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I see Zelenskiy was in his office today on TV and it could be a sign. That Russian convoy north west of Kyiv is apparently undergoing attack from Ukrainian army and partisan units almost along it's entire length. It has been reported that there is no screen of combat troops guarding it and it is wide open to attack, particularly the fuel and ammunition trucks that are carrying rocket and artillery reloads too and every time one of those blows up in takes out other vehicles in the column, particularly if they are bumper to bumper while stopped on the road. They might not even have drivers, as they might have run for the hills. In those circumstances a few lightly armed partisans with guns and RPGs could do a lot of damage.
If reports on that convoy north west of Kyiv coming down the west side of the Dnieper at Kyiv are true, the combat units at the front will be starved of supplies, ammo and food, rocket and artillery units will become useless. Those pricks killing civilians west of Kyiv might find themselves cut off and in a lot of trouble. The plan is to keep the highways into Kyiv from the west open and keep the arms ammo and food coming in so they can stock up for a fight. It makes sense to concentrate force here and these assholes are gonna regret using their ammo to murder women and children, instead of saving it for those who will be trying to kill them. If they committed war crimes, I would expect summary execution on the spot, unless they are really lucky. If in fact their supplies are cut, this should be made clear to them, it will be clear to other Russians as well.
We call them warming centers. When there are really bad winter storms, cities have to open up places for the homeless to stay.
You don’t live in an eastern country right?:))here the life is really poor, the infrastructure is really bad and this warming centers are like totally insufficient. Maybe one in a medium town and a few in the capital. Especially in a war in which more people need them…and again i was sating russians are bombing heat centrals and a few towns are left in total cold so…i don’t know how much this warming centers can help when they don’t have how to make them literally warm:(
The Russians have had men in the field for almost two weeks of hard combat in extremely hostile territory and 100% of the forces committed are in the country. About a third are combat units mostly at the tip of the spear or attempting to secure vast areas with many towns and village bypassed and a lot are being armed where they can with soviet era weapons perfect for irregular troops. This rate of arming the civil and volunteer forces is accelerating and the truck convoys are flowing relatively unimpeded deep into Ukraine distributing arms by the tens of thousands to highly motivated partisans every day.

Fighter jets are important but so are AA systems too, ones that are mobile and can reach very high up and at longer ranges, that can shoot and run to new locations. I'm certain these are being delivered, in lieu of a no fly zone, but they do require some training, but not that much, these things are designed to be as simple as possible to use and maintain. These and stingers will make the air, even over contested cities, very dangerous for Russian planes. I believe these can offer effective protection to Ukraine. Zelenskiy, like Churchill, would like more American involvement and is making demands that will result in more planes and AA systems.

The writing is on the wall with each passing day the Ukrainians are growing stronger and the Russians weaker. The troops there have no reserves, no replacements for combat loses, no relief and being rotated out for R&R. No way to help their supplies if they are being attacked by irregulars on the ground and they have no combat troop screen, no way to get to them on jammed up roads under partisan attack. Being cut off from food an ammunition in a hostile country is very bad for the boys at the front. I will take Vlad awhile to assemble his mighty army and they will be going into Hell in a few weeks. They might evacuate millions of more women and children to clear the battle zone, the young women stay and will do logistical support and countless other vital jobs. most of the Ukrainian army will be well equipped combat units that could number in the hundreds of thousands in a few weeks and most of them will be combat troops, their women at their backs will provide the usual logistical support.

When Vlad's might army arrives, he better not make the same mistakes as the first time around!
You don’t live in an eastern country right?:))here the life is really poor, the infrastructure is really bad and this warming centers are like totally insufficient. Maybe one in a medium town and a few in the capital. Especially in a war in which more people need them…and again i was sating russians are bombing heat centrals and a few towns are left in total cold so…i don’t know how much this warming centers can help when they don’t have how to make them literally warm:(
I'm in NW Florida. We do have a little bit of winter, but not too bad.

We can all hope for an early spring in eastern Europe.
You don’t live in an eastern country right?:))here the life is really poor, the infrastructure is really bad and this warming centers are like totally insufficient. Maybe one in a medium town and a few in the capital. Especially in a war in which more people need them…and again i was sating russians are bombing heat centrals and a few towns are left in total cold so…i don’t know how much this warming centers can help when they don’t have how to make them literally warm:(
Once the Russians are beaten and driven out of Ukraine, you will be surprised at the prosperity you will see over the next 5 years as the aid flows in and the seized Russian money is used to rebuild Ukraine. The economic boom will not be confined to their border either, plenty of people from your country will be working there rebuilding the place, the more Vlad destroys, the more post war prosperity. America is gonna dump a lot of cash on Ukraine too, just to make Vlad look bad! ;-)

Now to get the remaining women and children out of the place and make it a nice reception for Vlad's mighty army, when he gets it there. He's trying without luck to get Belarus to attack, bad idea for Belarus, desperation!
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You don’t live in an eastern country right?:))here the life is really poor, the infrastructure is really bad and this warming centers are like totally insufficient. Maybe one in a medium town and a few in the capital. Especially in a war in which more people need them…and again i was sating russians are bombing heat centrals and a few towns are left in total cold so…i don’t know how much this warming centers can help when they don’t have how to make them literally warm:(
All those bombed houses have plenty of firewood around them, if they dare light a fire. There will be lots of wood for heating and spring is a few weeks away. I think they need to get more mothers and children out of the country, incase it gets worse when Vlad's Calvary finally arrive. The young women will stay and do logistical support and countless other jobs freeing up male soldiers for close combat, most Ukrainian soldiers will be combat troops, not 2/3s in logistical support like the Russians. Women make this possible. Soon they will have hundreds of thousands of heavily armed troops to face Vlad's hundreds of thousands, if it gets that far.
Well March 15th will soon be here, I wonder if Vlad will meet with members of the Russian senate concerned about the economy then? Leaves enough time for a major defeat in Ukraine with a lot of his army captured and defeated outside Kyiv with their supplies cut off, their officers are being shipped off to The Hague for war crimes!

Technically speaking, since Vlad made no formal declaration of war against Ukraine, any soldiers there are criminals under international law. Also the Ukrainians could send any captured senior officers to The Hague for very public trials prosecuting them for war crimes, or crimes against humanity and imprisoning them for decades.
It’s more annoying that this game in so unfair…if only putin knew how to fight like a man, from equal to equal, but no he’s bombing every facility to make them weaker…not gonna work till the end
Our actions define us, he has no honor or decency, no heart, or if he does, it is buried under a mountain of hatred and resentment. He knows the truth about the west, one of his greatest problems is his intelligence people do too and so do his computer hackers, many of his key people know the truth. They know he alone destroyed their lives and country for a stupid fucking dream of resurrecting the Soviet empire. They also know about his many blunders and mistakes that lead to their humiliation and impoverishment. It matters more if his key people know these things, they are the ones most likely to kill him, most Russians believe bullshit, but these people know the truth.

Millions of Russians will be moving back to the land and peasanthood, the dying rural villages will come back to life as the unemployed move back to their grand parents dilapidated farms. They will need to take up subsistence farming like their ancestors and I don't think the back to the land movement will be popular in Russia! Meanwhile young people in Ukraine will be making good money rebuilding their country, they might live in a trailer or UN tent for awhile, but the soviet era buildings will be gone in the end. They will be replaced by something much better, more people will live in their own houses!