Use of the word "nigger"

Yeppers.....although a quick glance at the Presidential hopefuls will demonstrate this;'s not just "evil old guys", evil can be a half black half white youngish guy too.....

O.K. maybe I'm out the loop but out of curiosity what makes Barrack evil?
i see youve not looked into that...
why dont you before you call aperson an idiot, but you are entitled to your opinion and thats fine, but before you call a person an idiot...

look into truth seekers, alan watts, leo zagami....
once again your opinion is that, but dont sleep on the names Rothschild, and rockerfeller.
you dont have to believe for it to be out there.
O.K. maybe I'm out the loop but out of curiosity what makes Barrack evil?

the fact that he gained support by saying he will never even talk to lobbyist groups but as soon as he was gonna win the nomination went and visited the largest lobbying group in the U.S:evil:
O.K. maybe I'm out the loop but out of curiosity what makes Barrack evil?

The underlined ones.................

Main Entry: 1evil

Pronunciation: \ˈē-vəl, British often & US also ˈē-(ˌ)vil\

Function: adjective

Inflected Form(s): evil·er or evil·ler; evil·est or evil·lest

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English yfel; akin to Old High German ubil evil

Date: before 12th century

1 a: morally reprehensible : sinful, wicked "an evil impulse"
b: arising from actual or imputed bad character or conduct "a person of evil reputation"

2 a: archaic : inferior
b: causing discomfort or repulsion : offensive "an evil odor"
c: disagreeable "woke late and in an evil temper"

3 a: causing harm : pernicious "the evil institution of slavery"
b: marked by misfortune : unlucky

— evil adverb archaic
— evil·ly \-(l)ē\ adverb
— evil·ness \-nəs\ noun
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the fact that he gained support by saying he will never even talk to lobbyist groups but as soon as he was gonna win the nomination went and visited the largest lobbying group in the U.S:evil:

O.K. Not that he's like my uncle or something like that (I mean he is the candidate I'm voting for but) I always that they just called that campaigning ... I mean you can't tell me you've never lied to a chic to get into her pants can you? And I don't quite think that would qualify you as an evil man. But to each his own...

The underlined ones.................

Main Entry: 1evil

Pronunciation: \ˈē-vəl, British often & US also ˈē-(ˌ)vil\

Function: adjective

Inflected Form(s): evil·er or evil·ler; evil·est or evil·lest

Etymology: Middle English, from Old English yfel; akin to Old High German ubil evil

Date: before 12th century

1 a: morally reprehensible : sinful, wicked "an evil impulse"
b: arising from actual or imputed bad character or conduct "a person of evil reputation"

2 a: archaic : inferior
b: causing discomfort or repulsion : offensive "an evil odor"
c: disagreeable "woke late and in an evil temper"

3 a: causing harm : pernicious "the evil institution of slavery"
b: marked by misfortune : unlucky

— evil adverb archaic
— evil·ly \-(l)ē\ adverb
— evil·ness \-nəs\ noun

Again not to sound like his campaign manager but I have kept a pretty close eye on the race and I guess I just don't see him guilty of any of those things but hey what do I know.... I'm Hiiiiiiiigh! bongsmilie
You could be his campaign manager....any idiot (not that you are necessarily an idiot, although you did say you were voting for the destruction of your country, proudly:blsmoke:) could out speak that bumbling fool....and about the lying to get in pants part.......that's cool, for my waiter at a restaurant....not our President. You want another Billy Boy?
You could be his campaign manager....any idiot (not that you are necessarily an idiot, although you did say you were voting for the destruction of your country, proudly:blsmoke:) could out speak that bumbling fool....and about the lying to get in pants part.......that's cool, for my waiter at a restaurant....not our President. You want another Billy Boy?
Hell yeah!
Moe, do yourself a favor, (I'm dead serious, no condescension), and listen to 1/2 hour of this guy (the whole thing if you can). He IS a white Jew, BUT, he knows what he's talking about. It's gonna be hard, (he lays it pretty thick on Obama, but McCain too), but if you can get through it, you'll know why I feel like I feel. Use it against me, by all means......... You'll also be more informed, in general, as all who listen are.

The Mark Levin Show » Audio

July 22 stream, just click and enjoy...........
ccodiane sez ...

"You could be his campaign manager....any idiot (not that you are necessarily an idiot, although you did say you were voting for the destruction of your country, proudly:blsmoke:) could out speak that bumbling fool....and about the lying to get in pants part.......that's cool, for my waiter at a restaurant....not our President. You want another Billy Boy?"

I had a dream last night that Obama was the Democrat candidate and Alan Keyes was the Republican candidate. They were having a televised debate in front of the entire country. When the debate was over, Alan Keyes calmly left the stage. Obama was left in a pool of blood, gasping for air in a tightly knit fetal position. :mrgreen:

ccodiane sez ...

"You could be his campaign manager....any idiot (not that you are necessarily an idiot, although you did say you were voting for the destruction of your country, proudly:blsmoke:) could out speak that bumbling fool....and about the lying to get in pants part.......that's cool, for my waiter at a restaurant....not our President. You want another Billy Boy?"

I had a dream last night that Obama was the Democrat candidate and Alan Keyes was the Republican candidate. They were having a televised debate in front of the entire country. When the debate was over, Alan Keyes calmly left the stage. Obama was left in a pool of blood, gasping for air in a tightly knit fetal position. :mrgreen:

And then you woke up!
so much for being an idiot...
there fuckin us up right before our eyes, and all we can do is name call each other instead of digging to find the truth..
we should be all joing forces the same way they did...

like it or not 1 cant do much, but when we have number we have power.
we need solutions. not name calling due to difference in opinion.

we gotta stop there shit, soon before its too late.
so much for being an idiot...
there fuckin us up right before our eyes, and all we can do is name call each other instead of digging to find the truth..
we should be all joing forces the same way they did...

like it or not 1 cant do much, but when we have number we have power.
we need solutions. not name calling due to difference in opinion.

we gotta stop there shit, soon before its too late.
Good luck. We cant get three people to agree on anything here on this forum. Try and get 300 million to agree.
um, why are we fighting about political candidates again? its not like theres anything we can actually do about it. thats why i dont understand these lines that divide political groups. theyre just as bad as the people who say races should be divided. why? is there REALLY anything we can do about it? we can lobby, protest, elect every ron paul and ralph nader we can find, but what sez that the evil that is there now wont EVENTUALLY corrupt them too? what nietzsche said was right: "out of chaos comes order." the ones on this site are the enlightened ones. we see the diference between a good and a bad, a drug and a plant, a word and a action. While everybody is gonna have different views and different words to say on different subjects, what are we gonna do to ensure that our children's children dont have to live in this ignorance, no matter what color they are? lets find a way to stop this shit instead of just arguing about it. not that this isnt a time to air your opinions, but come on! people are in here fighting like we know who we actually are! this shit is make believe anyway! chill out! roll up an imaginary blunt (or vape it if youve got money like that) and relax! black or white, were all lacking the same color; green!!!!
Hell yeah!

Fuck yeah we do and I'll explain in 1 sec stay tuned...

You could be his campaign manager....any idiot (not that you are necessarily an idiot, although you did say you were voting for the destruction of your country, proudly:blsmoke:) could out speak that bumbling fool....and about the lying to get in pants part.......that's cool, for my waiter at a restaurant....not our President. You want another Billy Boy?

1st off here is a bumbling fool for you
( )

Ahhhhh Ummmm Nuff said...

Now onto Mr. William Jefferson Blythe III a.k.a. Bill Clinton to you commoners. Just FYI gentlemen as much shit as we all can talk about Bubba, when he was in office unemployment rate in the country was @ 3.1% (Today with that hillbilly Cowboy we call "W" it's 5.5%) The graduation rate for our kids was 71% in the 90's today it's only almost 74% now (and Bush has that dumb ass no child left behind program he implemented) The average family income in "99" was $43,648 today $45,016 a difference of a lil less than $1500 dollars in 9 years now take into account that the average cost of living increase is 3% per year (3% of $43,000 = $1300) do the math... That means that today it should be somewhere around $54,700. Now since ole boy been in office in Jan of 2000 Self-serve regular, unleaded gasoline averaged $1.54 per gallon nationwide, according to AAA's Fuel Gauge Report. Today regular gasoline/gallon $4.11. Say what you want about the sexual habits of my man Bubba but the fact remains more people were making more money and spending less of it to live while He was in office so watch your mouth when you talk shit about how he "ruined the country" cause I dont know you from Adam but I bet you if you're honest enough with us you'll admit you were doing better financially in the 90's than you are today! THAT'S A FACT!!!!!

And then you woke up!

Crafty comeback slick...
um, why are we fighting about political candidates again? its not like theres anything we can actually do about it. thats why i dont understand these lines that divide political groups. theyre just as bad as the people who say races should be divided. why? is there REALLY anything we can do about it? we can lobby, protest, elect every ron paul and ralph nader we can find, but what sez that the evil that is there now wont EVENTUALLY corrupt them too? what nietzsche said was right: "out of chaos comes order." the ones on this site are the enlightened ones. we see the diference between a good and a bad, a drug and a plant, a word and a action. While everybody is gonna have different views and different words to say on different subjects, what are we gonna do to ensure that our children's children dont have to live in this ignorance, no matter what color they are? lets find a way to stop this shit instead of just arguing about it. not that this isnt a time to air your opinions, but come on! people are in here fighting like we know who we actually are! this shit is make believe anyway! chill out! roll up an imaginary blunt (or vape it if youve got money like that) and relax! black or white, were all lacking the same color; green!!!!

Damn U Creole,
U stole my thunder while I was spell checkin
:cuss: LOL...
unemployment rate in the country was @ 3.1% (Today with that hillbilly Cowboy we call "W" it's 5.5%) The graduation rate for our kids was 71% in the 90's today it's only almost 74% now (and Bush has that dumb ass no child left behind program he implemented) The average family income in "99" was $43,648 today $45,016 a difference of a lil less than $1500 dollars in 9 years now take into account that the average cost of living increase is 3% per year (3% of $43,000 = $1300) do the math... That means that today it should be somewhere around $54,700. Now since ole boy been in office in Jan of 2000 Self-serve regular, unleaded gasoline averaged $1.54 per gallon nationwide, according to AAA's Fuel Gauge Report. Today regular gasoline/gallon $4.11.

In all your examples, inheritance is a major factor.......

PS- you must have been locked up during the BJ wasn't all peaches and cream.