Well-Known Member
It's a shit show and it reminds me of the way the republicans and Trump operate, elect them and it won't take America long to be like Russia.
that would seem to me to be the equivalent of dropping a tactical nuke...the consequences should be the same...massive conventional bombing of russian nuclear and military facilities...Here is Vlad's plan for a dirty bomb in Ukraine and his going away present. The officers at the plant need to be told quietly and firmly that they and their families will be hunted down by teams inside Russia until all of them and their families are dead. Barbaric, yer fucking right it is, but the disincentive needs to be as strong as possible and placed squarely on the officers in charge of the place, there will be no escape for them or their families if they allow a meltdown to happen. Ether Putin will kill them and their families or the Ukrainians will hunt them down. It can be officially denied but every officer at the facility will know and if any FSB guys show up, they had better kill them if they wish to survive. Better yet surrender the place to the Ukrainians and international authorities.
This won't be one of those crimes where those responsible get away with it and anybody whining about fair trials and international law will be agreed with while being ignored in practice.
Ukraine war: Russia evacuates town near nuclear plant - BBC News
208,847 views May 7, 2023 #Ukraine #Russia #BBCNews
A "severe nuclear accident" could occur at Ukraine's Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant as fighting is expected to intensify between Russia and Ukraine. Around 18 settlements near the power plant, which has been held by Russia since the early days of the invasion, have been evacuated. Ukraine has said the evacuation orders have sparked "mass panic" as Russia claims the move was due to an anticipated offensive by Kyiv. The director of the International Atomic Energy Agency has said the situation at the power plant is "becoming increasingly unpredictable and potentially dangerous".
that would seem to me to be the equivalent of dropping a tactical nuke...the consequences should be the same...massive conventional bombing of russian nuclear and military facilities...
I would think there is some work into protecting the drones from jamming. After all, the drone may only cost a few hundred, but the mission is worth many times more. A few hundred is not much to lose but if without it the difference could be the difference between you getting targeted by what you are trying to take out or you neutralizing it.This is essentially a foamy RC aircraft, a flying wing design and you can buy the propulsion system of electric motor, prop and ESC along with two servos for about $30 bucks and the FC with GPS probably costs around $100 bucks, the airframe cost should be around another 100 bucks, considering the volume they are purchasing. They obviously have additional goodies aboard to bring the costs up, but this is what they need to spot artillery targets for 155mm artillery and HIMARS many miles behind the lines. They launch these using a simple bungie cord and if it isn't flying in GPS autonomous mode, it is controlled via a tracking directional antenna mounted up on a pole and transmitting real-time video back to the operator. This is another effort by the drone and RC plane hobby communities, and they are making mighty contributions to the war effort. You tend to see older guys involved with the UAV planes, in the war and in the hobby, the 30 to 40 somethings are attracted to the DJI video drone world and the young guys like the excitement and skill required for FPV flying. That is the way the hobby breaks down generally, old farts like planes and build some impressive replicas as a labor of love.
Reconnaissance improvised UAV: Ukrainian drone ‘Sirko’ ready for combat flights
2,441 views May 7, 2023 #development #Ukrainians #drone
It is difficult to see and almost impossible to hear: the new #development of the #Ukrainians - the Sirko #drone for aerial #reconnaissance is ready for #combat missions. To help the #ArmedForces of #Ukraine to find the enemy from the air, the inventors joined forces of designers and engineers from #Kharkiv, Lviv, Kyiv and Dnipro. It took a year of work - and now the company is preparing to launch mass production, producing up to 200 drones per day. More details – in our report.
Then that will be the end of russia, there is no way NATO could ignore the international community, and their own citizens dying as the result of russian aggression in Ukraine.Looks like the Russian POWs will have a job cleaning up the radioactive wasteland until they die and are left where they fall. The area around the plant will become the Russian POW camp and they will live among it and clean it up. This is Vlad's nuke for Ukraine, and he thinks he will be able to get away with it, WRONG, the Ukrainian government will have little control over the response eventually.
NATO should send in Airborne and surround the place before anything happens, if the Russians there blow it up, they will stay there until they die of radiation sickness. This would have international consequences the radiation cloud would know no borders and it would be another radioactive gift from Russia like Chernobyl only worse. Vlad needs to be told the Ukrainians will be given everything on their wish list including enough cruise missiles to level the Kremlin. If anybody thinks the Ukrainians won't respond with their own nuclear option, they are mad or naive and the EU and Uncle Sam would have to cough up everything including immediate NATO membership to avoid retaliation.
It might be best to send in NATO to surround the plant and make sure the Russian's there commit suicide if they blow it up. Perhaps Joe might call Vlad and tell him if he does this America will sell nukes to Ukraine and they can use them at their discretion. There would not be many options off the table and don't underestimate the seriousness of the situation. If these pricks blew up a reactor and poisoned your country and one of the biggest grain producers in the world, what would your response be? I can tell you what the American response would be, the extinction of Russia, it would be the UK and French response too. Forget nuclear nonproliferation, the non-nuclear powers will toss that out the fucking window after this shit. The nuclear powers would respond in kind, but everybody else would be a second-class citizen, America's or the other nuclear powers guarantees would be considered useless. Oh, don't nuke the Russians back, just sit there and smile while you glow in the dark and we increase the sanctions, but those rules don't apply to us of course, we can nuke them back, but not you and we don't want to risk it over you.
Maybe we don't need to worry about Russia using tactical nukes in Ukraine, Uncle Sam will, or they will send in troops to surround the reactors and demand their surrender, if not they take them and if they blow them up, then nobody gets out alive, they stay there until they die and are told that in no uncertain terms. The Ukrainians will tell them other things, because they know who they are down to the man, and they also know who their families are and where they live. Nothing would be off the table, no matter how horrific.
Russians 'seen wiring explosives' near nuclear power plant in Zaporizhzhia
21,972 views May 8, 2023
“This is a massive nuclear power station, a potential accident or deliberate attempt to sabotage it could spread contamination all over Europe.”
Reports of Russian activity near Zaporizhzhia's nuclear plant could cause an event “as significant as Chernobyl”, says chemical weapons expert Hamish de Bretton-Gordon.
They had better wipe them out, because a non-response would mean the end of nuclear proliferation, if America won't risk a nuke over Ukraine after giving them nuclear security assurances, then they won't use one for Canada either, just for Americans, nobody else. Two standards will exist, one for Americans who can't moralize about it and one for everybody else who must deal with it. So, don't say no nukes for you to anybody else because if it was done to America or any other nuclear power the response would be immediate and without much talking either. Vlad thinks he can get around using a tactical nuke using a technicality by blowing up the largest nuclear power plant on the planet. If you want to see a rapid descent into unspeakable barbarity on ourside, then allow this to happen and I speak as a NATO member, Canada will have boots on the ground around those reactors too and would keep the Russians there until the fucking died of radiation poisoning or just kill the fuckers outright. It would lead to nuclear war as quickly as if he used a tactical nuke on Kyiv, so whatever response is considered in DC, it had better be made by those with large balls.Then that will be the end of russia, there is no way NATO could ignore the international community, and their own citizens dying as the result of russian aggression in Ukraine.
I'm not sure what the russian response will be to NATO wiping out all their known missile site, bomber bases, and nuclear equipped ships at sea, but then, who the fuck cares what their response will be, they will no longer have a nuclear threat to hold over the entire planets head, and their terrorist state will come to an end.
not so. All y’all have oil we need.They had better wipe them out, because a non-response would mean the end of nuclear proliferation, if America won't risk a nuke over Ukraine after giving them nuclear security assurances, then they won't use one for Canada either, just for Americans, nobody else. Two standards will exist, one for Americans who can't moralize about it and one for everybody else who must deal with it. So, don't say no nukes for you to anybody else because if it was done to America or any other nuclear power the response would be immediate and without much talking either. Vlad thinks he can get around using a tactical nuke using a technicality by blowing up the largest nuclear power plant on the planet. If you want to see a rapid descent into unspeakable barbarity on ourside, then allow this to happen and I speak as a NATO member, Canada will have boots on the ground around those reactors too and would keep the Russians there until the fucking died of radiation poisoning or just kill the fuckers outright. It would lead to nuclear war as quickly as if he used a tactical nuke on Kyiv, so whatever response is considered in DC, it had better be made by those with large balls.
You can't moralize to a non-nuclear nation, America's response would be instant and would be final, so telling the Ukrainians or anybody else to act with restraint is the height of hypocrisy.not so. All y’all have oil we need.
lol look who’s talking!You can't moralize to a non-nuclear nation, America's response would be instant and would be final, so telling the Ukrainians or anybody else to act with restraint is the height of hypocrisy.
Not about using nukes or responding with them, the reaction of America would be instant and final, so counseling others in restraint would be self-serving at best. Canada could have had nukes faster than the UK did, probably within a couple of years after America, but with America armed to the teeth there was seen to be little need and the US would have perceived it as a threat. It was expensive, unnecessary and would have pissed off the look who’s talking!
I think NATO has already warned Putin against that action and told him "THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES" if he does. I think NATO is telling him that spreading nuclear fallout across their borders would be considered an attack on NATO. Which it would be. But US exterminate all of Russia? I can't say what an appropriate action would be but I don't think that's necessary or likely.What do you think will happen if the Russians deliberately blow up the largest nuclear power plant in the world and contaminate much of the world's grain growing land out of pure spite? Radiation clouds know no national boundaries and there are a lot of reactors there. How many millions would starve in future years? Wanna give Vlad a pass on it? Wanna let those who did it suffer no consequences? It won't be up to you or me how the Ukrainians deal with such a situation legally and extralegally. America would just exterminate Russia instantly, but would counsel restraint to the Ukrainians?
Stick to topic, I don't a diagnosis.
I think NATO should move into the nuclear power plants and tell Russia it is going to do so, and they had better leave them in good working order with no explosives wired to the reactors. I think that is the only way out of a nuclear war, but it is not up to me, and it might not even be up to Uncle Sam what the response would be to such a horrific act of deliberately causing several nuclear meltdowns spewing radioactive clouds over Europe for months all summer long, because they might not even be able to contain it. This is potentially very serious business, and someone needs the living shit scared out of them to prevent it. Some very hard decisions might have to be made this spring and summer concerning nuclear weapons.I think NATO has already warned Putin against that action and told him "THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES" if he does. I think NATO is telling him that spreading nuclear fallout across their borders would be considered an attack on NATO. Which it would be. But US exterminate all of Russia? I can't say what an appropriate action would be but I don't think that's necessary or likely.
Settle down.
I've done a search on this topic and the only reference to this is that Times report. I also found this:I think NATO should move into the nuclear power plants and tell Russia it is going to do so, and they had better leave them in good working order with no explosives wired to the reactors. I think that is the only way out of a nuclear war, but it is not up to me, and it might not even be up to Uncle Sam what the response would be to such a horrific act of deliberately causing several nuclear meltdowns spewing radioactive clouds over Europe for months all summer long, because they might not even be able to contain it. This is potentially very serious business, and someone needs the living shit scared out of them to prevent it. Some very hard decisions might have to be made this spring and summer concerning nuclear weapons.
I'm not saying i don't agree with you, but the minute NATO gets more involved than having trainers in Ukraine, Then russia can and probably will use that as an excuse to escalate the situation, and it seem like they only have one path of escalation left....I think NATO should move into the nuclear power plants and tell Russia it is going to do so, and they had better leave them in good working order with no explosives wired to the reactors. I think that is the only way out of a nuclear war, but it is not up to me, and it might not even be up to Uncle Sam what the response would be to such a horrific act of deliberately causing several nuclear meltdowns spewing radioactive clouds over Europe for months all summer long, because they might not even be able to contain it. This is potentially very serious business, and someone needs the living shit scared out of them to prevent it. Some very hard decisions might have to be made this spring and summer concerning nuclear weapons.
I get a bit excited when I hear the Russians are wiring up the reactors of the world's largest nuclear power plant as they are about to suffer a humiliating defeat in Ukraine as they are about to be driven from the area. I'm sure Joe is kinda excited too, as would be NATO and the EU, I'm sure folks are on the phone with Vlad. But wiring up explosives to nuclear reactors has but one purpose and is very risk in its own right because it means the detonators are in place and they can be rather sensitive to radio emissions and radioactive emissions too.Settle down.