The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

Who the fuck determines what marriage means? Perhaps this meaning of marriage is the reason why divorce rates are skyrocketing? Marriage is love and commitment in life to a partner for life. Nothing more, nothing less.

Words have no meaning until humans give it meaning. Bigotry doesn't exist unless we choose to be bigots. Finally, ignorance doesn't exist unless we choose to be ignorant. Stop choosing to be an ignorant bigot.

Those were good ol' days for you, while homosexuals were committing suicide because the world considered them freaks. Be proud of a persons individualism and freedom to express their own selves in what ever way they choose.

What can be more important than a matter of personal freedom and a right to choose the direction of your own personal life? Money? Cars? Foreign exchange? Who to bomb next? What slut I'm going to get herpes from next? Choose your priorities carefully, because your priorities can avoid you and affect someone else now, and come back to haunt you later.

Lastly, why is it that when you defend homosexuals, you are labeled gay? Why the fuck does it matter if you are labeled gay if you are not? I have found that in most cases the people who are most opposed to homosexuals, and have the most drastic reaction to the premise of them being gay, are actually hiding something deep down inside.
They are GAY!
You sound like some sheltered little girl who has actually never known any body who is gay!
Go cry on someones shoulder if you are that offended.
I have lived in places where there are hundreds of gays. Guess what? they will straight tell you they are gay.
Get real and piss off.
Repeat: Civil war had little to do with slavery. Slavery was not in danger. This is a FACT that is not and cannot be denied by anyone with any knowledge of the war and time. Continuing to do so is retarded.

But it ended slavery? lol. You can repeat that all you want, it's still not true.

The anti-slavery states were not strong enough to get rid of slavery.

But they did get rid of slavery successfully? lol

I dunno man. You can try to rewrite history all you want, but you're clearly full of shit. You're making statements that are outright false. If you want to continue to lie to yourself, that's up to you I guess.
Once again, the North could not outlaw slavery due to amendments being a certain #'s of votes and therefor couldn't outlaw slavery and had no chance of getting it outlawed. Just google congress at that time. Also, what part of S Carolina was dispelling forces of a foreign country from its land did you not get. The north was given 5 months to leave peacefully and refused. Look at the circumstances around it . It would be about the same as the US attacking an English fort that refused to vacate after having seceded. No difference. Secession was not illegal as the Constitution did not give the Fed Gov the right to make it illegal. You never went to school did you? S Carolina told the Federal Gov to leave and they refused and started to send more troops and supplies.

First off, lets call the north it's real name. The united states of America. The confederacy wasn't a real country. It was a large group trying to undermine the results of a democratic election. The south tried to leave the US and less than a month after attacked an American military base.

I don't know where you got this warped view of history in your head, but it's a complete falsehood.
They are GAY!
You sound like some sheltered little girl who has actually never known any body who is gay!
Go cry on someones shoulder if you are that offended.
I have lived in places where there are hundreds of gays. Guess what? they will straight tell you they are gay.
Get real and piss off.

Statement #1: So?
Statement #2: False.
Statement #3: The only offense I am taking is that people are so fucking stupid and I am embarrassed to be of the same species as you.
Statement #4: Again, so? Why can't they 'straight up tell you' that they are gay? You would probably 'straight up tell me' that you are straight. Right?????
Statement #5: The only person who needs a dose of reality is the ignorant self indulged moron who just told me to piss off.
Statement #1: So?
Statement #2: False.
Statement #3: The only offense I am taking is that people are so fucking stupid and I am embarrassed to be of the same species as you.
Statement #4: Again, so? Why can't they 'straight up tell you' that they are gay? You would probably 'straight up tell me' that you are straight. Right?????
Statement #5: The only person who needs a dose of reality is the ignorant self indulged moron who just told me to piss off.

I don't need to tell you weather im gay or not, that's none of your god damn business, and i don't see the point of you dragging that into the conversation...
You are pulling this in a direction that makes no sense.
That's right, man gives the definition to words your absolutely correct, but
who are we as man, to keep rewriting and perverting definitions for every minority group out there in the name of equality?
Things like this and colored people (which we all are colored) want equality so they started hate crimes.
How often do you think that a white guy would press hate crime charges (which are a federal offense, phssh) on a black guy who was prejudice against whitey?
These matters are hypocrisies and are usually made one way streets.
So if i go beat the living fuck out of my neighbor, because i HATE his parties that he throws till three in the morning keeping my ass awake, is that not a hate crime regardless of color?
Gays can do whatever they want its their personal business. They can have legal unity, because if they want something that man and woman get, called "marriage", it shouldn't be called marriage for gays.
I told you they blatantly say that they are gay, because it seemed you had a problem with me calling them gays, so im only labeling appropriately.
again how was this taken out of context...I pointed Rosewood massacre as an example of why some blacks didn't do this and you just type another long winded bunch of nonsense...UB use it as a sig.and you claim its wrong...WTF.. get a pair.... either stand up for what you say or don't say it.

And that post was valid and to the point. In the context of the post it means what it was supposed to mean. My response, if you recall, is that I know of Rosewood and that Rosewood was a failure of the government to protect the people of Rosewood. On one hand you pretend like there was absolutely no way blacks could of risen above slavery without the civil rights act.

Didn't you use Rosewood as an example of what I said blacks could do? Didn't they do exactly that and do it right? They were attacked for it, but that attack doesn't mean that what they were doing in Rosewood was wrong. They were free men/women/children who were doing nothing wrong, what happened to them was horrible and illegal regardless of which race they were. The CRA would not of stopped it from happening, there were already laws about murdering people on the books that applied to everyone. If you read those three sentences as I wrote them, together as a thought and an explanation for it, it is quite obvious that I mean segregation by the government is wrong because the Government has to represent all people equally. However, the individual has the right to be whoever and whatever they want to be as long as they aren't causing harm to anyone else. Once again, harm and refusing to help are not the same thing. You might do good to remember that having an emotional response to something doesn't make it the right response.

Blacks could of went and bought land somewhere and started their own city that didn't outlaw blacks in the front of the bus, or gave them a better selection of shopping. As a person you don't have an obligation to other people to treat them all the same. The government does have that obligation, but the people do not. Thus the difference between a public business(A government owned/run business) vs a private business(An individually owned business)

Also, I didn't say that out of the blue, we were having a conversation about private property. This is quite plainly about private property vs public property.

UB's quote it there as an attack on me in his eyes, and nothing more. You can not lift a single sentence from a lengthy post and keep it in context. To do so is to be disingenuous.
First off, lets call the north it's real name. The united states of America. The confederacy wasn't a real country. It was a large group trying to undermine the results of a democratic election. The south tried to leave the US and less than a month after attacked an American military base.

I don't know where you got this warped view of history in your head, but it's a complete falsehood.

You have a very twisted idea of what the United States was and is. When a country splits in half and goes to war, it is not the Country vs a Rebellion. It is the Government vs the People. Or do you only believe that when it happens in places like Libya?

The States joined the Union voluntarily, and nothing in the constitution said they had to stay in the Union, so they left. Also, keep in mind that 'attack of a US military base" had no casualties. You can agree or disagree, but you are still wrong. I sincerely think you should read about the causes of the Civil War so that you have some ability to debate about it. Your version of the Civil War's causes is a lot like a murderers version of why he killed someone. One sided since the other side is dead.

The USA was simply what the states entered into and agreed to let the Federal Government deal with its external relations. The constitution still leaves the states their sovereignty.
Yes, Dan doesn't nderstand or doesn't want to acknowledge the principles of Federalism by which the country was created. But that is typical of modern day liberalism.

It is a good measure as to how bizarre and out of touch with the realities of this Universe we are when we, as creatures of reason, allow feelings and genital pleasuring habits to become political. WTF! we are a bizarre and doomed entity.

3:33 - This is your racist Ron Paul - Hah

Ron Paul defends and fights for poor black people at the heart of the struggle each day and understands their struggle with racism, black and latino leaders everywhere stand behind Ron Paul because they understand how Dr Paul speaks the truth and backs the people 100% of the time.

"Instead of a war on poverty, we got a war on drugs so the police can bother me" -Tupac

If you numbskulls would get it through your head you'd realize the war on drugs is at the heart of racism today in America, ending this war will go a long way in racial relations.

Now without further ado, please do continue your debate against common effin sense, freedom, and humanitarianism....goodluck to you in your arguments for tyranny..
You have a very twisted idea of what the United States was and is. When a country splits in half and goes to war, it is not the Country vs a Rebellion. It is the Government vs the People. Or do you only believe that when it happens in places like Libya?

The States joined the Union voluntarily, and nothing in the constitution said they had to stay in the Union, so they left. Also, keep in mind that 'attack of a US military base" had no casualties. You can agree or disagree, but you are still wrong. I sincerely think you should read about the causes of the Civil War so that you have some ability to debate about it. Your version of the Civil War's causes is a lot like a murderers version of why he killed someone. One sided since the other side is dead.

The USA was simply what the states entered into and agreed to let the Federal Government deal with its external relations. The constitution still leaves the states their sovereignty.

Forget Principles, concepts and documented facts..... only feelings and personal desires are reality to some folk around here.
I'm so glad I joined RIU to find out that the Civil War had nothing to do with slavery...and that slaves would have eventually been set free, they should just have been more patient:cry:...and blacks in the 20,30,40,50,and 60's could of went and bought land somewhere and started their own city that didn't outlaw blacks in the front of the bus, or gave them a better selection of shopping :shock: ( just curious as to why they should have to move in order to do this in a free country, but hey what does that matter they should have just moved....hmmmmmm but to where ???? I guess back to Africa)...yup RIU political section has really taught me alot about the thinking of people in the USA :dunce:...
I'm so glad I joined RIU to find out that the Civil War had nothing to do with slavery...and that slaves would have eventually been set free, they should just have been more patient:cry:...and blacks in the 20,30,40,50,and 60's could of went and bought land somewhere and started their own city that didn't outlaw blacks in the front of the bus, or gave them a better selection of shopping :shock: ( just curious as to why they should have to move in order to do this in a free country, but hey what does that matter they should have just moved....hmmmmmm but to where ???? I guess back to Africa)...yup RIU political section has really taught me alot about the thinking of people in the USA :dunce:...
to be fair its also pretty sad that you believe Ron Paul is a racist...
I'm so glad I joined RIU to find out that the Civil War had nothing to do with slavery...and that slaves would have eventually been set free, they should just have been more patient:cry:...and blacks in the 20,30,40,50,and 60's could of went and bought land somewhere and started their own city that didn't outlaw blacks in the front of the bus, or gave them a better selection of shopping :shock: ( just curious as to why they should have to move in order to do this in a free country, but hey what does that matter they should have just moved....hmmmmmm but to where ???? I guess back to Africa)...yup RIU political section has really taught me alot about the thinking of people in the USA :dunce:...

the jews had something like this going called "shtetls".

it made them sitting ducks comes WWII. the nazis were more easily able to wipe them out. :shock:

basically, the suggestion from carthosis is "go segregate yourself". his rights to treat them as inferior citizens reigns supreme.
Carthoris speaks like a bigot....Hopefully his kind will die off and fade away soon, so this country can get to the place where we all treat others with kindness and respect...People are not born racist or a bigot that shit is taught, so we really have to blame his parents, but its up to the person to stop the "passing down" to the next generation...
I'm so glad I joined RIU to find out that the Civil War had nothing to do with slavery...and that slaves would have eventually been set free, they should just have been more patient:cry:...and blacks in the 20,30,40,50,and 60's could of went and bought land somewhere and started their own city that didn't outlaw blacks in the front of the bus, or gave them a better selection of shopping :shock: ( just curious as to why they should have to move in order to do this in a free country, but hey what does that matter they should have just moved....hmmmmmm but to where ???? I guess back to Africa)...yup RIU political section has really taught me alot about the thinking of people in the USA :dunce:...
Some people only hear what they want and have a hard time thinking with only there dicks or bleeding hearts.

YOur hearing only what you want. YOu can't seem to be objective about much.

To say the civil war was only about slavery is silly and to say it had nothing to do with slavery is equally silly. I don't think anyone (at least not me) is claiming the civil war had nothing to do with slavery.

Let me put thin into perspective.

The Re-pubicans claim the war(s) is about terrorism and 9-11
The Demon-crats claim it's about Capitalist expansion and occupation.

But we both know it's about American interest and not much more. Everything else is a red herring. We want cheap oil and the only way to do that is to make sure we control the middle east.

The Civil War was about The American Union interest.....Nothing more. Was Slavery a huge issue? Yes, but so is Terrorism. 100 years from now the writers of history will whitewash the war and it will be about Terrorism and Capitalist Exploitation.... Not America's OIL interest.

I, and others, are just pointing out the driving forces behind the War not the outcome.

WE have to get past our emotions about history otherwise we will not understand it and will be doomed to repeat it...... It is happening right now.

The ONly one to stop the inevitable is.....
Wait for it....... Wait for it...... RON PAUL 2012 LOL
to be fair its also pretty sad that you believe Ron Paul is a racist...

do me a favor and pull my quote where I say he is racist...I said his "ideas" on property rights would have the government sanction discrimination and racism...His way would allow me to tell every white person to get the hell out my laundromats ( I WOULD NEVER DO THIS just using it as example)...His idea would allow whites to again deny blacks at a lunch say it would not happen, but when you forget the past you are doomed to repeat HELL NO TO RON PAUL
Some people only hear what they want and have a hard time thinking with only there dicks or bleeding hearts.

YOur hearing only what you want. YOu can't seem to be objective about much.

To say the civil war was only about slavery is silly and to say it had nothing to do with slavery is equally silly. I don't think anyone (at least not me) is claiming the civil war had nothing to do with slavery.

Let me put thin into perspective.

The Re-pubicans claim the war(s) is about terrorism and 9-11
The Demon-crats claim it's about Capitalist expansion and occupation.

But we both know it's about American interest and not much more. Everything else is a red herring. We want cheap oil and the only way to do that is to make sure we control the middle east.

The Civil War was about The American Union interest.....Nothing more. Was Slavery a huge issue? Yes, but so is Terrorism. 100 years from now the writers of history will whitewash the war and it will be about Terrorism and Capitalist Exploitation.... Not America's OIL interest.

I, and others, are just pointing out the driving forces behind the War not the outcome.

WE have to get past our emotions about history otherwise we will not understand it and will be doomed to repeat it...... It is happening right now.

The ONly one to stop the inevitable is.....
Wait for it....... Wait for it...... RON PAUL 2012 LOL

Dude what I said was SLAVERY WAS A MAJOR PART IN THE CIVIL WAR...others say it was not...don't tell me what I don't I need to show the qoutes of what people have said ????
do me a favor and pull my quote where I say he is racist...I said his "ideas" on property rights would have the government sanction discrimination and racism...His way would allow me to tell every white person to get the hell out my laundromats ( I WOULD NEVER DO THIS just using it as example)...His idea would allow whites to again deny blacks at a lunch say it would not happen, but when you forget the past you are doomed to repeat HELL NO TO RON PAUL
Oh so because of some wild doomsday scenario conspiracy theory you want to continue the war on drugs, on old peoples bank accounts, and on the middle east, why am I not surprised, your just like dan. Dr Pauls Humanitarian philosophy would not allow for your crazy scenario, he would not stand for something like racism as he fights against racism all of his career, nor would the american people stand for such racism. Your conspiracy theory is absolutely ridiculous.