Use of the word "nigger"

Hey White Boy, sounds like you've got BS confused with Reality. Let's try this, Mouth. Instead of being bold on the key-board, & perfect societies, walk into to an all Black Night Club at Midnight, 200 Blacks, only You, white Boy, and let's see how far your BS speak goes. No front grill, if you live, you will be crippled the rest of your life. I've done it several times, but the pack is smelling for physical weakness. When you wade into this type of situation, You'd be a fool to believe that fancy equal rights words or this weak "We are all Brother's" shit will save your white ass. Take a walk on the wild side, and then talk to the grown people. Thus far, you have not a clue. The Bus Station in a major place to test your theory.

Holly came from Miami F.L.A.
hitch-hiked her way across the U.S.A.
Plucked her eyebrows on the way
shaved her leg and then he was a she
She says, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side
said, hey honey, take a walk on the wild side
Candy came from out on the island
in the backroom she was everybody's darling
But she never lost her head
even when she was given head
She says, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side
said, hey babe, take a walk on the wild side
and the coloured girls go
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, etc
Hey White Boy, sounds like you've got BS confused with Reality. Let's try this, Mouth. Instead of being bold on the key-board, & perfect societies, walk into to an all Black Night Club at Midnight, 200 Blacks, only You, white Boy, and let's see how far your BS speak goes. No front grill, if you live, you will be crippled the rest of your life. I've done it several times, but the pack is smelling for physical weakness. When you wade into this type of situation, You'd be a fool to believe that fancy equal rights words or this weak "We are all Brother's" shit will save your white ass. Take a walk on the wild side, and then talk to the grown people. Thus far, you have not a clue. The Bus Station in a major place to test your theory.

Your so full of shit,im so white if it werent for the permant sun tan ive developed from working in the sun over 40 years i'd look like a bowl of milk,infact i look more like an old nazi skin head all tatt'ed up then i do anything else,ive been to several all black clubs,sometimes for business & other times to watch the all girl dildo shows they put on every saturday night,not once have i been treated with one ounce of disrespect,watched yes,disrespected or threatened no.

Yes,i'll agree that i was out of my element & i was seen by all,what that tells a person is to not act a fool in somebody elses house,act up & get bashed,act like a human & you'll soon blend.

Your scenario might ring true if your hanging around tenny bopper clubs or thug hang outs but it does not ring true with adult clubs,adults want to have a good time, until they are pressed with stupidity that is,as far as smelling for weakness that is true but its true everywhere nowdays,predators come in all ages & colors & if you act or look like a victim a victim you'll become.

Try staying away from the shit enviroment & your veiws might change.
in the end it really is all bullshit. we need to come together and do something about this planet before we ruin it for the next generation.
I think we've already ruined it.

panhead, ST was addressing one of our resident bigots, medicineman. He screams that he's not bigoted or racist, but he is, he just tries to keep it in the closet. For ST's addressing of med, I give him props and a huzzah. :D
One thing that really irratates me is when everyone non-white acts like they have the given right to talk about race in ways whites cant. There was a black guy the other day talking about how he cant be racist cause hes black. Bull fucking shit.

Its funny how a black comedian gets on stage and almost always plays the race card. He talk about white people, makes fun of them and the audience laughs like its the funniest thing in the world.

but when a white comedian talk about race, all hes allowed to do is make fun of how white they are. Can you imagine if a white comedian made fun of black people. Good lord watch out for the PC crew.

The point everything gets to the point where it gets so politically correct it does a 180. If your black you cant be racist and if your white you have to prove who unracist you really are.

The same thing goes for feminism IMO.
The point everything gets to the point where it gets so politically correct it does a 180. If your black you cant be racist and if your white you have to prove who unracist you really are.

That is exactly the way i feel about the whole deal,calling somebody a racist because they say a fukin word is sheer stupidity,my idea of a racist is one who wishes i'll will twords other people based on skin color,or believes superiority over other races,the use of any word is meaningless,people are soo hyper sensitive nowdayays its sickening.

On a related note just last week i worked with my crew for the day,i change into work clothes on site & back into clean clothes at the end of the day so i dont get my truck filthy,i was standing behind my truck changing out of my work pants & i had on gym shorts underneath my work pants,a old couple maybe in their late 60's or early 70's pulled up & the husband rolled down his window & said "my wife dont want to see you naked" & kept bitching about calling the police because i was indecent,i told him that at his wife's age she had seen plenty of dicks so whats one more :mrgreen:

Just because people are hyper sensitive to shit does not make them right.
That is exactly the way i feel about the whole deal,calling somebody a racist because they say a fukin word is sheer stupidity,my idea of a racist is one who wishes i'll will twords other people based on skin color,or believes superiority over other races,the use of any word is meaningless,people are soo hyper sensitive nowdayays its sickening.

On a related note just last week i worked with my crew for the day,i change into work clothes on site & back into clean clothes at the end of the day so i dont get my truck filthy,i was standing behind my truck changing out of my work pants & i had on gym shorts underneath my work pants,a old couple maybe in their late 60's or early 70's pulled up & the husband rolled down his window & said "my wife dont want to see you naked" & kept bitching about calling the police because i was indecent,i told him that at his wife's age she had seen plenty of dicks so whats one more :mrgreen:

Just because people are hyper sensitive to shit does not make them right.

Dont get me started on old people, ive come to the conclusion that they are either really nice or really crabby. The crabby ones regret their whole lives.

I only hope that by that age I will have figured out how to be a happy person:blsmoke:
On a related note just last week i worked with my crew for the day,i change into work clothes on site & back into clean clothes at the end of the day so i dont get my truck filthy,i was standing behind my truck changing out of my work pants & i had on gym shorts underneath my work pants,a old couple maybe in their late 60's or early 70's pulled up & the husband rolled down his window & said "my wife dont want to see you naked" & kept bitching about calling the police because i was indecent,i told him that at his wife's age she had seen plenty of dicks so whats one more :mrgreen:

Just because people are hyper sensitive to shit does not make them right.[/quote]

I like when black comedians make fun of whites, its nice to see how we lok from another pov,
butt there are a few not so popular white comedians that are just as racy, I like ralphie may ( fat ass white guy who acts kind of black but makes fun of all races, its fun :P
I even find this a bit offensive as a white person who isn't easily offended by race things... but I think its funny as all shit... terrible quality video though :( YouTube - Ralphie May-new
I like Kat Williams. He fucking CRACKED my ass up (especially since I'm short, too). I also LOVE love love Kathy Griffin.
Kat williams is one of the best comics ever and he's black

haha i agree man im not saying black comics arent funny.

There a super fat black guy whos like a a black ralphi may whos hilarious. everytime hes on stage i think hes gonna die cause he breathes so hard:mrgreen:
Here's a story that has been buried by the MSM:

Obama's 'typical white' remark on WIP offended some

By Peter Mucha
Inquirer Staff Writer

Barack Obama's use of the phrase "typical white person" on a local radio station yesterday wound up making waves from Huffington Post to YouTube to Larry King Live.

King, with Obama as a guest, asked: "Do you think all this might hurt your campaign?"
Yesterday morning on WIP (610-AM), during a prearranged interview with host Angelo Cataldi, Obama responded to a question about Tuesday's major speech on race at the National Constitution Center.

In the speech, the Democratic candidate spoke of his white grandmother "who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe."
On WIP, Obama said: "The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity. She doesn't. But she is a typical white person who, if she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know, there's a reaction that's been bred into our experiences that don't go away, and that sometimes come out in the wrong way, and that's just the nature of race in our society."

Cataldi did no follow up on Obama's choice of words, and went on to other topics in the five-minute conversation.

The conversation was quickly written about online (, and soon was offered as a podcast at

Then the reactions started.

"We doubt this story will have legs, but wonder if Hillary Clinton referred to a 'typical black person,' would we ever hear the end of it?" Dan Gross of the Philadelphia Daily News wrote on his PhillyGossip blog.

"Seriously, Barack Obama basically called all white people racist. ... Is this guy kidding?" wrote Taylor Marsh on Huffington Post in midafternoon.

WIP host Howard Eskin, known for having strong opinions, said he was offended by the remark during his 3 p.m. show, at one point repeatedly asking a caller, who had identified himself as African American, if he was "a typical black person."

"Obama 'Typical White Person' Racist Interview" was a headline on an excerpt posted on YouTube.

Larry King referred to the WIP interview and Obama's 86-year-old grandmother during an interview with the candidate last night: "You called her today a typical white person, meaning what, Senator?

Obama replied: "Well, what I meant really was that some of the fears of street crime and some of the stereotypes that go along with that were responses that I think many people feel. She's not extraordinary in that regard. She is somebody that I love as much as anybody. I mean, she has literally helped to raise me. But those are fears that are embedded in our culture, and embedded in our society, and even within our own families, even within a family like mine that is diverse."

As to whether Obama's campaign might suffer some damage because of the remark, the senator didn't say yes or no, but expressed confidence that Americans can talk honestly about complicated issues and that "if we're not trying to demonize each other, that we can solve problems."

A New York Daily blog also weighed in. "This has turned into a pretty poor day for Barack Obama, capped by him saying his grandmother is afraid of black people not out of racial animosity, but because she is a 'typical white person,'" wrote Michael McAuliff and Michael Saul.

In an update, the blog quoted a clarification from Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt: "Barack Obama said specifically that he didn't believe his grandmother harbored any racial animosity but that her fears were understandable and typical of those often shared by her generation."

This morning, host Angelo Cataldi sounded amused by all the controversy, remarking, "Only now do I know he was really just calling to give us his NCAA picks. ... I'm asking him about his white grandmother, and he wanted to talk about UCLA, about Duke against Belmont. What a disaster!"

Then he said his own mother called yesterday to rib him about helping Hillary Clinton.
Cohost Al Morganti said CNN invited him to comment on the air, but the cable network changed its mind because he thought the subject was "no big deal."
My question is, why are we even engaging in Racism in the first place.
There are 3 differnt threads in the last few days ding this, The "use of the Word Nigger", The "Use of the word Chink" and the "Use of the word Honkie".

I see a lot of deep seated hatred.

I think the 2 later ones was just something to put out there because of the original (further proving my mimic point from a few post ago) cause we all
know it aint the same not even close... But as usual PC requires us to level the playing field so we have to say "what about chink & what about honkie"?

Truth is no one not "chinks, honkie, jews" etc have been treated the way that we (black people have in America). Now with that said there are 2 groups that are vastly approaching our status. South Americans/Mexican are the new "niggaz" hands down while we're just being candid here, no need to post your replies but think about how you view them right now!You know I'm right because there's no way in hell you wouldn't have a Mexican be your attorney if you were headed to court or you would have a Dominican be your financial adviser (you should all the coke money they've made lol sike I couldn't resist) but you will let them mafuckas clean your house or cut your grass or wash your cars and ya'll don't even hate them the way you hated us, which being me to my 2nd group, whom you actually do hate as much as you hated us... Middle Easterns/Arabs again it doesn't require a reply but please feel free to do so if you want to tell me something I don't know. This is the other race thats treated like the dregs of society however those jobs that we agreed the "Spics" can't do you will allow the "Sand Niggaz" to be your Dr.'s and mechanics but you'd still rather them giving you a slurpee & your change from pump 12!


Fuck this topic, lets talk about growing.

Go to another website for stupid PC shit

Politics room homie, you don't like the program, change the station!


Lavell Crawford

YouTube - Lavell Crawford - Laffapalooza 1


look how tiny his head his LOL i cant stop laughing at this guy:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

LMAO yeah his black ass look like he bout to faint just walking back and forth across stage, just like Bruce Bruce but Bruce Bruce normally be fresh to death, my man Mr. Crawford looks like a big ass steak grilled stuffed burrito from Taco Bell, trust me I'm eating one right now lol
I think the 2 later ones was just something to put out there because of the original (further proving my mimic point from a few post ago) cause we all
know it aint the same not even close... But as usual PC requires us to level the playing field so we have to say "what about chink & what about honkie"?

Truth is no one not "chinks, honkie, jews" etc have been treated the way that we (black people have in America). Now with that said there are 2 groups that are vastly approaching our status. South Americans/Mexican are the new "niggaz" hands down while we're just being candid here, no need to post your replies but think about how you view them right now!You know I'm right because there's no way in hell you wouldn't have a Mexican be your attorney if you were headed to court or you would have a Dominican be your financial adviser (you should all the coke money they've made lol sike I couldn't resist) but you will let them mafuckas clean your house or cut your grass or wash your cars and ya'll don't even hate them the way you hated us, which being me to my 2nd group, whom you actually do hate as much as you hated us... Middle Easterns/Arabs again it doesn't require a reply but please feel free to do so if you want to tell me something I don't know. This is the other race thats treated like the dregs of society however those jobs that we agreed the "Spics" can't do you will allow the "Sand Niggaz" to be your Dr.'s and mechanics but you'd still rather them giving you a slurpee & your change from pump 12!


Politics room homie, you don't like the program, change the station!

LMAO yeah his black ass look like he bout to faint just walking back and forth across stage, just like Bruce Bruce but Bruce Bruce normally be fresh to death, my man Mr. Crawford looks like a big ass steak grilled stuffed burrito from Taco Bell, trust me I'm eating one right now lol

Still laughing imagine having a beer with this guy:mrgreen: