
I'm pretty sure anybody who gets captured close to those artillery and mortar bases gets executed on the spot.
It would be better if they were not, it would be best if their officers were shipped off to the Hague for very embarrassing international trials, the higher ranking the better.
Soon the economic protests will begin in Russia, the jails will be full of war protesters. The cops will be hurting by then, the crowds larger, older and more conservative, the cops will likely be sympathetic. Vlad can't use the army against the people, that would be most unwise! He doesn't really have those kind of military or secret police units that will fire on mass protesters. Revolution may begin in the Army with units revolting and others joining in. It might start in Ukraine with heavily propagandized troops listening to Ukrainian broadcasts of the truth on their military radios. Once it starts, it will be difficult to stop, they have no more political officers in the army, when the army officers start agreeing there could be trouble.

Maybe some bright spark in the Kremlin will have returned troops from Ukraine try to suppress protests, I wonder what would happen? But sir, they were the only unit available!
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I'd probably get myself to do unspeakable things to them if it was my country/city they were fucking up.
Much easier to be neutral if it is not a personal loss I guess. I don't think these people are embarrassed at all by what they are doing.
They have been having opposite day for so long up is down, permanently.
I'd probably get myself to do unspeakable things to them if it was my country/city they were fucking up.
Much easier to be neutral if it is not a personal loss I guess. I don't think these people are embarrassed at all by what they are doing.
They have been having opposite day for so long up is down, permanently.
Oh I'm sure many will meet an unpleasant fate, I wouldn't expect a captured sniper to last long if they were sniping women and kids. An over run artillery unit destroying a city might suffer too, so would any of these viscous foreign fighters from Chechenia. Young conscripts would be disarmed and released, regular professional combat troops would be detained. However because there was no declaration of war or other UN approval, all the Russian soldiers in Ukraine are criminals and can be imprisoned as such, not prisoners of war. Captured generals will be shipped off to The Hague for embarrassing public trials for crimes against humanity!
But how can they fire wood inside?:((most homes don’t have a fireplace in 2022…
They can have a fire outside or a semi sheltered area and stoves from oil drums and such ain't hard to rig and can heat a group of women and kids from scrap wood in the rubble. The hope is to get them out of the place before all Hell breaks out, as compared to now. If this goes on I expect millions of more will come west, there is nothing for mothers and children there, only for those prepared to fight or support the fight.
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Imagine when the Ukrainians start capturing generals and shipping them to The Hague (America is documenting everything for the Ukrainians) for public crimes against humanity and war crimes trials. Vlad's lawyers and diplomats will be exactly like Trump's lawyers! They won't have a legal leg to stand on and will be pounding the table and screaming stupidity, while the press ridicule them and the public protests and brays for blood. Not even Vlad's counter disinformation and propaganda will work, he lost all of his conduits to the west, the internet, most, but not all of his useful idiots like Trump and on top of that all the hackers in the country will be pissed at him to no fucking end (they will know the truth too)! Even the GRU and FSB hackers will be living like shit on their government salaries and will know the real reasons why. He won't even be able to get anybody to troll for him, except useful idiots and Nazis in the west who see the sun setting. It will be like the great depression in about a month in Russia, no matter what happens with the war.
They can have a fire outside or a semi sheltered area and stoves from oil drums and such ain't hard to rig and can heat a group of women and kids from scrap wood in the rubble. The hope is to get them out of the place before all Hell breaks out, as compared to now. If this goes on I expect millions of more will come west, there is nothing for mothers and children there, only for those prepared to fight or support the fight.

If it was good enough for WW1&2, oil drum fires are good enough for 3!
Oh I'm sure many will meet an unpleasant fate, I wouldn't expect a captured sniper to last long if they were sniping women and kids. An over run artillery unit destroying a city might suffer too, so would any of these viscous foreign fighters from Chechenia. Young conscripts would be disarmed and released, regular professional combat troops would be detained. However because there was no declaration of war or other UN approval, all the Russian soldiers in Ukraine are criminals and can be imprisoned as such, not prisoners of war. Captured generals will be shipped off to The Hague for embarrassing public trials for crimes against humanity!
Those viscous Chechens need to adopt more fluid tactics.
About the 'Z', you don't think he means World War Z with Brad Pitt?

There's also 'z' zada(sp) meaning West or to the West.

I'm just spit balling knowing I was right that this place was going to be Greater Russia.

Brad Pitt's not very tall.