
I get that some of you are all for a quick ending but ...history says otherwise.
The facts speak loudest of all, the Russian army in Ukraine will collapse and be driven to the borders and then if the rail bridges are destroyed inside Russia they will stay there. The Russians are highly dependent on the rails and before the war they had a chronic shortage of trucks. So, since they can't advance in any force more than 50km from their railheads, they will stay inside Russia.
"Moreover, a prolonged war of attrition, as with the last two years of the Korean war, would be harder on Ukrainians than it would be on Russians. That's because the US has vetoed Ukraine taking the war onto Russian territory and because of the demoralising impact of constant Russian shelling of Ukrainian cities and infrastructure."
Ukraine to export electricity again after months of Russian attacks
The US does not have a problem winning a war but winning peace has been a problem.
Not this one, no nation building required, and the Ukrainians are highly motivated and competent. It won't do much nation building for Russia though, maybe the opposite. Looking at the state of the Russian army and that of the Ukrainian's, with all the shit that's been pouring into the place for the last month or two and the constantly trained fresh troops in the west and Ukraine, Russia will be fucked with in 100 days, probably a lot quicker if their army in Ukraine collapses.
Ukrainian children living in Izium have sent nearly 100 drawings to Saaremaa to say thank you to people living on the island for the donation of postal trucks to their city.
You are not for a quick ending? And when you say some of us and then say all, well it gets confusing what you really mean.
Id love a quick ending but I'm a realist and think its going to be a long war. It might have the odd pause but the war isnt going anywhere unless Putin dies or Ukraine has a much more pro Russian gov. Which could happen at the next Ukraine election.

LED has been saying every day or two that Russia is about to collapse and Ukraine will be victorious in a week/month/100 days. Time is more on Russia's side than Ukraine's.
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The US does not have a problem winning a war but winning peace has been a problem.
Since 1945 America has been in 5 major wars. Korea, Vietnam, The gulf war. Iraq, Afghanistan. Only the gulf war might be considered a success. And the result of the Gulf war is a shit fight and huge problems that persist today.
Since 1945 America has been in 5 major wars. Korea, Vietnam, The gulf war. Iraq, Afghanistan. Only the gulf war might be considered a success. And the result of the Gulf war is a shit fight and huge problems that persist today.
America is not fighting this war, not 1 US soldier has died in Ukraine. Ukraine has most of what it needs to win this war, all they lack are the tools. Ask the Japanese about the US war machine. NATO will supply Ukraine all it needs to win. Russia cannot compete with all of NATO's resources...
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Let's see, Twitter is still banned in Russia, so why let Vlad back on to spew shit, for a rich guy Elon doesn't seem to know shit from silver. He doesn't seem to know the difference between truth and bullshit, I guess because he bullshits so much himself, kinda like Trump, not as bad, but leaning in that direction. Twitter trapped him financially and it trapped his ego even more once he got on it.

Maybe Elon wants to be to build a battery factory in Russia so he can pay them shit in funny money and achieve oligarch statues, they are short a few since they flew out windows.

He is the proverbial scorpion that is about to sting the fuck out of us as we carry it's treacherous ass across the river...
Nationalize anything defense related, pay him market value, and boot his traitorous ass the fuck out of America.
America is not fighting this war, not 1 US soldier has died in this war. Ukraine has all it needs to win this war, all they lack are the tools. Ask the Japanese about the US war machine. NATO will supply Ukraine all it needs to win. Russia cannot compete with all of NATO's resources...
I didn't say that they were. Just pointing out that defence budgets are nice and handy but doesn't guarantee a win. Its for sure another proxy war though.
Yes the war crimes of dropping nuclear bombs on civilians- I'm sure its a proud moment.
Might be happening again soon with the way the worlds going- and might not be such a bad idea. I'm sure whichever country starts it the press release will read kinda the same as the one in 1945. Most will even believe it like they did back then in fact many still do many years later- but what choice do they have?
Vietnam and Afghanistan couldn't possible hold out the Americans and their allies resources either.. o wait.
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He is the proverbial scorpion that is about to sting the fuck out of us as we carry it's treacherous ass across the river...
Nationalize anything defense related, pay him market value, and boot his traitorous ass the fuck out of America.
I watched the launch (a week ago?) of SDA “Tranche 0”, the start of an independent constellation.
