
I believe like Wes Clark, the Ukrainians and many others, that the only way there will be or should be peace in Ukraine is if Russia withdraws to the pre 2014 borders and leaves Ukraine completely. We have a rules based international system of law, supposedly overseen by the UN which cannot enforce it's own laws, laws that were agreed to by all of it's members including Russia. The UN was created specifically to stop these kinds of wars of imperialist aggression and it has failed repeatedly, primarily due to Russia's veto. So either reform the UN or reform Russia for a better world, it won't solve the problems of greed and corruption, but it will greatly reduce the cover it operates under in the west, as well as Russia.

This war might be costly, but it need not be long, if we support Ukraine and attack Russia in the right way, with proxy wars and clandestine operations, the same way Russia has been attacking us for decades, an actual cold war. We can give the Ukrainians a lot more arms and help than we are and we are throttling them because Putin has us under his control, even though he never even conquered us. Now he threatens to starve tens of millions of the world's poorest and most vulnerable people with his imperial invasion. Some want to deal with the Devil, sure as long as ya got him by the throat by one hand and by the nuts with the other and squeeze really fucking hard, until his eyeballs pop out hard, then I'm sure he can be quite reasonable.

Give the Ukrainians what the want to defeat the Russians definitively and quickly, with minimal losses to them and maximum losses to the Russians. It is the only thing that makes sense, have Putin commit as much of his army in Ukraine thinking he can win, then destroy it when it is worn down enough, the arms arrive and they are ready, then hit it hard and fast. However we also have a world food crises looming with tens of millions of people at risk and Putin never even declared war, but is sinking ships in international waters and engaging in grain theft and piracy.

Careful though, we wouldn't want to provoke Putin, he might get upset and cut off our oil, better to let those other people starve and let Russia take parts of Ukraine and enslave it's people. I'm sure that will satisfy Putin and he will keep his agreements, now let's drop those pesky sanctions and make some money! Besides, have you seen the price of gas and food prices are going up, so let's just give in, if we give him all of Ukraine the oil will flow faster and I'm sure he would never nuke us if given half a fucking chance! If we don't give him what he wants he will starve all those innocent people, but hey, we can do business with him, we will just appoint Donald Trump as our chief negotiator.
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Ist off
Shut the fuck up you POS

You cost thousands of Americans to die in Vietnam

For what?

Fucking Nixon?

True story

I worked for the Rockefeller estate in Pocantico Hills in NY when he was living there & I worked in his bedroom where I rubbed his pillow on my ball sack & spit on it & fluffed it back up and put it back.
Yea, that's right
He slept that night sniffing my scent
I hope it gave him nightmares.


You might like this. https://open.spotify.com/episode/4R...i=QC7PmwV2TiSU3z9ufK5kUA&utm_source=copy-link

"The Forest Gump of war crimes"
Another example of imperialism, I say set the evil empire against this one, for a battle of supremacy in central Asia. Let the fuckers fight it out until the death of both of them. Bigotry, tribalism and authoritarianism lead to this and where you find it, you will find this bullshit. To tolerate it is to endorse it and it is the reason they and Russia are allies who hate each other, China will own Russia eventually, they are weak and desperate, China is strong and will take full advantage of them. Cause division and conflict between them while setting the people of Central Asia to choose their own destinies as the overall objective. Like everybody else though, they will have to fight for their freedom.

If the former colonial countries want an example of modern imperialism, then they need look no further than Russia and China. A country like India has no business aligning with either, the brits left on relatively good terms, left a lot of infrastructure, a united country and ties between the two places are strong, with a lot of Indian immigration to the UK. If they oppose imperialism they should oppose Russia and China, compared to the Germany, the Russians and Chinese, they were angels! Probably because they had an emerging liberal democracy at home and empire became unpopular the more liberal democratic and just the society became.

Hacked files reveal Chinese “shoot-to-kill” policy in Uighur detention camps - BBC News
265,572 views May 24, 2022 A huge collection of data including images linked to China’s mistreatment of Uighurs and other ethnic minorities has been handed to the BBC.

The information was hacked from Chinese police computers. It includes evidence of a shoot-to-kill policy for anyone trying to escape from so-called “re-education” camps in the western region of Xinjiang.

Over the past few years more than a million Uighurs are believed to have been detained in the camps and made to undertake forced labour.

China denies claims of torture and carrying out forced sterilisations and abortions. It says claims that Uighurs are being mistreated and made to undertake forced labour are “entirely fabricated”.

Huw Edwards presents a BBC News at Ten special investigation by John Sudworth.
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Russia military has lack of morale and outdated equipment | Major General Rupert Jones
19,845 views May 26, 2022 "It is a deliberate tactic to raze cities, towns, villages to the ground." Retired Major General Rupert Jones discusses how Russia's lack of morale and outdated weapons are driving them to raze cities to the ground in Ukraine on Times Radio

Zelensky slams Kissinger's peace proposals that ‘appease’ Russia
51,275 views May 26, 2022 Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky made a blistering attack on Henry Kissinger, after the former US Secretary of State appeared to suggest that Ukraine should cede territory to Russia in peace negotiations. Zelensky compared Kissinger's views to the appeasement of Nazi Germany in 1938
Russian forces move closer to encircling Ukrainian troops in the east
Troops attacking from 3 sides in bid to encircle Ukrainian forces in Severodonetsk, Lysychansk

Updates from Day 92 of the invasion

  • Luhansk governor says fighting is fierce for control of key highway.
  • Ukraine's armed forces say dozens of towns shelled in last 24 hours.
  • 7 civilians reportedly killed in shelling in northwest Ukraine, in Kharkiv.
  • Russia's Peskov, West exchange recriminations about food supply issues.
  • World Health Organization to consider resolution on Ukraine health emergency.
Poland would be fucking delighted and have the fucker's head on a stake in a week. Maybe the poles are doing some clandestine work in his backyard or arming Chechen fighters in Ukraine who are his enemies. Poland is probably keen for regime change in Belarus and Ukraine should be too.

Putin Ally Chechen Leader Kadyrov Wants To Invade Poland! Russia is Delusional! RUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR
14,611 views May 26, 2022 Putin Ally Chechen Leader Kadyrov Wants To Invade Poland! Russia is Delusional! RUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR
The Klitschko brothers are wearing civilian clothes now, as are many who speak for Ukraine, when not on duty with the territorials or local reserves, it is demonstrating confidence and the fact they are no longer desperate and under siege.

Ukraine War: Klitschko brothers warn 'this war could destabilise Europe'
254,164 views May 24, 2022 Political and business leaders from across the globe have been meeting in Davos to discuss the economy this week. Sky's Paul Kelso spoke to the Mayor of Kyiv Vitali Klitschko and his brother Wladimir, who asked for an international, unified response to Russia's actions. They also warned that the conflict in Ukraine could destabilise all of Europe.


Russia-Ukraine War l Why Kyiv Has Managed To Decimate Putin’s Famed Orlan-10 Drones Amid War
89,144 views May 26, 2022 Russia continues to lose tanks and other important weaponry in Ukraine as the war stretches into the fourth month. But what has baffled military analysts is Russia’s increasing drone casualties amid its ongoing invasion of Ukraine. Reports say that Russia’s drone fleet has been decimated by the Ukrainians, particularly the workhorse Orlan-10s. Ukraine has brought down 50 Orlan-10s in the war so far, according to open-source intelligence blog Oryx.
This should be good for some dead Russians and a thousands pieces of equipment destroyed.

Russia couldn't stop it: 20.000 155mm artillery shells!
5,872 views May 26, 2022 Russia couldn't stop it: 20.000 155mm artillery shells from Canada
There is a fierce battle happening in the Donbas and the Ukrainians are losing ground in tactical withdrawals. However the Russians are paying a heavy price in Troops and equipment for every inch of ground they gain. The Ukrainians need more and better arms, more m777s and more armor, more drones and MLRS trucks and reloads too. The Ukrainians need more reach with their weapons, throttling them is stupid, cowardly and a betrayal of support, they need to kill large numbers of Russians more efficiently at less cost in their own blood. If tens of millions die of starvation there will be more than Putin to blame for the failure to get the job done. Vlad has 80% of his ground combat power in Ukraine now, it is unlikely he can throw any more BTGs into the cauldron and they are shipping in obsolete T62 tanks cause they chewed up their T72s and 80s. The Ukrainians said their main worry was wasting shells on them.

However Vlad is gonna run out of warm bodies first, before anything else, it is his limiting factor along with logistics. Rail bridges are his weakest link, go after a few key rail bridges inside European Russia and their military and economy would soon grind to a halt or be crippled. It would take them a long time to repair a rail bridge, especially if it exploded as a train was going over it and especially if several were blown in a short span of time. Vlad would have to guard every rail bridge in Russia with troops or internal security police, he's go lot's and this will keep most of them busy with an unpleasant task in the middle of nowhere. They will freeze in the winter and be eaten by blackflies and mosquitoes in the summer and could be needed to keep a lid on things in Belarus, soldiers are no good for such work, internal security police are required. These guys are real assholes anyway so the fresh air and getting in touch with nature will do them good.
They say the Ukrainians have about 700,000 troops in the field, if true and the modern arms flow in, the Russians are fucked. Almost a half million troops went through NATO training in the past 7 years and they have been creating new battalions. They might defeat the Russians by fall, if this is true and we don't throttle the poor bastards. Uncle Sam would know all about this, hence the goal of destroying the Russian army is attainable.

Huge army of 800.000 men prepares to TOTAL COUNTERATTACK against Russian army!
45,154 views May 26, 2022 Huge army of 800.000 men prepares to TOTAL COUNTERATTACK against Russian army!
Looks like enough of Vlad's army is sucked in, the black sea needs to be opened (they knew this was coming for months) and Vlad's army is concentrated in the east and ripe for destruction by long range artillery, drones and MLRS. Meanwhile they are getting chewed up one BTG at a time taking rural ground at heavy costs as the Ukrainians prepare their way into killing zones, and counter attack when profitable. Remember, the name of the game is attrition here, not territory, the goal is to grind the Russians down as they advance while absorbing as few casualties as possible. Keep killing Russians and destroying their equipment because they can't replace either anytime soon.

It will soon be time to reach out and touch the Russians and try by whatever means to cause panic and collapse on the eastern front. I don't think the Ukrainians will destroy the bridge at Kerch until the reach Mariupol and cut the Russians in half, isolating the remaining eastern forces from the ones in the south and Crimea. Then spring the trap, destroy the bridge at Kerch and attack Kherson and try and drive for Crimea, if the bridge is still up. You might not get all his troops who can evacuate by sea and air, but they will get all their equipment, or force them to destroy it and that's the real prize, aside from Crimea, capturing most of Vlad's equipment or destroying it will mean future security, even if it is mostly obsolete. What's left can be given to the reserves for future use or given to other enemies of Vlad around his borders. They might refurbish the lot and send it to Georgia just to fuck Vlad over.

If Ukraine manages to destroy Vlad's army and ability to project power onto his neighbors, they should be appropriately rewarded by the US and all NATO countries, they will have saved them a fortune in future military expenditures. Russia will be crippled for a decade at least and there is a good possibility of regime change in Russia. An appropriate reward would be as much Russian money as we can seize and rapid development of Ukraine's natural gas and petroleum potential. They can replace Russian gas for a decade and over that time demand will diminish, they should sell it while they can. Bringing in Norway to advise them about managing a sovereign wealth fund would be a good idea too cause they will be making billions a day if they cut Russia out.

Ukraine should have a post war boom and contractors and building supply companies from all over the EU and UK would cash in on reconstruction and oil development. The prosperity would be stark compared to conditions in Russia and it would be broadcast into Russia too and their failure rubbed in their faces. They will need a wall to keep the Russian invasion out, there will be jobs in Ukraine and Russian is spoken, the only requirement is to oppose the Russian regime, it's about politics and change, not imperialism, the future, not the past. The past won't be forgotten though, the price of liberty or the dead.
How long until Russia gets all the Black sea? 3 months? Do you think we will see more advances towards Kiev to draw Ukraine's soldiers from the coastal lines?
Can anyone see Ukraine defending the coast?
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How long until Russia gets all the Black sea? 3 months? Do you think we will see more advances towards Kiev to draw Ukraine's soldiers from the coastal lines?
Can anyone see Ukraine defending the coast?
View attachment 5139893
Look at the numbers, not the maps, the numbers tell the tale. It's about destroying the Russian army, they trade territory to do it, just like before. Let the Russians advance and wear them down and pay for every inch of gain, then counter attack when profitable, it's an old tactic. Vlad has 80% of his combat power in Ukraine and about 40% of that has been destroyed, when they are worn down enough and more western arms arrive, they will attack the 100,000 or so Russians left, with about 700,000 men and modern western arms. If they detect a collapse among the Russian army, they will attack sooner, once his main army in the east is broken they will proceed from there. The bridge at Kerch will be destroyed and the Russian troops in the south and Crimea will be cut off from resupply.

This is the critical battle and Vlad is throwing everything he has into the fight, it won't do him much good.