The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


Well-Known Member
As opposed to tools like you, who fuck themselves??? Keep voting against your own self interest and you'll get more of the same. Your way of government manipulation doesn't work. Too bad your head is so far up your ass you can't see it.

I understand you are a worthless and can't take care of yourself but why do we have to take care of you? You smell and you're too ignorant to have an intelligent conversation. What good are you? It's not the peoples job, THROUGH government FORCE, to take care of you. If you want to force me to take care of you guarantee you I won't do a good job of it because I don't like talking piles of horseshit.
Knowing this because we know government cannot do the job as efficiently as the private sector, why do you want to give yourself below average results? Is it because you are too stupid to know better?
what suddenly smells like bengay?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
That is like a doctor, who is treating a lung cancer patient to "try cigars instead of cigarettes.". We've been trying YOUR way for a century or so and it has failed, it's time to seek a new direction.
It's been successful for a century and you want to throw it out for something that doesn't even make logical sense.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Without tracking the quotes and suffering short-term memory loss, i would think we are speaking on the Fed?
No. The idea of increasing spending during a recession, cutting spending during strong economic times. It's been tried and tested by everyone from FDR to Reagan. We haven't had an outcry to cut spending during a recession since 1937.


King Tut
i bet your finances work the exact same as the federal government and that you don't feel foolish at all for the naivete of your statement.
Not naive at all imo. If i don't have money i don't spend it. Reasonable, not naive. The larger the dollar amount, the more important to spend wisely.


Well-Known Member
you missed the point or purposely avoided it.

your personal finances work nothing like any government.

thus, your point is moot.


King Tut
aren't you collecting unemployment?
Yep. And less than i have paid in thus far. So yes, i'm reclaiming my money that i would've/could've invested on my own.

Has nothing to do with how i handle my finances other than to prove that i'm doing so on a small income.


Well-Known Member
Yep. And less than i have paid in thus far. So yes, i'm reclaiming my money that i would've/could've invested on my own.

Has nothing to do with how i handle my finances other than to prove that i'm doing so on a small income.
ah, yet another ron paul supporter depending on entitlements and the social safety net.



Well-Known Member
Depending on? No. Collecting my due money? Yep :)

See how tax robbery begets entitlement?
you are using the social safety net.

you should just get a job.

if you really believed in the power of the free market, you would refuse that money and quit perpetuating the utility of the social safety net, ie, government intervention and wealth redistribution.


Well-Known Member
No. He doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell.
he's STILL pulling a scant 5-7% in polls.

only behind cain, bachmann, romney, palin, and perry. huckabee would also be ahead of him if he was in there.

looks like i was being kind when i joked about him being in a 3 way tie for fourth. he is choice #6 or 7 :lol: