
How devastating drone support can be when fighting Russians at night in cold weather. A drone overhead with thermal vision and a half dozen grenades can wipe out an opposing enemy patrol advancing at night, by detecting and then destroying them while they are shooting at your guys from under cover. Since the drone operator is with the squad, he and the commander know where everybody is in the dark and the exact tactical situation with a God's eye view. They can offer the closest and most accurate tactical air support possible at better than small arms ranges and you don't needed a 500lb bomb from on high when you can drop small bombs or grenades on small groups or individuals. Shit you can even Napalm them from a drone for pennies a piece using a couple of condoms and some ingenuity. Make a torch out of a few of them at night to make it easier for the guys on the ground to see and shoot them perhaps. Might overwhelm the thermal camera though as they run across the fields on fire freaking out.

Death from on high, the result of the military and government being impressed by the effectiveness and cost of small commercial drone operations, which have become easier since the destruction of the Russian Anti drone capabilities. They and volunteer organizations began a massive a campaign months ago to supply drones to Ukraine and buying them in other countries to send to Ukraine. We are seeing the fruition of these efforts with the recent number of drone videos, as they show their international supporters the money has not been wasted.

Here we see how they can soften up a Russian trench line on the front and you can imagine what they will do with better drones more suited to the task, but these drones are commercially mass produced, are dirt cheap and can be hardened for war with kits cheaply and quickly.

This kind of thing will save a lot of Ukrainian lives when it comes time to take those trenches, if all the Russians are dead or wounded before they start.

He might be denied his life if the GRU is after him, kill him and take his money.

Russian Ministry of Defense seeks to oust Prigozhin: Wagner PMC will be replaced with new companies

5,887 views Apr 8, 2023 #UATV #UATV_English #UkraineNews
The leadership of the Wagner PMC spares no manpower and throws its military into a real 'meat grinder,' the White House reported. According to a Biden administration official, Washington knows that the Wagner PMC is suffering devastating losses in the Bakhmut area, where fierce fighting is taking place. Can the Wagnerites be replaced by other groups of mercenaries, more controlled by the Russian Ministry of Defense, our correspondents found out.
Tank killers and they turn Bradlie's and Humvees into them, multiplying the effect of the tanks they have.

Hundreds of the US BGM-71 TOW Anti-Tank Missile Secretly Already in Ukraine

7,290 views Apr 8, 2023
In the January 6 announcement of US aid to Ukraine, the 50 Bradley vehicles share a line with 500 Tow anti-tank missiles and 250,000 rounds of 25mm ammunition.

Ukraine's defense against Russia is supported by billions of dollars in military aid from NATO countries. One of the most capable and expensive weapon systems supplied is the BGM-71 Tow Missiles.
It's concentrating Russians for destruction by artillery and depleting their offensive power, they are chewing up and breaking the back of the Russian army before they even begin their spring offensive, with fresh troops in the rear fitting out and training on new western equipment during mud season.

Russians regretted entering the center of Bakhmut - they retreat with losses
Damn diy :shock:, quick question, do u sleep...jc


Guess who got back on twitter, and who lifted their ban...

First post, I think from the drunk Russian asshole
View attachment 5279715
Calling for genocide

We'll keep this for the Hague :finger:

Thanks anon for finding it
Bad knee and foot keep me tied down more than I like, but spring is coming up this way and the weather should be breaking after the weekend. Pain sometimes keeps me up at night too.

This guy isn't giving up much, it's all pretty obvious, but they might hit them in the east or somewhere to draw forces away from where they will really hit them later. They have a manpower shortage now and it would be nice to hit them where the ground was dry, just to test things out.

Update from Ukraine | How Will Ukraine Attack on the South? | Bakhmut situation is critical
Bad knee and foot keep me tied down more than I like, but spring is coming up this way and the weather should be breaking after the weekend. Pain sometimes keeps me up at night too.

This guy isn't giving up much, it's all pretty obvious, but they might hit them in the east or somewhere to draw forces away from where they will really hit them later. They have a manpower shortage now and it would be nice to hit them where the ground was dry, just to test things out.

Update from Ukraine | How Will Ukraine Attack on the South? | Bakhmut situation is critical

Get some rest man, sleep is a good thing for the body....k..little indica also helps too...js

Yeah something big is coming with ua forces coming, up, we'll see
Get some rest man, sleep is a good thing for the body....k..little indica also helps too...js

Yeah something big is coming with ua forces coming, up, we'll see
I'm interested in the global struggle for liberal democracy, rule of law and other things necessary for human survival as we increasingly empower the individual and groups. America is key to that struggle and Ukraine is important too and a win in both places will do the world much good and increase out odds of making it. America has allies because it has friends, public opinion and shared values counts for a lot in today's world. China has the same problem that Russia does, and all authoritarian imperialists have, they are assholes, their neighbors fear them and don't trust them, and they have no real friends, just transactional relationships with no warmth and humanity. Take Ukraine, Zelenskiy made friends rapidly and Russia never really had any to begin with, but lots of enemies some with scores to settle. All those enemies gathered around Ukraine when they looked like a good bet and when they looked like they could actually defeat Russia and break Russian military and economic power with some help, the armor poured in and is continuing to do so. Many want Vlad dead and a change or the breakup of Russia, and this is the way to do it, China stands to benefit the most from any Russian breakup and they have already taken over the Muslim stans in central Asia with soft power and security from weakened Moscow.
I'm interested in the global struggle for liberal democracy, rule of law and other things necessary for human survival as we increasingly empower the individual and groups. America is key to that struggle and Ukraine is important too and a win in both places will do the world much good and increase out odds of making it. America has allies because it has friends, public opinion and shared values counts for a lot in today's world. China has the same problem that Russia does, and all authoritarian imperialists have, they are assholes, their neighbors fear them and don't trust them, and they have no real friends, just transactional relationships with no warmth and humanity. Take Ukraine, Zelenskiy made friends rapidly and Russia never really had any to begin with, but lots of enemies some with scores to settle. All those enemies gathered around Ukraine when they looked like a good bet and when they looked like they could actually defeat Russia and break Russian military and economic power with some help, the armor poured in and is continuing to do so. Many want Vlad dead and a change or the breakup of Russia, and this is the way to do it, China stands to benefit the most from any Russian breakup and they have already taken over the Muslim stans in central Asia with soft power and security from weakened Moscow.

We'll see...time will tell...

Why ultra-nationalism has a hold over Putin

27,802 views Apr 9, 2023 #TimesRadio
"People on social media are being incredibly critical of the regime and getting away with it, because even Putin doesn't really want to move against them.”

Former advisor to the Foreign Office, Mark Galeotti discusses the rise in ultra-nationalism in Russia on #TimesRadio.
China's other problem and with American arms it would be a considerable one, as the American's found out 50 years ago! Shit happens, things change, and foes become friends, happens all the time. They will take American intelligence but take their military advice with a rather large grain of salt!


The Vietnam War is behind us, the United States is no longer the enemy, and the regional landscape has become hostile to Vietnam. The culprit? Xi Jinping's China, an expansionist China that seeks to dominate the South China Sea.

Faced with this challenge, the former Soviet Union is no longer on hand to support Vietnam, and with Russia concentrating its efforts in Ukraine, Vietnam must look for other strategic partners. The United States has gotten the upper hand with Vietnam, because it has re-established ties with the nation it once invaded. But Uncle Sam cannot claim victory yet, Vietnam can be unpredictable and they must tread carefully.

Can the West really trust Vietnam, and to what extent could it become a reliable military partner for the United States? Could tensions between Vietnam and China really escalate into another war? Today we tell you.

Interesting links:
"China and Vietnam as instances of consolidated Market-Leninism.": https://www.researchgate.net/publicat...
"Rough waters ahead for Vietnam-China relations." Carnegie Endowment for International Peace:
"Vietnam's Policy over South China Sea: Potential for Conflict Escalation?". International Journal of Political Studies:
"How Vietnam can balance against China, on land and at sea". The Diplomat: https://thediplomat.com/2022/12/how-v...