
Putin warned about the threat from the West
The West aims to destroy Russia. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin during a speech at the Victory Day parade on Red Square.

“The West talks about its exclusivity, provokes conflicts, sows hatred, destroys family values in order to continue to impose its will on peoples. The goal of the opponents of Russia, and there is nothing new here, is to achieve the disintegration and destruction of our country,” Vladimir Putin said. URA.RU broadcasts live from the parade in Moscow

What Putin said at the Victory Parade in Moscow: the main statements of the President on May 9
Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a festive speech at the Victory Day parade on Red Square. URA.RU gives the main theses of the President of the Russian Federation.
  • Civilization is at a turning point, a real war has been unleashed against the Motherland . However, the country will defeat terrorism.
  • There are no unfriendly countries for Russia . The country wants to see its future peaceful, free and stable. Russia should use the experience of cooperation and solidarity to build a multipolar world, for which there is now a demand.
  • Any ideology that promotes superiority is criminal. However, Western countries continue to talk about their exclusivity. They spread theses that are directed against humanity.
  • Western countries have forgotten who defeated the Nazis. Who did not spare their lives for the sake of the freedom of Europe.
  • Demolition of monuments to Soviet soldiers is a crime. The West wants to cross out the results of the Second World War.
  • The people of Ukraine are hostages of a coup d'état. Kiev is ruled by the West .
  • Russia is proud of the participants in the special military operation . The fighters of the NMD honorably fulfill their military duty, fighting for the Russian Federation.
  • The West aims to destroy Russia. The goal of the opponents of Russia is to achieve the disintegration and destruction of our country.
He is right, we now want the breakup of the Russian empire as the only path to liberal democracy for Russia. That means the destruction of the Russian military and economy until the current regime dies and is replaced by something better, then we might talk. Considering the state of the Russian early warning systems one has to wonder about the effectiveness of their nuclear weapons and delivery systems. I think America could have wiped out Russia with a nuclear attack since the 1990s and knew it had very good odds of doing so, but considering what one or two nukes that got through could do, it was never a serious option.
The Russians are only using it as a shield, they are not planing on blowing it up.
I hope you are right and they could be holding it hostage in case Ukraine rains on the big parade that happened in Moscow today. All Hell is gonna break loose there very soon and if the Russians don't leave the power plant they will be surrounded there and not allowed to leave until it is inspected.
I hope you are right and they could be holding it hostage in case Ukraine rains on the big parade that happened in Moscow today. All Hell is gonna break loose there very soon and if the Russians don't leave the power plant they will be surrounded there and not allowed to leave until it is inspected.

that big parade with one tank....and basically nothing else......
Putin warned about the threat from the West
The West aims to destroy Russia. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin during a speech at the Victory Day parade on Red Square.

“The West talks about its exclusivity, provokes conflicts, sows hatred, destroys family values in order to continue to impose its will on peoples. The goal of the opponents of Russia, and there is nothing new here, is to achieve the disintegration and destruction of our country,” Vladimir Putin said. URA.RU broadcasts live from the parade in Moscow

What Putin said at the Victory Parade in Moscow: the main statements of the President on May 9
Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a festive speech at the Victory Day parade on Red Square. URA.RU gives the main theses of the President of the Russian Federation.
  • Civilization is at a turning point, a real war has been unleashed against the Motherland . However, the country will defeat terrorism.
  • There are no unfriendly countries for Russia . The country wants to see its future peaceful, free and stable. Russia should use the experience of cooperation and solidarity to build a multipolar world, for which there is now a demand.
  • Any ideology that promotes superiority is criminal. However, Western countries continue to talk about their exclusivity. They spread theses that are directed against humanity.
  • Western countries have forgotten who defeated the Nazis. Who did not spare their lives for the sake of the freedom of Europe.
  • Demolition of monuments to Soviet soldiers is a crime. The West wants to cross out the results of the Second World War.
  • The people of Ukraine are hostages of a coup d'état. Kiev is ruled by the West .
  • Russia is proud of the participants in the special military operation . The fighters of the NMD honorably fulfill their military duty, fighting for the Russian Federation.
  • The West aims to destroy Russia. The goal of the opponents of Russia is to achieve the disintegration and destruction of our country.
what a load of steaming shit...The only thing he got right is that the rest of the world is tired of their shit and wants them gone.
The Russians are only using it as a shield, they are not planing on blowing it up.
you sure about that? would neglecting it till it melts down be better?...a thing i wouldn't put past them for one nanosecond.
This should be one of those things that NATO steps in and calls off limits, the consequences of an accidental missile strike are way the fuck too high to trust in russian technology to be able to avoid. They're evacuating personnel, when all their people are gone, whats to keep that plant from becoming a target of opportunity for them? Their humanity? :lol:
Implicit in those "assurances" is coming to the aid of Ukraine, in the event of a Russian attack, seriously the UK and US were not about to attack Ukraine and they gave up a lot for something that was worthless? It didn't mean boots on the ground or war like a guarantee, but it did mean the level of military and economic support they are getting now, that should have been provided in 2014. Russia should have suffered from 9 years of sanctions and being bleed white with western weapons delivered to Ukraine. Germany betrayed Ukraine and made a deal with the Devil while selling Ukraine and the rest of Europe down the river and THEY owe Ukraine big fucking time, a fact that is recognized by all of eastern Europe. It was mostly German greed that brought us to this point with Putin, he played them like a fucking fiddle, and they must atone for their sins, yet again. Poland has many reasons to hate Germany, and this is just another, putting them on the frontlines with Russia and fucking over Ukraine who they are much tighter with than Germany.
Implicit in those "assurances" is coming to the aid of Ukraine, in the event of a Russian attack, seriously the UK and US were not about to attack Ukraine and they gave up a lot for something that was worthless? It didn't mean boots on the ground or war like a guarantee, but it did mean the level of military and economic support they are getting now, that should have been provided in 2014. Russia should have suffered from 9 years of sanctions and being bleed white with western weapons delivered to Ukraine. Germany betrayed Ukraine and made a deal with the Devil while selling Ukraine and the rest of Europe down the river and THEY owe Ukraine big fucking time, a fact that is recognized by all of eastern Europe. It was mostly German greed that brought us to this point with Putin, he played them like a fucking fiddle, and they must atone for their sins, yet again. Poland has many reasons to hate Germany, and this is just another, putting them on the frontlines with Russia and fucking over Ukraine who they are much tighter with than Germany.
I sure hope they are generous with antiair assets. It would be nice to attrite the remaining SU-24s, MiG-31s and the odd glide bomb. And just think of knocking down a TU-160.

I suspect that denying the airspace to Russia is the difference between win/lose on the ground.
i wonder how zeihan keeps posting after every previous post he has made has been at least partially wrong? He does seem to be getting slightly better at accounting for the human factor in his predictions, but he still has a tendency to trust numbers, even when they've proven to not be reliable quite often in the past.
He didn't make any ground breaking predictions on this episode, and what he did make seemed pretty accurate, but all he had to do was repeat what practically everyone else making these kind of videos has been saying for the last week.
I sure hope they are generous with antiair assets. It would be nice to attrite the remaining SU-24s, MiG-31s and the odd glide bomb. And just think of knocking down a TU-160.

I suspect that denying the airspace to Russia is the difference between win/lose on the ground.
it HAS to be a major factor. They have been holding aviation back for quite a while, and are still dropping glide bombs and then heading back to base as quickly as possible... Talking completely out of my ass, i would try to set up some ambushes closer to their border, with as much anti aircraft munitions as they have left, and maybe some loitering drones? Let them extend themselves to drop their glide bombs, and get behind them, make them fly home through hell.
Hopefully, the Ukrainian pilots will finish their training in time to make a difference, and wipe the russian air forces out.