The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


Well-Known Member
I run a business, I see who comes to wash at my places...WTF do you even know my clientele...HELL NO....I would say 10-15% of my business would be banned if I was allowed to do what Ron Paul said is my right...I would never do something so evil merely using it as an example...I make great profits now..and believe me I would still make a profit if I did that...Now if I didn't let mexicans wash I would have a problem, but not if I banned white people...just giving you an example of how fuck up Ron Pauls "idea" could get...
Even 10-15% would be bad business model. My point is people wouldn't ban folks from giving them money because they are running a business. Slavery and Segregated South examples don't apply because they are something entirely different. YOu can deny it all you want it just make you look like a partisan.


King Tut
Carthoris I don't bother to read your shit anymore...your thinking is somewhat of a bigot..Still waiting for you to explain the statement you made that UB uses as his sig. When you made that asinine statement back then I pointed out Rosewood as an example of the cruelty that others did when Blacks did just as you claimed they should have done...You always claiming how well traveled you are, but I fail to see it at all for you still seem to be rather ignorant and travels usually brings some sort of knowledge and understanding of people...
Not taking any side here or judging any position. Simply adding in a little historical context to the quote/sig topic. Carthoris stated that he mis-spoke, which i have done in my time as well, as we all have.

i have done a decent amount of work in Allensworth, Ca. so the discussion made the community come to mind.


Well-Known Member
really? awww, schucks.

i was doing that solely to impress you, not because i was responding to another poster or anything.

it was only to impress you, end of story.

and i failed. :(

and also, gays are immoral :dunce:
What a Maroon..... You and your Gay thing again. Don't care if you think homosexuality is immoral.... Either way it none of my business, the states or the Federal Governments. Enough with your gay stuff already.


Well-Known Member
again you think God gives you rights...I don't....nothing to not understand there....Tell me what rights God gave you...
what if you don't believe in god or are agnostic?

does god give you the right to not believe in him?

i think that is why they said 'creator'. more vague and open to interpretation.

my creator could be my mother, god, or flying spaghetti monster.

whatever the case, the point is that i HAVE those rights, and government is simply the insurance policy on those rights.


Well-Known Member
What a Maroon..... You and your Gay thing again. Don't care if you think homosexuality is immoral.... Either way it none of my business, the states or the Federal Governments. Enough with your gay stuff already.
so, it is not the responsibility of the state or fed gov to ensure equality for all?



King Tut
It is MY responsibility to provide equality and freedom for ME and the same applies to the rest of you. ALL of you. We SHOULDN'T need baby-sitters or "enforcers".

i sure as hell don't, how about you?


Well-Known Member
Even 10-15% would be bad business model. My point is people wouldn't ban folks from giving them money because they are running a business. Slavery and Segregated South examples don't apply because they are something entirely different. YOu can deny it all you want it just make you look like a partisan.
I agree turning away money is stupid but to say that no one would do it is just as stupid...A racist wouldn't care that he lost a few bucks from some race he hates and didn't want his kind in his store especially if he/she still turning a profit...and I love how you tell me don't use the south as an example...Damn now I'm suppose to forget the past WTF.. again do you think that no one would not use Ron Paul's idea as a guise for racism..not one ????really


King Tut
Back to the Allensworth thing.

When speaking to long-time residents back in 2000-2002 they ALL(that i met) told me that before the Civil Rights movement, the place was a black man's heaven. Community garden, their own justice(drunks and petty crooks had to work in the town as punishment because taking them from their families over such petty offenses was, well, just plain immoral and wrong, according to one resident), their own churches, etc.

Everyone let them have their little piece of America and gave them no problems when they interacted. But then the Civil Rights movement started and they became a target for those that had previously let them do their own thing until they felt that their rights were being infringed upon. The old time residents would have rather let things remain the way they were. As it stands, it is now a State Historical site after having been basically killed off by the Civil Rights movement. Ironic isn't it?


Well-Known Member
Not taking any side here or judging any position. Simply adding in a little historical context to the quote/sig topic. Carthoris stated that he mis-spoke, which i have done in my time as well, as we all have.

i have done a decent amount of work in Allensworth, Ca. so the discussion made the community come to mind.
ummm when the fuck did he say he me the quote...seems like you taking sides if you can't find the qoute where he said he misspoke


Well-Known Member
I agree turning away money is stupid but to say that no one would do it is just as stupid...A racist wouldn't care that he lost a few bucks from some race he hates and didn't want his kind in his store especially if he/she still turning a profit...and I love how you tell me don't use the south as an example...Damn now I'm suppose to forget the past WTF.. again do you think that no one would not use Ron Paul's idea as a guise for racism..not one ????really
YOUr scenario is possible but not to plausible.

So because theres a hypothetical possibility that a backwoods hick or HArlem brother might deny his services to someone he don't like mean we should hand over power to the Feds to determine what I can do with my private property?

Then there really in no private property rights here in America?
Do you believe in property rights?


Well-Known Member
It is MY responsibility to provide equality and freedom for ME and the same applies to the rest of you. ALL of you. We SHOULDN'T need baby-sitters or "enforcers".

i sure as hell don't, how about you?
Dude no man is an island and no man stands alone...your freedom is protected by our military...which branch did you serve in ????


Well-Known Member
UB you stopp looking for that document because it don't exist. Just move on you'll never find it. UNless you just make one up like a good little lefty.


Well-Known Member
YOUr scenario is possible but not to plausible.

So because theres a hypothetical possibility that a backwoods hick or HArlem brother might deny his services to someone he don't like mean we should hand over power to the Feds to determine what I can do with my private property?

Then there really in no private property rights here in America?
Do you believe in property rights?
not if it violates a person civil rights....again if you want to be private ..just open your buisness as a private club...problem fixed..then you can deny who ever the hell you want...


Well-Known Member
Sorry, not mis-spoke. Taken out of context sir. BTW, read your post above and then my post below.
ok seems like you know what he was trying to say so you explain it...
Blacks could of went and bought land somewhere and started their own city that didn't outlaw blacks in the front of the bus, or gave them a better selection of shopping. As a person you don't have an obligation to other people to treat them all the same. The government does have that obligation, but the people do not. Thus the difference between a public business(A government owned/run business) vs a private business(An individually owned business)
Tell me how this was taken out of context when this country back then was the way it was...??? and as a person I treat all the same until they show me why I SHOULD NOT...but I guess your gods who give you guys rights teaches you something different...


Well-Known Member
not if it violates a person civil rights....again if you want to be private ..just open your buisness as a private club...problem fixed..then you can deny who ever the hell you want...
HUH? this doesn't make sense and the civil right movement had nothing to do with my property. The Government has no legal right to regulate private property and my not selling something to someone because I don't like them has nothing to do with "civil rights".

you have to think these things through London.... You don't really make any sense.