We have the same avatar, pussy.....I'll keep mine if you can keep yours, pussy.
Use of the word "nigger"
Lets talk about this word and what it means to the hypocrites of the world, you know, the ones who take offense.......go the fuck away Moe, so as we don't offend yas...
hillbilly = nigger
Cowboy = nigger
ole boy = nigger
cracker = nigger
honkey = nigger
The pun is your probably white, Moe....come on, don't lie,.... we both know it's true.
You ole boy hillybilly lookin cowboy son of a cracker ass honkey whore....please don't open hand slap me mo.....
No... I don't watch most network tv (with the exception of All My Children DON'T ask me why because I don't know). Was it as good as Rosie and that.. Elizabeth the Republican chick? I love hearing Kathy Griffin go on about that.i think every1 needs to chill .... lol
did anyone see the fight between Whoopi and that chick on the view? crazy shit.
Forgive him Father for he knows not what he says... May God Bless you Moe
i think *%#$@* is really harsh.
i dont think nigga or w.e. is something to gripe about.
just another word thats meant to cause problems....
but the fact that every race has a slang term, but none are thrown around as much...
i wonder about this...
this word was created to slow us down, as long as this is being spread around, where not having meaningful conversations,or making any progress as long as where arguing over a word, and not figuring out why its still being pimped around....
it went from horrible to a cool slang word...
as i said real deal educated africans who are about something would never call another person, let alone another african person the one derogatory term that has oppressed us for over 400 years.
i dont like the word nor do i see a need for it, but apparently society, mainly those fake rappers who seemed to of forgot about the strugle we went through just only 40 years ago... it wasnt even that long ago...
they need to pick up a book ,and help to further enlighten instead of further perpetuation a slang word that mean the utmost disgust for africans...
there the problem being blinded by money.
its sad..
If it wasn't for the "jew hitch", you'd come off as respectable.....(yeah, yeah, kettle....black....pot .......)
The difference today is that everyone and their sister says Jew, some in a derogatory fashion, some in a more inane fashion. The Jews take it in stride.
The blacks, when confronted with nigger, first look at the color of the skin of the speaker, and then act accordingly. This is not without exception, but it is a widely accepted "policy", a "black policy".
PS- a very un-American policy......