As imperfect as they are, they should work okay... For testing purposes, it might be easier to let your ON time be longer just so you're eyes can see a little better. That first nozzle is similar to the issues I had, but one literally shot out a straight stream as if it'd missed the impingement needle all together!
Yeah, I don't know why I left it at the .2 second interval to shoot the video, I guess I wasn't thinking... haha.. Anyway, I'll listen to you guys, but I haveta say I just can't shake the feeling in my gut that with all the steps and measures taken to control the pressure, flow, droplet size, and placement of the nozzles that this won't be more of an issue. It just seems to me that the nozzle output is what all that builds up to and these nozzles are just dropping the ball where it matters most. In my mind I shouldn't be able to just "bend the impingement pin slightly" to adjust for the specific droplet size we're striving for.
All that being said, I'm no expert by any means so I'm going to give these a whirl since they've proven themselves with the veterans

However, while I'm running the setup, I'll definitely be searching for a better grade nozzle with a much more consistent performance.
the nozzles will work but youd have a better mist dispersion if the nozzles were thru the lid and firing into open space. these nozzles are not 360 degree firing nozzles and alot of your mist is being fired into the side of the container or downward toward the container floor, with the nozzles hanging down from the top they will disperse the mist into open space greatly improving the performance. looks like you have some good pressure behind them also and a clean selonoid fire. if you do hang them from the top down keep a good distance from the netpot or turn the firing pattern so that it doesnt hit the netpot dirrectly but fires into open space. if it was me id also put four nozzles in there although im not sure of the container size. i havent read all your posts so dont know.
First off, thanks for the advice!
Through the lid, huh? I'll haveta experiment with that and see what I come up with. You're right about a good amount of the mist hitting the sides of the container/downward/upward. I'm definitely going to fool around with nozzle placement to see if I can't find a better solution.
As for the solenoids and pressure, I'm running at 100psi to the nozzles and each nozzle is threaded directly into the solenoid via reducing bushings (the wall of the trash can is sandwiched between the solenoid and the bushing. works perfectly as this supports and secures the solenoids in place).
Dickhead is right about the chamber, I'm using a 35 gallon trash can. I'd like to put 4 nozzles in there, but 4 seems like it would make it more tricky to achieve the 1ml/100L mark. Like I said, I'll haveta play around with the top shooting nozzle idea, as it make prove difficult to find suitable placement so that too the spray isn't hitting the netpot. (I plan on using a 3" netpot).