
The war won't end until Vlad withdraws from Ukraine and Crimea in defeat, he doesn't get to make the call until his troops go home, marching or in body bags. Vlad might declare "mission accomplished" like Bush did on the carrier, but he will get his biggest pounding before then. Vlad has got a tiger by the tail and he just enraged him even more, the tiger is growing in size and ferocity as the new weapons pour in and more troops are trained.
They said the DATE the war would END

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Cinder blocks are much cheaper, easier to handle/aim, and just as deadly if you score a hit. Weight-wise, 1 safe = 25-50 cinder blocks.
Something to make a big enough hole for the Molotov cocktails full of gasoline, diesel and crushed up Styrofoam= Napalm. They'd burn until their grenades and ammo cooked off. The building might burn, but the fuckers would have shelled it anyway. I would say that after the recent atrocities, that if it happened again, they would burn for sure. If the custodian knew they were doing the shit we see on the news and there were civilian bodies in the street, they would not get out of the elevator alive.
When the Ukrainians are fighting tank battles with the Russians, it might be a good idea for the tank commander, or perhaps a couple of guys outside on the turret to have Javelins, for extra eyeballs and punch, they can bail off it it gets too hot. They could engage three targets at once, the guys outside the tank can shoot from there and bail off, or bail off and shoot from the ground. An APC can be used as a light tank with a main battle tank punch, with a guy laying on the roof even belted on, with a Javelin and a spare. So can a hummer with a TOW missile parked behind a Berm or a knocked out tank, or even dug in. The Russians aren't likely to have a lot of infantry with their tanks, but the Ukrainians will have lot's with theirs and they will be armed mostly with Javelins in open country. The Russians are much better on defense than attacking and the Ukrainians have few tanks and offensive weapons at this point, so play to your strengths and their weaknesses, let them attack, we know their plan and can prepare every inch of ground they will be on and make many kill zones along their path.
Disagree: Ukraine started w/ 600 tanks, lost 6, found another ~300 on the side of the road. THEY have more armor than the Russians - who have lost HALF their armor.

Disagree: Russians are not “better on defense “. They’re better at getting lost & civilian massacre - entirely different events.
Disagree: Ukraine started w/ 600 tanks, lost 6, found another ~300 on the side of the road. THEY have more armor than the Russians - who have lost HALF their armor.

Disagree: Russians are not “better on defense “. They’re better at getting lost & civilian massacre - entirely different events.
The experts say they are better on defense because they can concentrate massive artillery and sow many mines. It takes tanks for offense and even defense on the open country they will be fighting in with few urban areas. The Ukrainians are scrambling for enough tanks to meet the onslaught in a few weeks. I don't think the Russians can field as many tanks as on paper, many were stored with no maintenance and were pilfered for anything of value over decades of corruption.

The plan will most likely punish them when they attack and fall back to a series of ambushes while pounding their advance down the road with IED every 100 feet and artillery swamping columns of armor. They know their plan, their timetable and the roads they will use and can prepare every inch of ground that they will kill them on when they advance. Once they are worn down and far from their logistic bases, they will counter attack and roll them back if it's easy, or not if it's hard. The Russians will pay for their advance in blood and equipment. There will be a lot of war criminals and murders among them and the Ukrainians will want to kill as many of them as they can. With all the extra switchblade killer drones going in, I expect most of the Russian officers to be targeted and assassinated, they will be a priority target and their loss will paralyze the Russians.

If they don't have a way of dealing with Ukrainian drone attacks of several different kinds, they will lose a third of their armor to night time attacks at least. Another thing, the Ukrainians now have lot's of night vision equipment and the Russians have none, they sleep at night, or used to, because small forces can attack them during the night and make it so they can't get any sleep. The Ukrainians will attack them at night too, they can see in the dark and owning the night is important.
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The experts say they are better on defense because they can concentrate massive artillery and sow many mines. It takes tanks for offense and even defense on the open country they will be fighting in with few urban areas. The Ukrainians are scrambling for enough tanks to meet the onslaught in a few weeks. I don't think the Russians can field as many tanks as on paper, many were stored with no maintenance and were pilfered for anything of value over decades of corruption.
I’m certainly not an expert: not a veteran, not paid by military contractors, not an ex-general. I do pretty well with research, though, and assessments on the ground in Ukraine seem to me to contradict your experts: the tanks you speak of in storage have no ENGINES, no GUNS, no communications - sold on eBay, if one can believe it…and I’ve been SEEING the Russian military “surplus” on eBay for years; *some* experts are convinced that maybe 10% of the “stored” tanks may be made serviceable - with enough time and money and now-scarce parts…but it might be more effective for them to build new ones. Don’t know if it’s true that top-end Russian armor is *made* in Ukraine, but it will take them a decade or more to replace what they’ve lost in the last 5 weeks - if they can afford to replace them.

Their “defense” so far in this war amounts to getting stranded and blown up, captured and killed like the sitting ducks they have so often been. Beyond that, their defense has been a Vince Lombardy-style offense - as the horrific shelling of towns, villages, and cities show in excruciating clarity. Destroying civilian targets isn’t DEFENSE. Murdering and kidnapping civilians at will and at large isn’t DEFENSE. It’s war at its worst - and at it’s LEAST DEFENSIBLE.

As for Ukraine’s forces, yes they want offensive weapons - and yes, they want more tanks, etc: THEY WANT DRIVE RUSSIA OUT.

Out of the Donbas, out of Crimea. OUT. Can’t do that with small arms. Zelenskyy is no idiot, he’s not happy playing defense, hoping the invaders get tired & go home - he wanted to mount a Ukrainian offensive to all shovel the crap out of the country - for that, UA will require more & bigger weapons & faster replacement as they’re consumed. US just signed up to back Ukraine for the duration, declaring that the war began with the occupation of Crimea.

Zelenskyy isn’t short on defense, he wants to ATTACK and push them OUT

The plan will most likely punish them when they attack and fall back to a series of ambushes while pounding their advance down the road with IED every 100 feet and artillery swamping columns of armor. They know their plan, their timetable and the roads they will use and can prepare every inch of ground that they will kill them on when they advance. Once they are worn down and far from their logistic bases, they will counter attack and roll them back if it's easy, or not if it's hard. The Russians will pay for their advance in blood and equipment. There will be a lot of war criminals and murders among them and the Ukrainians will want to kill as many of them as they can. With all the extra switchblade killer drones going in, I expect most of the Russian officers to be targeted and assassinated, they will be a priority target and their loss will paralyze the Russians.
The first inch of the paragraph is hard to parse: you seem to be using ‘they’ to refer to both Russian and Ukrainian forces without really signifying which one you refer to at any moment. That said, if there’s a Russian plan, it seems to amount to blowing everything to bits, killing as any as possible, maybe have a few returning heroes to pin medals on.

A specific point: the Russians have already lost more troops and more material in 5 weeks than the US has - total - since Vietnam. They‘ve ALREADY paid a staggering price in blood and equipment for parking privileges…in order to actually ADVANCE, they could lose the Russian army itself, and Still not accomplish more than murdering as many as possible.

They’ll pay dearly for that, too.
If they don't have a way of dealing with Ukrainian drone attacks of several different kinds, they will lose a third of their armor to night time attacks at least. Another thing, the Ukrainians now have lot's of night vision equipment and the Russians have none, they sleep at night, or used to, because small forces can attack them during the night and make it so they can't get any sleep. The Ukrainians will attack them at night too, they can see in the dark and owning the night is important.
This last bit amounts to them staying in the same quagmire that’s astonished the world, with only destruction to gain.

Imma call this finished, Brain is too tired now.
Perhaps I’m way off base and a little high but doesn’t it make sense that Putins plan is too kill Ukrainian people and kill his own teenagers? His youth has gotten too westernized ,so two birds with one stone.
no, he needs them, whether he wants them or not. you can't be an aggressive authoritarian kleptocratic dictator, without an army to back up your playground bully bullshit
I never heard what happened to those Russians, but after what they did in the places they occupied, they wouldn't have much of a chance with any Ukrainian who realized what the were and why they were there.

As you know the atrocities are all over TV in Ukraine, civilians are clearing out and getting murdered doing it on their line of advance. The Americans are about to sign lend lease (look it up if you are young) and the gates of heaven are about to open before the ink is dry on Biden's signature.

I see Boris was in Kyiv today, all those arms announced yesterday earned him a guided tour by Zel himself. ;-) We are all pretty pissed off about the news and the public is howling for more aid to Ukraine all over the western world, except Hungary. >:( Orban had better play ball and cough up those T72 tanks for Ukraine or there will be trouble with that asshole too. He might have won the election, but he is isolated and the recent news is making him look like shit. Forget Vlad, he's gone for good, get over it Victor, you fascist asshole. :lol:

He can't win; he chooses women and children instead..a bomb reads 'for the children'.
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"Yay, we hit a railway station with a missile!!!"...."What's that? Civilians you say?"...
"Boo, the Ukrainian's hit their own railway station with a missile that we don't even use!"
"What do you mean, why do we have 70 or 80 of those missiles pointed at Ukrainian civilians? i already told you, we don't use those missiles, that we have many of in Ukraine and Belarus! Ignore the man behind the curtain!"....
View attachment 5115768

The war won't end until Vlad withdraws from Ukraine and Crimea in defeat, he doesn't get to make the call until his troops go home, marching or in body bags. Vlad might declare "mission accomplished" like Bush did on the carrier, but he will get his biggest pounding before then. Vlad has got a tiger by the tail and he just enraged him even more, they tiger is growing in size and ferocity as the new weapons pour in and more troops are trained.
They said the DATE the war would END

Tiger by the tail that he couldn't resist kinking.
I’m certainly not an expert: not a veteran, not paid by military contractors, not an ex-general. I do pretty well with research, though, and assessments on the ground in Ukraine seem to me to contradict your experts: the tanks you speak of in storage have no ENGINES, no GUNS, no communications - sold on eBay, if one can believe it…and I’ve been SEEING the Russian military “surplus” on eBay for years; *some* experts are convinced that maybe 10% of the “stored” tanks may be made serviceable - with enough time and money and now-scarce parts…but it might be more effective for them to build new ones. Don’t know if it’s true that top-end Russian armor is *made* in Ukraine, but it will take them a decade or more to replace what they’ve lost in the last 5 weeks - if they can afford to replace them.

Their “defense” so far in this war amounts to getting stranded and blown up, captured and killed like the sitting ducks they have so often been. Beyond that, their defense has been a Vince Lombardy-style offense - as the horrific shelling of towns, villages, and cities show in excruciating clarity. Destroying civilian targets isn’t DEFENSE. Murdering and kidnapping civilians at will and at large isn’t DEFENSE. It’s war at its worst - and at it’s LEAST DEFENSIBLE.

As for Ukraine’s forces, yes they want offensive weapons - and yes, they want more tanks, etc: THEY WANT DRIVE RUSSIA OUT.

Out of the Donbas, out of Crimea. OUT. Can’t do that with small arms. Zelenskyy is no idiot, he’s not happy playing defense, hoping the invaders get tired & go home - he wanted to mount a Ukrainian offensive to all shovel the crap out of the country - for that, UA will require more & bigger weapons & faster replacement as they’re consumed. US just signed up to back Ukraine for the duration, declaring that the war began with the occupation of Crimea.

Zelenskyy isn’t short on defense, he wants to ATTACK and push them OUT

The first inch of the paragraph is hard to parse: you seem to be using ‘they’ to refer to both Russian and Ukrainian forces without really signifying which one you refer to at any moment. That said, if there’s a Russian plan, it seems to amount to blowing everything to bits, killing as any as possible, maybe have a few returning heroes to pin medals on.

A specific point: the Russians have already lost more troops and more material in 5 weeks than the US has - total - since Vietnam. They‘ve ALREADY paid a staggering price in blood and equipment for parking privileges…in order to actually ADVANCE, they could lose the Russian army itself, and Still not accomplish more than murdering as many as possible.

They’ll pay dearly for that, too.

This last bit amounts to them staying in the same quagmire that’s astonished the world, with only destruction to gain.

Imma call this finished, Brain is too tired now.

Makes one wonder how capable their nukes are.
Disagree: Ukraine started w/ 600 tanks, lost 6, found another ~300 on the side of the road. THEY have more armor than the Russians - who have lost HALF their armor.

Disagree: Russians are not “better on defense “. They’re better at getting lost & civilian massacre - entirely different events.

<knock, knock> Russian teen answers door..Put down phone; you come with us.
Looks like Vlad might be closer to Hitler than Stalin. The only way to take over another country these days is to exterminate the population living there, or you will be dealing with generational terrorism and asymmetric warfare. Hitler had a master plan and race, he barely had the attention span to read a page. Stalin was more of an opportunist and schemer, a bureaucrat. Different styles of brutality and inhumanity I suppose, but Stalin was a sociopath and Hitler, while close, was not. Stalin didn't get angry, he got even, would laugh and smile with you, then later that night the secret police would drag you out of your bed and away to a bullet or gulag. Hitler would often freak out, but he was kind to his young female staff and considerate, was a vegetarian and never swore. If Hitler wanted ya dead it was no secret!

The condition of the ship and crew are a reflection of the captain, likewise these two tyrants warped their societies into images of themselves. They lead their ship of states downward at terminal velocity to destruction, or eventual dissolution and murdered tens of millions doing it.

Hey Trump murdered a half million with stupidity, but they murdered more for the same reason, but then again he never had total power.
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