Vanity Fair gets the chair for this video

Wow...Finally a post worth thinking about. :D

That's an interesting point. How would you suggest one should differentiate between these different groups in a less divisive sort of way in order to identify them without actually offending them or sullying the dialogue? This question goes for right wing groups as well
A very valid point as long as you're interested in addressing groups only. I prefer to talk to people regardless of what classification another might impose upon them because that classification can become a barrier to my understanding of that person. If i let that happen there is no reason for me to talk to that person and change their mind.
Brings to mind another thread where someone posted a quote of a dubious (and consequentially disproven) statistic from an otherwise inspiring story about Christian Picciolini named Rejecting hate, after spending nearly a decade spreading it.
Guy used to be a white supremacist and now lectures internationally about his past and is sought for his counseling of youth in "the movement" to break them free of such thinking.
It never would have happened if people hadn't seen him as an individual and spoke with him.

"Christian Picciolini: The truth is, I'd never met or had a meaningful dialogue or engagement with anybody that I thought I hated. And when they took the step to try and reach me, the demonization of them that I had in my head started to crack."
Deal with the topic individual and not the "group think".
How do we take politics out of the equation when discussing things of political nature?
Only if we discard wanting to control others can we take politics out of the equation. That's all politics is good for.
I agree. The tactic of divide and conquer is used very effectively in American politics. But how do we get people with completely opposing political beliefs to have a civil dialogue discussing them without resorting to attacks? I think RIU is a perfect example of how this simply can't be done. Sometimes we have to offend people. Sometimes, people have to get offended. How could someone pro-life and I, someone adamantly pro-choice, reach a compromise between the two positions? Is that one of those live and let live sort of situations?
You never will change everyone, ever.

What you can do is talk to them, not shout your agenda over them or label and deride them.
Do what you can, where you can, with the people you meet. That's all anyone can do and you might make the difference in an individuals life that later helps them makes decisions that could affect a great number of people.
Hitler proved today's troubled youth can become tomorrows world leader and don't you wish someone could have talked to him other than those that helped form the thinking that led to his atrocities?
Check out a movie called Max.
Again, I agree, but I don't know how to change it. I've tried many times, each time approaching with a completely different tactic, each time being defeated by anger and ignorance. Someone like my dad is just so entrenched in his beliefs, that anytime anyone makes a valid point against them, he just gets pissed off to the point that it ends the entire conversation. "You spend too much time reading about all this shit.. I don't have time for that.". How could you even begin to combat that?
By bringing up the point that (in that exact situation), If you don't think about it now, you probably never will and it would be a shame for you to die with regret for not having done so. If you still feel the same after talking there is nothing more that I can do other than know I will NOT die having the regret of not trying. I will have to accept that it is a subject on which we will never agree but should you have questions later on I'll still talk with you about it.
The dangerous part about this type of reasonable exchange is there is always the possibility they might change your mind. ;)

Thanks for that. You should post more often.
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You've sullied yourself to come to politics? You know Buckold doesn't swing that way, so why?

Hark! The voice of experience!

So you're another well seasoned traveler of the dirt road.
Me? I'm in the pink! ;)

You hope. But I'm more than happy knowing I deny you what you crave from sheer lack of interest.
I wonder how many of the other posters here can say that?

@ttystikk used to be a compadre of yours, so did @Padawanbater2, and once they were shown what was going on behind the curtain they, since they seem to have morals, rejected a political affiliation that had once been something they championed and shared with you.
They didn't abandon all their other beliefs you seemed to have in common. Just one.

You and your companions, on the other hand, will take no pause in castigating, belittling, berating, etc. either of them at any chance you get, just because they are on the other side of a schism within a political party and the lawlessness that party had done in the name of "a better tomorrow" which stood against the very name and ideals of said party.
It doesn't matter what you try to build on a pile of shit, it always sinks to the lowest level, but you can't seem to see that.

People like that are no better than congresscritters, oligarchs, monarchy, or clergy,

They revel in the controlling others through violence while exempting themselves from the rules they impose and it gets proven over and over from the highest offices all the way down to here.

Now get out your TL;DR stamps and try to skew the topic towards your oh so demonstrative hate since if you take an outside view of what you have done and have an ounce of empathy or intelligence it might give you pause, though I doubt it.

All the quotes above are exactly why I still come here. :D

I just hate bullies and will do what I can to keep them from enjoying their favorite past time.

P.S. I'm screenshooting this one too.
It already worked getting this moved back from where it was "mysteriously" moved to and even if this "mysteriously" goes away, I'll know I posted it and at least one of you had to see it. ;)
Anyone else notice it never mentions Skytard despite her being one of the group who's dicks "he" keeps sucking?

And they're never on at the same time?

Makes you go "hmmmm..."
Anyone else notice it never mentions Skytard despite her being one of the group who's dicks "he" keeps sucking?
And they're never on at the same time?
Makes you go "hmmmm..."
Squeaky, she must have given you a really deep enema for you to vest such devotion to her and think I'm her sock.
Where did she touch you that hurt? You'll feel better if you talk about it. ;)

She doesn't say much that interests me (EDIT: I mean she's not a bully to others) and has never addressed me so I don't really have a need to talk to her.
It's simple. You should try it. ;)
Squeaky, she must have given you a really deep enema for you to vest such devotion to her and think I'm her sock.
Where did she touch you that hurt? You'll feel better if you talk about it. ;)

She doesn't say much that interests me (EDIT: I mean she's not a bully to others) and has never addressed me so I don't really have a need to talk to her.
It's simple. You should try it. ;)
Your bigoted ignorance drips from this post.
"Yeah I know how gay people are." I am one and I don't make that claim. Gays are as diverse as any other people. The showoffs and drama queens do not represent all of us, and
your willingness to pigeonhole gays into a restrictive type celebrates your stubborn ignorance, what we gays call "stupidity".
I said "the hospitality industry" and you say that "pigeonholes gays into a restrictive type", yet you don't see yourself doing exactly that when you clearly classify gays in that industry as "showoffs and drama queens"?
The hospitality industry IS NOT the entertainment industry or else there wouldn't be 2 distinctive terms.
I don't think Ru Paul would make a good hotel manager but I've know quite a few of them that are gay. ;)

Nice try insinuating I said that about Annie. You are as dishonest as you are misogynistic.
I mean, curious2glansscape ... I know what that implies, and it is ugly.
She read you correctly, and now you are out to assassinate her character.
You "knew what that implies" and when I try pointing out you're wrong you double down on claiming to know what I mean from a simple massaging of her screen name to point out a fairly recent fashion trend?
Yeah, I'm the intolerant narrow minded one.

"Biological superiority" of heterosexuals is pure creation science. You are exposed as the classic far-right Inquisitionist. Go away and mail another fat check to your televangelist of choice, but leave us normal humans alone.

The biological superiority stems from the fact that if the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ community were any more than the 3.4% (as reported by WaPo quoting the CDC) of the population, there wouldn't be a population for very long.
THAT is science, cannobeer.
I said "the hospitality industry" and you say that "pigeonholes gays into a restrictive type", yet you don't see yourself doing exactly that when you clearly classify gays in that industry as "showoffs and drama queens"?
The hospitality industry IS NOT the entertainment industry or else there wouldn't be 2 distinctive terms.
I don't think Ru Paul would make a good hotel manager but I've know quite a few of them that are gay. ;)

You "knew what that implies" and when I try pointing out you're wrong you double down on claiming to know what I mean from a simple massaging of her screen name to point out a fairly recent fashion trend?
Yeah, I'm the intolerant narrow minded one.

The biological superiority stems from the fact that if the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ community were any more than the 3.4% (as reported by WaPo quoting the CDC) of the population, there wouldn't be a population for very long.
THAT is science, cannobeer.
I said "the hospitality industry" and you say that "pigeonholes gays into a restrictive type", yet you don't see yourself doing exactly that when you clearly classify gays in that industry as "showoffs and drama queens"?
The hospitality industry IS NOT the entertainment industry or else there wouldn't be 2 distinctive terms.
I don't think Ru Paul would make a good hotel manager but I've know quite a few of them that are gay. ;)

You "knew what that implies" and when I try pointing out you're wrong you double down on claiming to know what I mean from a simple massaging of her screen name to point out a fairly recent fashion trend?
Yeah, I'm the intolerant narrow minded one.

The biological superiority stems from the fact that if the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ community were any more than the 3.4% (as reported by WaPo quoting the CDC) of the population, there wouldn't be a population for very long.
THAT is science, cannobeer.
This is so full of obvious, deliberate misrepresentation there is no benefit in my laying it all out for someone proven as stupid as you.

The bit at the end about "evolutionary liability" of gays is pure dogma. May 2018 bring you enlightenment, and, barring that, isolation.
This is so full of obvious, deliberate misrepresentation there is no benefit in my laying it all out for someone proven as stupid as you.
Yet you persist when you are proven to be exactly what you portray me as.
The bit at the end about "evolutionary liability" of gays is pure dogma. May 2018 bring you enlightenment, and, barring that, isolation.
Then prove me wrong. Use the cited reports to prove that the 0.4% (Oops. women are 0.9%) of the bisexual population can keep up with the 96.6% of heterosexuals.
Oh I have the ability.
Yet you never display it. It must rival your sexual prowess. ;)
You've just never said anything worth engaging. you seem
To think you're more interesting than everyone else does.
As do you, or why else reply? ;)

Now post some more images of your deeply felt, yet equally repressed feelings about yourself.
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Yet you persist when you are proven to be exactly what you portray me as.

Then prove me wrong. Use the cited reports to prove that the 0.4% (Oops. women are 0.9%) of the bisexual population can keep up with the 96.6% of heterosexuals.

Yet you never display it. It must rival your sexual prowess. ;)

As do you, or why else reply? ;)

Now post some more images of your deeply felt, yet equally repressed feelings about yourself.
You're really bad at this, Choder.

No wonder everyone hates you.

Aside from being the laughing stock of politics and Buck's playtoy, you offer little else.

Come out of the closet YET?