
Trumpster fire might as well sell it …. Truth Social ain’t working out
These things are not hard to setup these days, as long as you don't steal open source code and try to call it your own (they did apparently). Or if you wanted to spend a couple of million bucks to buy the software and complete service for a monthly fee. Forum software similar to this is free to download and server farms ain't that expensive to rent a box on and they give you a control panel software to manage it. Maybe he should hire @potroast to get it up and running! Make sure he pays up front and leave a back door for fun, sign no contract that his lawyers write or he will own ya! :lol:
Trumpster fire might as well sell it …. Truth Social ain’t working out
Probably the reason it's failing other than lack of cash, is nobody with brains enough to create it, is stupid enough to sign Trump's contract to do it, even if he paid up front.
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A smart guy who wanted an adventurous life and got it!
Mozart Group: The counter to Russia's infamous Wagner Group mercenaries
Fundamental mistakes, if you were the building custodian and saw them coming and breaking into the lobby, what would you do? I don't think this ended well for these guys, if the people who trapped them there had a plan to dispose of them or just leave them there until they died. I can only imagine what was said to them on the emergency phone or over the PA, YOU ARE GONNA DIE! being the least of it.

If they got out, the guy who put them there would be dead, if they found him. They were on their way to rape, murder and pillage, so they could well have died with 20 gallons of gasoline, tossed down the shaft as everybody left the building.

Russian soldiers trapped in elevator by Ukraine war, this is what happened to trapped soldiers
Did he said flagellating i’m dying
Did he said flagellating i’m dying
I never heard what happened to those Russians, but after what they did in the places they occupied, they wouldn't have much of a chance with any Ukrainian who realized what the were and why they were there.

As you know the atrocities are all over TV in Ukraine, civilians are clearing out and getting murdered doing it on their line of advance. The Americans are about to sign lend lease (look it up if you are young) and the gates of heaven are about to open before the ink is dry on Biden's signature.

I see Boris was in Kyiv today, all those arms announced yesterday earned him a guided tour by Zel himself. ;-) We are all pretty pissed off about the news and the public is howling for more aid to Ukraine all over the western world, except Hungary. >:( Orban had better play ball and cough up those T72 tanks for Ukraine or there will be trouble with that asshole too. He might have won the election, but he is isolated and the recent news is making him look like shit. Forget Vlad, he's gone for good, get over it Victor, you fascist asshole. :lol:
Here’s a feel good tweet of the day ….. remote fire on the russians.

The Stugna-P is an anti-tank missile system designed and manufactured in Ukraine. The anti-tank missile weapon system has been developed by the Kyiv-based Luch design bureau to compete with foreign models of the same class. Round comprising "STUGNA" antitank guided missile is intended for firing from the tank T-55 or antitank artillery gun MT-12 against stationary and moving modern armored objects with combined, incomplete or monolithic armor including ERA (explosive reactive armor), and also against pinpoint targets like weapon emplacements, tank in a trench, lightly armored objects. The Stugna-P is able of destroying low-altitude, slow-moving aerial targets. The laser-guided system has a range of 4,000 meters and can penetrate armor up to 800 millimeters thickness. The operating temperature range is from - 40° to +60°. The Stugna-P is able to destroy armored targets on all-terrain conditions in various climatic conditions at a distance of 100 to 4000 meters.

Here is a Russian recon drone and what it looks like inside. It's a large RC plane and the camera gimbal look like it's a cheap Chinese one and is not stabilized, from the footage I've seen. A two cylinder four stroke gas engine and a big gas tank for endurance, looks like fiberglass and carbon fiber cloth construction.

Russian Orlan-30 DESTROYED By Ukrainian Forces

Here is a Russian recon drone and what it looks like inside. It's a large RC plane and the camera gimbal look like it's a cheap Chinese one and is not stabilized, from the footage I've seen. A two cylinder four stroke gas engine and a big gas tank for endurance, looks like fiberglass and carbon fiber cloth construction.

Russian Orlan-30 DESTROYED By Ukrainian Forces

Don’t lie …. You laughed at the tech.
