True HP Aero For 2011

The same thing happened to me except I bought a system from supreme hydroponics and the kid dissapered do I did my own research and found this thread and all the guys here saved my ass! He also sold me the 6800 which will work but I think there's a number of issues with that tree fog set up the biggest issue is the chamber is way to small! This could be why there's. I growth I had mine in 5 gallon buckets and they only grew to 20"! But
I'd start by flushing straight RO water through it till your runoff is back to almost 0 ppm then I'd start your nutes at 400 ppm for a few days and then go up to 500 and keep adding until you notice a difference and see what it does. Also on your timing when I used that pump I found to start 4 sec on 2 min off and then landed at 2 sec on and kept backing the off time off every week or every few weeks to the point where I was 2 sec on 30 min off! Hope this helps

Interesting. When I was running 5sec on/3 min off if I didn't use a fogger in conjunction with the pumps the roots would start to look dried out and I would see the plants wilting.
the nozzles will work but youd have a better mist dispersion if the nozzles were thru the lid and firing into open space. these nozzles are not 360 degree firing nozzles and alot of your mist is being fired into the side of the container or downward toward the container floor, with the nozzles hanging down from the top they will disperse the mist into open space greatly improving the performance. looks like you have some good pressure behind them also and a clean selonoid fire. if you do hang them from the top down keep a good distance from the netpot or turn the firing pattern so that it doesnt hit the netpot dirrectly but fires into open space. if it was me id also put four nozzles in there although im not sure of the container size. i havent read all your posts so dont know.

Looks like he's using 35 gallon trash cans. When running the nozzles from the top do you hang them below the net pot or same level?
Interesting. When I was running 5sec on/3 min off if I didn't use a fogger in conjunction with the pumps the roots would start to look dried out and I would see the plants wilting.

Yea your off time might be to long try the same on time with 1-2 min off. The idea is to let them dry out a lil bit before firing again( somone correct me if I'm wrong)
Interesting. When I was running 5sec on/3 min off if I didn't use a fogger in conjunction with the pumps the roots would start to look dried out and I would see the plants wilting.

Every setup is different, but something to figure into the idea is that the roots slowly adapt to less mist if the conditions are good otherwise. If they start to develop fuzz they will be alot more efficient and able to handle less misting. So less mist makes root hairs and root hairs allow the plant to need less mist. You sort of have to slowly dial back the timings and allow the roots to adapt, if you dial back too quickly the roots brown and then you're really set back though. It helps if the netpots are filled with tiny rockwool cubes as a medium and you handwater the netpots each day. That way the plant gets some moisture in the netpot while the outer roothairs can start growing fuzz.
As imperfect as they are, they should work okay... For testing purposes, it might be easier to let your ON time be longer just so you're eyes can see a little better. That first nozzle is similar to the issues I had, but one literally shot out a straight stream as if it'd missed the impingement needle all together!

Yeah, I don't know why I left it at the .2 second interval to shoot the video, I guess I wasn't thinking... haha.. Anyway, I'll listen to you guys, but I haveta say I just can't shake the feeling in my gut that with all the steps and measures taken to control the pressure, flow, droplet size, and placement of the nozzles that this won't be more of an issue. It just seems to me that the nozzle output is what all that builds up to and these nozzles are just dropping the ball where it matters most. In my mind I shouldn't be able to just "bend the impingement pin slightly" to adjust for the specific droplet size we're striving for.

All that being said, I'm no expert by any means so I'm going to give these a whirl since they've proven themselves with the veterans ;) However, while I'm running the setup, I'll definitely be searching for a better grade nozzle with a much more consistent performance.

the nozzles will work but youd have a better mist dispersion if the nozzles were thru the lid and firing into open space. these nozzles are not 360 degree firing nozzles and alot of your mist is being fired into the side of the container or downward toward the container floor, with the nozzles hanging down from the top they will disperse the mist into open space greatly improving the performance. looks like you have some good pressure behind them also and a clean selonoid fire. if you do hang them from the top down keep a good distance from the netpot or turn the firing pattern so that it doesnt hit the netpot dirrectly but fires into open space. if it was me id also put four nozzles in there although im not sure of the container size. i havent read all your posts so dont know.

First off, thanks for the advice!

Through the lid, huh? I'll haveta experiment with that and see what I come up with. You're right about a good amount of the mist hitting the sides of the container/downward/upward. I'm definitely going to fool around with nozzle placement to see if I can't find a better solution.

As for the solenoids and pressure, I'm running at 100psi to the nozzles and each nozzle is threaded directly into the solenoid via reducing bushings (the wall of the trash can is sandwiched between the solenoid and the bushing. works perfectly as this supports and secures the solenoids in place).

Dickhead is right about the chamber, I'm using a 35 gallon trash can. I'd like to put 4 nozzles in there, but 4 seems like it would make it more tricky to achieve the 1ml/100L mark. Like I said, I'll haveta play around with the top shooting nozzle idea, as it make prove difficult to find suitable placement so that too the spray isn't hitting the netpot. (I plan on using a 3" netpot).
Looks like he's using 35 gallon trash cans. When running the nozzles from the top do you hang them below the net pot or same level?

Yea your off time might be to long try the same on time with 1-2 min off. The idea is to let them dry out a lil bit before firing again( somone correct me if I'm wrong)

Thanks for your reply Dickhead

I just switched to 5 sec on and 2 min off. I also have a 9 head fogger in the system. I'm not that familiar with foggers either do you have any timing recommendations for that? I was running 15min on and 15 mins off but I feel like it might have been depriving the roots of oxygen because the on time is too long?? So, I decided to shut it off for the time being.
Thanks for your reply Dickhead

I just switched to 5 sec on and 2 min off. I also have a 9 head fogger in the system. I'm not that familiar with foggers either do you have any timing recommendations for that? I was running 15min on and 15 mins off but I feel like it might have been depriving the roots of oxygen because the on time is too long?? So, I decided to shut it off for the time being.

NP! Idk about the fogger but its def adding more variables so eliminating will help IMO.
anyone looking for stainless steel solenoids search ehcotech on ebay they have all diff sizes for 26$!!!!!

Not to burst your bubble, but rom30 found those ages ago and he reports they work well in his setup. :)

Doktor, the epiphany I had was that I really didn't know what the correct mist looked like, so how can we judge it really? I know it's easy to tell the stream isn't perfect, but it seems to still work nonetheless. Some of the nozzles are beyond usable, so those should be sorted out and you can send them in for replacements they already told me. Give them a try and in no time you'll forget you ever worried about them.

Part of my problem is I used the mist Cavadge got to make the mental picture of what I was looking for, but in the end his roots never looked like what I wanted, so.....
Wish I had discovered them earlier! Guess I didn't check his thread thorogh enough

They're only 15 bucks cheaper than the ones I used, but mine have a nice polished finish- lol... There is a chance these solenoids might even have a slightly faster response time too... Let us know when you put them in.
They're only 15 bucks cheaper than the ones I used, but mine have a nice polished finish- lol... There is a chance these solenoids might even have a slightly faster response time too... Let us know when you put them in.

Nice I'm psyched I found them! Now to build my chamber?... Ill keep you posted on that
Doktor, the epiphany I had was that I really didn't know what the correct mist looked like, so how can we judge it really? I know it's easy to tell the stream isn't perfect, but it seems to still work nonetheless. Some of the nozzles are beyond usable, so those should be sorted out and you can send them in for replacements they already told me. Give them a try and in no time you'll forget you ever worried about them.

Part of my problem is I used the mist Cavadge got to make the mental picture of what I was looking for, but in the end his roots never looked like what I wanted, so.....

Yeah, from everything you and others have been telling me, they should be sufficient. None the less, I did spend a little money today on some other misting nozzles that claim to fall within the 50-80 micron range so I'll see how they compare to the biocontrols. I'll use the biocontrols on the first run regardless, but it never hurts to experiment a little later on ;)
Yeah, from everything you and others have been telling me, they should be sufficient. None the less, I did spend a little money today on some other misting nozzles that claim to fall within the 50-80 micron range so I'll see how they compare to the biocontrols. I'll use the biocontrols on the first run regardless, but it never hurts to experiment a little later on ;)

Yes, it's good to keep testing new stuff, but in the beginning, it's best to follow the known recipe for success, so at least you have a benchmark from which to test against like you plan to do. I believe tf has tested many many nozzles, expensive ones too, and still advocates the bios, so that's a good reason to give em a good shot.
Every setup is different, but something to figure into the idea is that the roots slowly adapt to less mist if the conditions are good otherwise. If they start to develop fuzz they will be alot more efficient and able to handle less misting. So less mist makes root hairs and root hairs allow the plant to need less mist. You sort of have to slowly dial back the timings and allow the roots to adapt, if you dial back too quickly the roots brown and then you're really set back though. It helps if the netpots are filled with tiny rockwool cubes as a medium and you handwater the netpots each day. That way the plant gets some moisture in the netpot while the outer roothairs can start growing fuzz.

Hey TB,

When you say the roots slowly adapt to less mist how much time are we talking like hours or days?

I have my timer running 5 sec on / 4 min off and I can't seem to get past there without wilting. It's been about 24 hours since I started making the off time longer. Unfortunately, 5 sec on is the lowest my timer will go :(
Here's my opinion and honest answer. If you're trying to beat some record or need results quick, don't bother with HP. If you enjoy the fun of doing some different sort of project then go for it. There are some advantages for sure. The fact we can go drain to waste is a huge benefit imo. Also the energy savings and automation/low maintenance is great. When built properly an dialed in (which will take a long time if ever at all) it is probably the best way to grow in terms of plant performance, but getting there is not anything easy or quick. I expect to see growth nearly 30-40 % faster in perfectly dialed in aero vs soil, but perhaps I am being optomistic. I can't repeat enough you probably will not be hitting those kind of numbers for at least a year after starting your build... :smile:
thanks for the reply
how much water is actually wasted?
how do you have the drain to waste setup is there a pump @ the bottom of the root chamber pumping it out?
Hey TB,

When you say the roots slowly adapt to less mist how much time are we talking like hours or days?

I have my timer running 5 sec on / 4 min off and I can't seem to get past there without wilting. It's been about 24 hours since I started making the off time longer. Unfortunately, 5 sec on is the lowest my timer will go :(

The idea is to use a steady cycle to maintain the right level of mist. If you run 5sec/4min you have a very defined wet/dry situation compared to using say 1.25sec/ 1minute which delivers the same amount of liquid but evenly spread over the same time frame. That gives you a more constant level in the chamber compared to the wet/dry situation.
If the roots have to adapt the environment isnt right, ideally you want the roots to exit the netpot complete with root hairs ;)
Thought I would finally share an image of my set-up in progress. Ive waiting a while to post a pic and boy am I proud my first one is real areo!


A little imagination has to be used as some tubing is not there. The control box sits below the pump and I will be using plug in soleniods so the sites can be moved where ever and when ever. Chamber porn soon to follow.
