
Don’t lie …. You laughed at the tech.

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When the antidrone and jamming gear Sammy promised arrives they will be dropping like flies out of the sky! You might be able to bring one down with a powerful radar salvaged from a damaged fighter, or from the looks of it, a cavity magnetron salvaged from a micro wave inside a tin can focused on an old satellite dish! :lol: Just point the assembled junk at it and flip the switch.
If the Russians can't deal with them, a dozen can do a lot of damage over night destroying parked tanks and they can even destroy them when they are parked right next to the houses their crews are sleeping in. I understand both their funding and private international support increased quite a bit since that was published. Parts that they need to build those drones and even upgrading them are being sent from around the world by people in the business and hobbyists. Now that their military importance has been realized and their economy, the bombs they drop cost around $50, they are getting funding and expanding rapidly. They wouldn't say if they did, but this has gotten them lot's of funding and support.
flatuating, farting....flagellating is beating yourself for penance
They might have been doing that too for being so stupid as to get in a elevator in hostile country. Looks like the custodian had a plan though. Stick em near the bottom and drop refrigerators and safes, from the top floor if ya can find them! A nice safe dropping 10 stories would make one of them just disappear through a hole in the floor, one second he was there and the next he was not.
Likewise taking the other elevator down and siphoning some diesel out of their vehicle...
at about 13 seconds in, they show him with a medal on his chest with putin's face on it....is that really a thing? he made a medal with his own face on it?......
Just checked, his picture was added, this is pro Ukrainian propaganda to an extent, but it's also news too. They showed an altered picture, but read a press release or article.
this confuses me...russia is conscripting Ukrainians? or russian sympathizers in the contested territory around Luhansk and Mariupol?
that seems unwise to me, but much of the russians "strategy" has seemed unwise to me since the day they attacked...if the people they are conscripting are willing to fight for russia, why aren't they already doing it? and if they are already doing it, then who will continue the fight they are already involved with?....:???:
It may just be forced labor. But even that has risks. Anyone can throw a spanner in the works.
Found a cool twist on old maxim

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Regulations are killing the hobby to an extent and looking at Ukraine you can see why the regulations have piled on everywhere and at the same time North America and the EU. The technology has become too empowering, people can build their own cruise missile in their garage FFS, jet powered, GPS guided and even stealth! It might not be as big or as capable as Uncle Sam's, but could drop a 100 lb warhead or plastic explosive on to some asshole that you wanted to kill from 300 miles away. You just need to know where the target will be, Vlad sleeping in his Kremlin apartment for instance, send a dozen to get the job done. There are Ukrainian millionaires, engineers and experienced RC enthusiasts. Shit in six months they could be crowding funding Vlad's assassination from Kyiv. What would be a good name for the project? Vlad slayer, Retribution, Justice for Vlad.... Think they would get any donations? ;-) Tips?
Yep the Ukrainians know where Vlad will be attacking, when and what roads they will be using to do it. What do you think will happen? This is far more than merely losing the element of surprise, this allows the Ukrainians to prepare for their arrival in great detail and give them a truly epic welcome. If every there was a journey of the damned, it is those Russians on the way to Ukraine. Surprise is everything in war and those with brains shouldn't be surprised at what will happen to them as they advance on the roads of Ukraine.
How a makeshift urban warfare manual has helped Ukrainian fighters

Urban warfare expert Major (Ret'd) John Spencer has told us what those defending Ukraine have got right so far in the war with Russia.
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Perhaps I’m way off base and a little high but doesn’t it make sense that Putins plan is too kill Ukrainian people and kill his own teenagers? His youth has gotten too westernized ,so two birds with one stone.
Perhaps I’m way off base and a little high but doesn’t it make sense that Putins plan is too kill Ukrainian people and kill his own teenagers? His youth has gotten too westernized ,so two birds with one stone.
He kills Russia's future if he kills the kids. Only a few hundred thousand kids from rural communities will die, no big deal to someone like Vlad. This time when they go into Ukraine they will slaughter them with IEDs, artillery, rockets and tanks, as they advance, into repeated ambushes. Then when they are worn down and beat up enough and further from their logistic bases, they will counter attack their flanks at the rear and cut off the fighting spear tips, while rolling them back. Repeat as required, trade space for their blood and equipment, then counter attack, shoot and scoot.
When the Ukrainians are fighting tank battles with the Russians, it might be a good idea for the tank commander, or perhaps a couple of guys outside on the turret to have Javelins, for extra eyeballs and punch, they can bail off it it gets too hot. They could engage three targets at once, the guys outside the tank can shoot from there and bail off, or bail off and shoot from the ground. An APC can be used as a light tank with a main battle tank punch, with a guy laying on the roof even belted on, with a Javelin and a spare. So can a hummer with a TOW missile parked behind a Berm or a knocked out tank, or even dug in. The Russians aren't likely to have a lot of infantry with their tanks, but the Ukrainians will have lot's with theirs and they will be armed mostly with Javelins in open country. The Russians are much better on defense than attacking and the Ukrainians have few tanks and offensive weapons at this point, so play to your strengths and their weaknesses, let them attack, we know their plan and can prepare every inch of ground they will be on and make many kill zones along their path.
US Lend-Lease for Ukraine - Just What Further Weapons Can the West Send?

The new American Lend-Lease Act for Ukraine opens up further options on just what could be supplied to Ukraine as it fights to repel the Russian invasion.
They might have been doing that too for being so stupid as to get in a elevator in hostile country. Looks like the custodian had a plan though. Stick em near the bottom and drop refrigerators and safes, from the top floor if ya can find them! A nice safe dropping 10 stories would make one of them just disappear through a hole in the floor, one second he was there and the next he was not.
Likewise taking the other elevator down and siphoning some diesel out of their vehicle...
Cinder blocks are much cheaper, easier to handle/aim, and just as deadly if you score a hit. Weight-wise, 1 safe = 25-50 cinder blocks.