The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


King Tut
What the hell? Leaving the middle east is somehow to the "left" of Obama?
Has anyone questioned WHY he's pulling troops? Y'all know that US militry troops are being deployed domestically right? Natural disaster response? Unlikely in some of the areas they've been observed.


Well-Known Member
[obligatory jon huntsman video]

This guy is really impressive. IMO he could beat Obama in a general election if unemployment stays high.
as i told my wife earlier:

he is mormon, and thus, like romney, can appreciate religious freedom and knows how to express it (ie, no muslim bashing)

he said he would respect the ny law allowing gay marriage, a positive sign for anyone on the gop ticket.

overall, he seems to be the best they have so far, besides gary johnson.


Well-Known Member
Anyone ever see the political cartoon that goes something along the lines of " Enter Slogan"- This years political candidate 2012. I think this sums up the truth about the people we put on pedestals in this country! It's shallow and a big cloud of smoke! Think for yourself, do for yourself and quit letting others fuck everything up for you and me!

bongsmilie:mrgreen: Smoke- Be Happy-Live Life
You know, Ron Paul is the only politician I can think of who is honest about what he wants. Ron Paul votes against things he personally believes are good morally because he realizes that Liberty is the most important thing that one can have. As far as him not have the courage of his convictions - I don't think even the left thinks he will change if he was president. Ron Paul is one person who is honest and forthright, never changing his position in almost 40 years of being a politician. You can disagree with his views. You can think he might not help or even make things worse. However, it is disingenuous to say he is 'just another politician'. Ron Paul, whether right or wrong, is definitely a man who stands by his beliefs and I think is willing to die for them and will never sell out.


Well-Known Member
as i told my wife earlier:

he is mormon, and thus, like romney, can appreciate religious freedom and knows how to express it (ie, no muslim bashing)

he said he would respect the ny law allowing gay marriage, a positive sign for anyone on the gop ticket.

overall, he seems to be the best they have so far, besides gary johnson.
Wouldn't Ron Paul respect that same NY law allowing gay marriage?


Well-Known Member
as i told my wife earlier:

he is mormon, and thus, like romney, can appreciate religious freedom and knows how to express it (ie, no muslim bashing)

he said he would respect the ny law allowing gay marriage, a positive sign for anyone on the gop ticket.

overall, he seems to be the best they have so far, besides gary johnson.
Does Ron Paul bash Muslims?


Well-Known Member
Does Ron Paul bash Muslims?
actually, that is one thing i will commend him for. he stood up for the muslims who wanted to build a mosque on their own property near ground zero.

but his other issues are well-documented and discussed, so i won't get into them here. let's just say i don't want a turtle fucker as president.


Well-Known Member
actually, that is one thing i will commend him for. he stood up for the muslims who wanted to build a mosque on their own property near ground zero.

but his other issues are well-documented and discussed, so i won't get into them here. let's just say i don't want a turtle fucker as president.
He stands up for everyone. Gay, Black, Muslim -- everyone is treated the same by Ron Paul.


Well-Known Member
there is not one politician that is worth the air they breathe
The only one I have any respect for is Ron Paul - at least he is honest. Most of our politicians can't even go 3-4 years without doing something horrible like taking bribes or stuffing cigars in some twats twat. Ron Paul has almost 40 years of honesty and integrity. He tries to do what he says he is going to. He might not succeed, but he doesn't go and completely turn around. Whether you agree with him or not on the issues, at least he is honest.


Well-Known Member
He stands up for black people so much he thinks ending slavery and giving them civil rights was a mistake.
That is incorrect, or at best a veiled attempt to create another Strawman that would be easily defeated. Most people would call you dishonest.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't...Ron paul actually said he wouldn't have done either
Prove Dr Paul wants slaves and no civil rights for black people. Knock yourself out, the best you will do is find Dr Paul not agreeing with the federal overstepping that was given in the Civil rights ACT. Remember he was against the ACT, not the civil rights.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
That is incorrect, or at best a veiled attempt to create another Strawman that would be easily defeated. Most people would call you dishonest.
It's not dishonest at all. It's 100% clearly stated fact. Ron Paul has said on the record many times that he opposed the ending of slavery and the civil rights act. It's now dishonest to correctly state Ron Paul's opinion just because it makes him look bad? Wow. That's worse than the claim that posting something that contradicts Ron Paul = spam.