Use of the word "nigger"

Hey, Moe ...

Do remember in one of my previous posts where I talked about grown Black men calling me "Sir" when I was a kid? They were doing the Step & Fetch it routine. The sad part is that they bought into the inferior bit. Not blaming them because that's the way society was back then.

I thought that mindset was over in this country until I worked in Oregon for a year. Up there, the Hispanics work the agriculture. I can honestly say that Hispanics are treated like second class citizens in Oregon. And ... they have bought into it as well. Makes me sick to see it too.

Hey, Moe ...

Do remember in one of my previous posts where I talked about grown Black men calling me "Sir" when I was a kid? They were doing the Step & Fetch it routine. The sad part is that they bought into the inferior bit. Not blaming them because that's the way society was back then.

I thought that mindset was over in this country until I worked in Oregon for a year. Up there, the Hispanics work the agriculture. I can honestly say that Hispanics are treated like second class citizens in Oregon. And ... they have bought into it as well. Makes me sick to see it too.


It is what it is but the secret is to not allow it to be "it is what it is" for ever so just like we had to wait for our time (which I aint sure it exactly right now but if it aint it's really close) their time too will come.

"Through patience a ruler can be persuaded, and a gentle tongue can break a bone." Proverbs 25:15
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Not that i really care but what was the point of that big speech,i dont know what pennitentary you were in but the one's i was in wasnt like that,if you walked up & broke bad on another set's tier it'd be your ass.
Bitch was sucking up to the White Man, "Running the Tiers"...- Trusty Status. Dudes a Bitch, straight up, posing as a non-dick sucker. In the walls of silence, all the talk is about beating down the white boy & bitching out the white girls. "Slamming' Cadillacs doors & punking white 'hoes" is the lingo spoke. But don't say the N word, "Heaven to Betsy". Go to the Bus Station, act all normal... good luck.
I wrote the post about the "use of the word honky"... and i did it just to show how ABSOLUTELY stupid this post is..... We are never going to get anywhere there are just a bunch of black people saying how they would whoop ass if someone called them that, and its OK for the brothers(for the most part) and white people trying to "understand why we would let that word bother us sooo much and making idiotic statements like "do you think nigger or porch monkey is more offensive" and post pictures that are totally out of line and making fun of people of all colors, mostly black dying ..... Yea real adult conversation...... And i am soory Moe, you are SOOO wrong when you say that its OK to use the word if you are black... its not! The point is a black person cant explain to someone who isnt black, how it feels.... So stop trying to explain, its a worthless waist of time... And also every black person,not even most live in a slum, ghetto or projects.... And there is a big difference calling someone a white boy and calling someone a nigger.... if you are white and a boy, then how is that racist??? And whaaaa whaaa the racist black comidien are always making joke about whites and we dont.... WTF do you watch stupid ass South park or that blue collar shit?!?! What a dumb comment!!!! Like i said before some of you are racist and dont know it, and others are and trying to justify it, let alone all of you imbreed idiots who "jus learned to use the puter" .... Everyone else is cool!!!
Its just a word used to degrade and be little other people usually used by stupid and ignorent people ,

On the other note the slightest remark made towards a coloured person Black Brown or yellow and there is a world wide fuss ..

There is black and asain gangs only out 2 get white people and would use rasis words with out even being noticed or just not as much a fuss STABBING RAPING AND BURNING white youths , when it happens to a coloured person its world news

I think all rasis words should not be used at all but some play up the hole rasis bull shit

What would u make of a english man or a black man calling a Irish person Paddy day in and day out , Thats not conciderd rasis thou
Its just a word used to degrade and be little other people usually used by stupid and ignorent people ,

On the other note the slightest remark made towards a coloured person Black Brown or yellow and there is a world wide fuss ..

There is black and asain gangs only out 2 get white people and would use rasis words with out even being noticed or just not as much a fuss STABBING RAPING AND BURNING white youths , when it happens to a coloured person its world news

I think all rasis words should not be used at all but some play up the hole rasis bull shit

What would u make of a english man or a black man calling a Irish person Paddy day in and day out , Thats not conciderd rasis thou
The irish are too drunk to care.Most racial stereotypes are true. Mc's do drink alot, mexicans do wear sombreros, and black people like fried chicken. I have cousins who eat the shit out of some dog.
My son went to an almost all black school this year, and got called nigger on the playground. He is blonde with blue eyes. He also was called white boy. I am to the point where I am saying fuck it. I have never used, or allowed any form of racial words in my house. What do you do when black people bring it to you and your child? Are black households not taught what that word means? When I sat down with the principal over the subject he did not have any form of answer for me.

So tell me moe, is it allright for my son to use the word because he is being called it? Is my eight year old expected to be better taught than those in aforementioned households? WHy am I promoting racial harmony if it is not going to be returned?
tell you how i feel about african american and native american....
nigger started out as a derogatory word to mean nothing but negativity for blacks...

then black people started to complain about it...
we faught and then it became a problem to say it....

then somehow the "white" media incourage the use of slang nigga amongst Africans
...then like all most of everything "white" people had to take it back, so they start callin them selves nigga...

now thats deep on so many levels...
its like when a white person is like i dont like blacks, but your tanned darker than a light skinned person....

how you gona have a problem with black and then call your white self a nigga...

real africans, check up on the black panthers, would never resort to calling them selves the one name that brough us africans so much pain around the globe for over 400 years, and the media, the system,or evil, thanks they can just erase all of that ,turn it slang, and then its ok to call everyone that!!!!

what do they think im stupid.

its like black people who eat pork and chitlins and pig feet, and brains and such....

there still being conditioned to think like animals...

slave days thats all they got was that slop pork shit right or wrong????

and guess what, the white man gave it to them for free,
and in the year 2008 even after being freee africans.

they will pay for the same slop they had no choice to eat.
now thats trickery and deception,why eat that??
because your made to still believe thats whats good, and of course eating pig intestine isnt good, nor eating a pig ear, or eating pig for that matter, they knew this ,and they feed it to us.

like i said about the all the rapper using nigga this and nigga that...
they the same punk ass dudes claiming to do all these horrible crimes and running coke and heroin all over the usa, but aint in jail, all though there confessing there crimes right before the country...
its a joke.

africans back in the 70 in the usa where a force to be reckoned with, we where strong ,we faught for what we believed in, we stood up for our rights, bob marley style.

then we became a threat, so they gave us a few dollars in our pocket, drugs,booze,shiney objects, then suddenly we forgot about black power, which is way different from the violent white power message spreaded by the klu klux klan...
no real african would ever call them self a name that brought so much pain.

i dont hate any one, i like white people as a whole.
but you gotta admit there is a group of white dudes pushing the button, and from. all leaders are all old white dudes pre 1968 black rights...look at blacks around the globe...there dying off..look at africa, thats the worst continent we got, and it just got that way as of 40 years, and look at blacks in america. disease ,aids,jail

its evident we dont fit into the plan the same way the native americans did, and we gotta go!!

now thats fucked up!!

and why i say africans and not African American...
white people and Caucasian Americans nope, there just Caucasian ,so im just african decent.

my opinion.
im awake from the lies
The irish are too drunk to care.Most racial stereotypes are true. Mc's do drink alot, mexicans do wear sombreros, and black people like fried chicken. I have cousins who eat the shit out of some dog.
My son went to an almost all black school this year, and got called nigger on the playground. He is blonde with blue eyes. He also was called white boy. I am to the point where I am saying fuck it. I have never used, or allowed any form of racial words in my house. What do you do when black people bring it to you and your child? Are black households not taught what that word means? When I sat down with the principal over the subject he did not have any form of answer for me.

So tell me moe, is it allright for my son to use the word because he is being called it? Is my eight year old expected to be better taught than those in aforementioned households? WHy am I promoting racial harmony if it is not going to be returned?

Im Irish i never drink nor does my da or any of my family i usedt to go out clubbing as ya do . But u are right we dont care ,coz we are irish !

The school thing is wrong ... this is just it black people can call people niggers or what they want with nil fuss, no matter what country they be in they the divid them selfs from the public and make them selfs different same as them that blow up them selfs with others ..

Just get on with it and if they want to keep them selfs seperate leave it at that but if any 1 hassles your family no matter what reason , rasis or not it needs to be sorted out , I know what i would do .
then somehow the "white" media incourage the use of slang nigga amongst Africans
...then like all most of everything "white" people had to take it back, so they start callin them selves nigga...
I think you mean corporate media. Nobody made the "africans" say nigga

now thats deep on so many levels...
its like when a white person is like i dont like blacks, but your tanned darker than a light skinned person....

how you gona have a problem with black and then call your white self a nigga...

real africans, check up on the black panthers, would never resort to calling them selves the one name that brough us africans so much pain around the globe for over 400 years, and the media, the system,or evil, thanks they can just erase all of that ,turn it slang, and then its ok to call everyone that!!!!
Huey P. Newton got shot by his crack dealer

what do they think im stupid.

its like black people who eat pork and chitlins and pig feet, and brains and such....

there still being conditioned to think like animals...

slave days thats all they got was that slop pork shit right or wrong????

and guess what, the white man gave it to them for free,
and in the year 2008 even after being freee africans.

they will pay for the same slop they had no choice to eat.
now thats trickery and deception,why eat that??
because your made to still believe thats whats good, and of course eating pig intestine isnt good, nor eating a pig ear, or eating pig for that matter, they knew this ,and they feed it to us.
Slave days are over nobody is making ya'll do shit

like i said about the all the rapper using nigga this and nigga that...
they the same punk ass dudes claiming to do all these horrible crimes and running coke and heroin all over the usa, but aint in jail, all though there confessing there crimes right before the country...
its a joke.
Agree. The corporations know they can dumb down the populous with ignorant ass music.

africans back in the 70 in the usa where a force to be reckoned with, we where strong ,we faught for what we believed in, we stood up for our rights, bob marley style.

then we became a threat, so they gave us a few dollars in our pocket, drugs,booze,shiney objects, then suddenly we forgot about black power, which is way different from the violent white power message spreaded by the klu klux klan...
no real african would ever call them self a name that brought so much pain.
Can't blame whitey for people spending their money on bullshit.
i dont hate any one, i like white people as a whole.
but you gotta admit there is a group of white dudes pushing the button, and from. all leaders are all old white dudes pre 1968 black rights...look at blacks around the globe...there dying off..look at africa, thats the worst continent we got, and it just got that way as of 40 years, and look at blacks in america. disease ,aids,jail
I'm "white" but don't lump me in with those modern day slave owners who think they run shit. I come from poverty the government never helped us out they didn't give us any special treatment. Africa has been a shitty continent for a long time it didn't all start 40 years ago.

Should I be guilty of being white?
Should I be guilty of being white?

no not at all your not the one running the country.

look at the gov the people causing the problems, old white guys...who owns the media, old white guys , the oil ,old white guys...

your not to blame,and if i came off as anti white, my bad..
just anti evil old white reptillians trying to kill us off
no not at all your not the one running the country.

look at the gov the people causing the problems, old white guys...who owns the media, old white guys , the oil ,old white guys...

your not to blame,and if i came off as anti white, my bad..
just anti evil old white reptillians trying to kill us off

Fair is Fair... The old white guys you're talking about was once young vibrant men & these old asses will die sooner than later and new ones (that aren't old today) will take their place. So... like my pops used to say "who the hell wants to begin to begin again?"
no not at all your not the one running the country.

look at the gov the people causing the problems, old white guys...who owns the media, old white guys , the oil ,old white guys...

your not to blame,and if i came off as anti white, my bad..
just anti evil old white reptillians trying to kill us off

I was gonna say something about the reptilians haha. You know what's up.
YouTube - Killer Mike-That's Life why don't they play this kind of rap on the radio?
I was gonna say something about the reptilians haha. You know what's up.
YouTube - Killer Mike-That's Life why don't they play this kind of rap on the radio?

exactly, that post of mines tells how the media, the supposed fore fathers, turned us into this crap...
ive got an example....

mtv is owned by viacom.

Sumner Murray Redstone born Sumner Murray Rothstein(a roth!!)

Philippe Dauman. who went to yale back in the day, can yall say skull and bones....
they even own b.e.t which is supposed black entertainment, but never show real rap old school stuff with a message or even the new stuff with a message. yall the know the conscious rappers out there, do yall see them on tv, or on a clearchannel radio station??

same with mtv they own it, they decided that they only want the flashy rap to play, the bird brain ,bling bling rap... they decide the tv schedules, what people wear, what is considered cool.

rappers get a contract, and get free clothes from so many companys ,thos people choose whats is going on...
i see how blacks have been swayed away from education and more toward materialism.

they teach white people to save and do taxes, and how to have good credit, and thats awesome, but i would once loveto see the same stuff being taught to africans....

im just tellin it like it is.
I usually avoid responding to your ridiculous word-vomit because you are an ignoramus. What good can come from me choosing to argue with a fool? You - ccodiane: Useful Idiot for the Extreme Right. It would only please the opposition and entertain the folks at home.

Some speech is not protected.

One cannot yell 'FIRE' in a crowded theater.

One cannot possess child pornography.

If you call someone a provocative epithet with such an ugly history, such as the topic of this thread, you are yelling 'Fire' in the crowded theater. Chaos ensues.

The word is radioactive and should be treated as such.

nigger, nigger, nigger............RUN........chaos is ensuing...........
nigger, nigger, nigger............RUN........chaos is ensuing...........
You want to impress me? Take your Dan Quayle-looking ass, complete with blue blazer and club-tie combo, into a nightclub in the middle of Compton and yell that out at the top of your lungs.
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I've thought it over and here it is.

1- Freedom of speech protects speech, regardless of the offensive nature. Fire, in a crowded theater is akin to action, like, "I'm gonna fucking kill you!" There is an element of danger that exceeds offensive speech. "Nigger, I'm gonna fuckin kill you" would work....but...."Honkey, I'm gonna fuckin kill you!" would too. Should honkey, or any other "fill in the blank" qualify as a dangerous WORD? No. What's can't say "Fuck Bush"? Where would that leave you all?

2- If someone says nigger, I want them to say nigger. If they don't say it, they are still probably thinking it. Right? Wouldn't you rather know what is in the heart of a man, as opposed to assuming they are not racist because they don't say nigger, because it is illegal? Let people speak their minds and judge them based on the content of their message. It levels the playing field.

Johnny, your an idiot........
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