end of this journey I will have a fat sack of bud and a green thumb :weed:

I am still planning on flowering the weakest ones early, since I am low on bud. I am going to give them until next week to recover first though.
Well, the plants have been through a lot. Mostly I have had trouble with their water- I found out that using softened water is a giant NO NO. So, I switched to distilled water. Then I found out that drinking water is actually better. So... I am going to buy gallons of plain ol drinking water instead of distilled water, and use that.
In order to correct any deficiencies the plants have I watered with a Epsom Salt solution as recommended in the Grow Bible. I put 1 teaspoon of Epsom Salt in a Half Gallon jug- shook it up real good, and then watered with it last night. I also sprayed the foliage with a 2% Epsom Salt solution, also a suggestion in the Grow Bible. Hopefully the Epsom Salt will help correct whatever is going on.
It is very plain to see that The Pure are more touchy than the Bagseed when it comes to showing deficiencies in their leaves.

Luckily, the plants are still growing quite well. Only the Pure #4 is the smallest of the bunch. Right now they are all about 3.5" tall (measured from the top of the soil up) They are not very tall at all right now, but they are growing some nice growth underneath their original fan leaves.

Here are some Pics:

This was just a Badass picture that I really like because of the LED purple glow vs the green foliage.
This is Bagseed #2 on 3/16/2010


Then to show how much growing it is doing, here is the same plant 2 days later on 3/18/2010. Notice how the middle set of leaves has grown so much and opened up :mrgreen:

And then, also with this Bagseed #2, the weirdest thing- check out the center leaf of the 5- it has split into 2 'heads'... the bottom is still one leaf but for some reason it split at the top. I guess these things just happen? This pic is from 3.19.2010

Here is a pic of all the plants just chillin on 3/18/2010

Here they are on 3/21/2010- showing more veg growth everyday :blsmoke:
You can also see the Pure #4 here not doing as well as the others. She is stunted and her bottom leaves are showing deficiencies like mad.

Here is the nice undergrowth they are all showing now. Taken today on 3/21/2010

AND FINALLY, I added some CFLs to aid in the Vegetative growth. I have a power strip with 4 x 32 watt (100 watt equiv) 6500k spectrum on the right side
and on the left I have a clamp light with another 32 watt 6500k CFL. I wanted to put 2 in the clamp but they would not fit.
Here is a pic of the whole set-up; 32 w clamp on left, 180 w UFO on top, and 4 x 32 w on the right. The plants are responding well to the added the CFLs. So I am glad I added them. The LED UFO was growing them just fine but the CFLs seem to have boosted their growth even more.
Nice new growth! That picture is cool with the purples and greens. That leaf is really weird too never seen one like that. One weird thing on my colombian is the first true set of leaves I got were actually 2 or 3 leaves never just single blades. Good luck bro they look to fbe doing fine givin the circumstance.
Hey DoloDude-

The LED shots are fukn nice! Can't wait to get some indoor going!!

I put my Pure in soil on 2/28 and uplanted her today since she is a girl!:-P

Took a couple of pics today of my grow stuff, hope you don't mind if i show ya.

1) Pure on the right with a Fem DNA La Woman on the left that is the same age but used different soil mixes

2) Top of my little baby haze

3) Where it grows down

Keep up the good work man! It only gets better.:bigjoint:


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