
The Ukrainians are not out manned, quite the opposite, they are out matched in heavy equipment and arms and Vlad is still pouring that shit and logistics for it, in from Russia. He might not be able to get it back out though.

Inside Ukraine As Forces Push Back Against Russian Troops
7,008 views May 27, 2022 Ukrainian troops remain outnumbered and outgunned. But U.S. officials say Russian troops are taking heavy losses due to Ukrainian forces destroying at least 1,000 Russian tanks in the last three months. NBC’s Richard Engel reports for TODAY.
I know, throw some switchblades at them. Come on, rah, rah. No more feel good propaganda? We heard so much of it earlier. But I guess reality is hard to avoid at some point. I knew Russia does not care about the loses, they need the rail yards and they got them so now they can ship in all the ammo they need. The Ukrainians don't have enough stuff to throw at the Russians, but no, the precision artillery will take care of that, and the Russian shells will not fire as fare as the Nato rounds.. But you still need enough equipment and shells to lob at the other guy. Rah rah.

I know, throw some switchblades at them. Come on, rah, rah. No more feel good propaganda? We heard so much of it earlier. But I guess reality is hard to avoid at some point. I knew Russia does not care about the loses, they need the rail yards and they got them so now they can ship in all the ammo they need. The Ukrainians don't have enough stuff to throw at the Russians, but no, the precision artillery will take care of that, and the Russian shells will not fire as fare as the Nato rounds.. But you still need enough equipment and shells to lob at the other guy. Rah rah.

This is the decisive battle, we knew it was coming and that it would be difficult and costly. I ain't neutral in this fight, I have chosen a side from before the war. The Ukrainians have more men in the field than the Russians plain and simple, many more and all of them are better motivated and trained. The only thing the Ukrainians lack are heavy weapons and that is being addressed. It's not about territory, at this point, it is about numbers and they don't add up for Russia. At some point the Russian army will collapse, but that point for the Ukrainians is very far off.

You can't destroy Vlad's army until you get it with in reach and fully committed and there is a logical and obvious way to go about trapping and destroying his army in Ukraine. Things can turn around really fast on the battlefield and when the panic starts it is hard to stop when most of the senior officers are dead. However it will get worse for the Ukrainians in the east before it gets better. They won't throw away unequipped troops lives, but will wait for more and better arms to arrive, trading territory for time and advantage.
This is the decisive battle, we knew it was coming and that it would be difficult and costly. I ain't neutral in this fight, I have chosen a side from before the war. The Ukrainians have more men in the field than the Russians plain and simple, many more and all of them are better motivated and trained. The only thing the Ukrainians lack are heavy weapons and that is being addressed. It's not about territory, at this point, it is about numbers and they don't add up for Russia. At some point the Russian army will collapse, but that point for the Ukrainians is very far off.

You can't destroy Vlad's army until you get it with in reach and fully committed and there is a logical and obvious way to go about trapping and destroying his army in Ukraine. Things can turn around really fast on the battlefield and when the panic starts it is hard to stop when most of the senior officers are dead. However it will get worse for the Ukrainians in the east before it gets better. They won't throw away unequipped troops lives, but will wait for more and better arms to arrive, trading territory for time and advantage.
It is everything about territory.
It is everything about territory.
Once his army is destroyed territory is not an issue, he is powerless to stop you, unless he nukes you, so stay out of Russia and don't attack Russian cities, even if he attacks yours, make it hurt in other ways. Territory can be traded out of necessity or to gain tactical advantage and destroy the enemy on his advance, don't try to hold dug in defensive positions on open ground.

What will happen if a lot of MLRSs show up on the Ukrainian side all at once, before their decimated command structure can react and redeploy? When Lloyd Austin said the objective was to destroy the Russian army, I took him seriously and to do that you must get as much of it with in your reach as possible and committed. I'm basing my thinking on that assumption and objective, how would I go about it? Suck him in, make him think he can win, then when he gets it all in, spring the trap.
Russia using “ body vaporizing “ thermobaric weapons ……

That was a message to Uncle Sam about those MLRSs, I figure when they get them, they will get a lot at once and suddenly use them to break the Russians in the east. Are they all in and are they ground down enough for the massive counter attack to cause a panic you can exploit to roll them up?
It is everything about territory.

primarily.....see in 2014 aka (rebels)<yeah right> faction in Luansk and Donbas started they're stuff, meanwhile Crimea was open, now a little tid bit about crimea, in 2013 Crimea wan't to be automous with talks with Ukraine they did, they just wanted to appease both Ukrian and Russian especially one of the largest see ports was Russian own, now Criema tax that port or shall i say rented that port to Russia to give them access to the black sea. Well in 2014,like they were doing in Luansk and Dobas, Russia came invaded Crimea, made a sham election supposed for Russia to Illegally annex Crimea,

then we have the Minsk agreement

and Minsk 2 if i am right

meanwhile the orginal president is disposed and voted out for curruption, Zelensky is voted in with a free and fair election

after that now we are coming to 2016....that's when the shit really start US voted the orange bum in, he tried to split Nato (didn't work), he turned his back against Ukraine(you can see that in a video where he visited the white house)

now comes today..and the war now.

Zelensky wants all his border and Crimea like they were before 2014 shit started
Russia using “ body vaporizing “ thermobaric weapons ……

They aren't too accurate, in the last part of the clip they were killing grass for the most part, I didn't see and defensive positions, let alone manned ones. No drones means the Russians are blind, they don't know where to shoot and can't correct fire when they have a target unless with a ground observer on the front line. Most of the drone killing devices they were given are in the east and they have been taking a heavy toll on the Russian drones and largely blinding them.

I can't believe at this point there is not some larger plan at work here, Lloyd Austin both gave a warning to Russia and a war objective for America and Ukraine, he said the objective would be the destruction of Russia's army and their ability to project power beyond their borders in the future. Everything I've seen thus far since then, indicates that this is the plan, deception and all, to have Vlad think something they must make the public think it too, including us. The reluctance to send advanced weapons to Ukraine has several purposes, aside from provoking Putin and playing into his internal propaganda, it is to deceive him about the extent of the help we are giving and when we are giving it.

It doesn't mean there won't be setbacks and unexpected losses, this is war after all, but it does mean that one way or another the Russian army will be trapped and destroyed in Ukraine, exactly how is up for speculation. Same for the situation in the Black sea, Russia is in a situation it cannot win, if the UK escorts UK flagged grain ships in the Black sea, sink one and they lose on several fronts and will be accused of using food as a weapon. It will also provide justification for sinking any Russian ship or sub that tries, perhaps most of their black sea fleet.
Once his army is destroyed territory is not an issue, he is powerless to stop you, unless he nukes you, so stay out of Russia and don't attack Russian cities, even if he attacks yours, make it hurt in other ways. Territory can be traded out of necessity or to gain tactical advantage and destroy the enemy on his advance, don't try to hold dug in defensive positions on open ground.

What will happen if a lot of MLRSs show up on the Ukrainian side all at once, before their decimated command structure can react and redeploy? When Lloyd Austin said the objective was to destroy the Russian army, I took him seriously and to do that you must get as much of it with in your reach as possible and committed. I'm basing my thinking on that assumption and objective, how would I go about it? Suck him in, make him think he can win, then when he gets it all in, spring the trap.
What will happen? The Russians will be entrenched in the Donbas and won't be routed. They will sell it as a victory and everybody at home will be happy the Nazi's were given a black eye. What if, what if? The Ukrainians are doing the best they can with what they got. And unlike the video games there is no ammunition faerie to automatically reload them. So they are just trying to keep the retreat lines open so that their main forces do not get encircled by the Russians. They only have one bridge to retreat on from Severodonetsk and Lysychansk. Once that area falls then the Russians blow the bridge and the gains are fixed for the duration. Then they can move their forces to the next objective like they did moving their artillery from Mariupol. Will they continue on to Odessa? It is foreseeable. Russian might may be diminished but it will take a lot more weapons on the Ukrainian side to win everything back.
What will happen? The Russians will be entrenched in the Donbas and won't be routed. They will sell it as a victory and everybody at home will be happy the Nazi's were given a black eye. What if, what if? The Ukrainians are doing the best they can with what they got. And unlike the video games there is no ammunition faerie to automatically reload them. So they are just trying to keep the retreat lines open so that their main forces do not get encircled by the Russians. They only have one bridge to retreat on from Severodonetsk and Lysychansk. Once that area falls then the Russians blow the bridge and the gains are fixed for the duration. Then they can move their forces to the next objective like they did moving their artillery from Mariupol. Will they continue on to Odessa? It is foreseeable. Russian might may be diminished but it will take a lot more weapons on the Ukrainian side to win everything back.

keep in mind Russia is losing weapons, tanks, apc's quick, curretly the old moth balled t62's are coming out, yes i see a lot of turret tossing with those, troops don't want to serve, the troops there are tired with no moral, the public is starting to wise up, fires braking out all over Russia....
Some people in Russia no matter what will back Putin. Just like some in this country as well as others will back a fascist. Logic or reality doesn't fit their perspective. They were fighting over the European steppes 5,000 years ago or longer. Welcome to humanity.
keep in mind Russia is losing weapons, tanks, apc's quick, curretly the old moth balled t62's are coming out, yes i see a lot of turret tossing with those, troops don't want to serve, the troops there are tired with no moral, the public is starting to wise up, fires braking out all over Russia....
But at the end of the day Russia will probably hold the Donbas due to the rivers and the bridges being blown. So the lines will be drawn and not much will cause them to change. My whole point was to bring some reality into the discussion. Sure seeing a bunch of jack in the boxes is fun but the Ukrainians are also bleeding on the soil. "We want to see the Russian army diminished." Sure they will be. But it is not like they will just take their remaining tanks and go home. They already rephrased their objectives as the main one liberating the Donbas. They are probably going to declare it Russian territory although that might take a while. Will the war be over soon as some have said? Probably not as the Russians and Nato will not keep dumping money into the conflict resulting in dollars and roubles going up in smoke. But for Russia losing would mean more than going broke, Putin's reign would be over. And I do not see him agreeing to that.
Some people in Russia no matter what will back Putin. Just like some in this country as well as others will back a fascist. Logic or reality doesn't fit their perspective. They were fighting over the European steppes 5,000 years ago or longer. Welcome to humanity.
The problem is the fascists here have an alternative news source (conventional news media) that they can easily check out if they want to see the truth. But many Russians do not have the means to see anything other than state sponsored media. But even with unbiased news they may still cling to the fantasy world in order not to have been wrong in their world view.
And some have a very strong tribal or ethnic group hierarchy. Barbarianish. From hunns to buns heathens abound. Many people I know believe what they believe no matter what. They won't even search for corroborating evidence. Or even evidence at all. Kirril believes God is behind them. The younger more progressive population not so much. Like here in the states I see no good conclusion.
When the last of the old KGB pass away, then Russia can change. The communist party died along with it's ideology, but the KGB remained and took over the levers of power, were reincarnated as the FSB and again they expanded and they along with the massive federal internal security police were the new instruments of central state control. They keep the regions and republics from flying apart by eliminating opposition and independence movements. They maintain the Russian empire and without them it would fly apart, it was and is an empire of conquest and Russian ethnic domination.

They need buffer states under their control to isolate the population and cut them off from the outside world and it's pernicious global influences and liberal democratic ideas. Liberal democracy would mean the dissolution of much of the Russian empire, even portions in European Russia and some of the republics west of the Urals for sure, especially if they could form into a larger state or economic unit with access to the Pacific and the cooperation of Japan and other powers in the region like China.

It ain't just Putin who has to go, his cronies share his views and beliefs, they are Russian imperialists too. However the arising of liberal democracy means dissolution on one level or another, some republics will want to be free of Russia sooner or later.

Putin’s Ex-Bodyguard Named Emergencies Minister l Sign Of Russian President’s Paranoia Amid War?
79,539 views May 26, 2022 Russian President Vladimir Putin has appointed his former bodyguard, Major-General Alexander Kurenkov, as the new Emergencies Minister. Reportedly nicknamed 'the man without a face', 49-year-old Kurenkov has served in the FSB agency, the FSO as well as the National Guard. This comes after the previous head of the Russian Emergency Ministry, Yevgeny Zinichev, mysteriously died after falling 90 feet down the Kitabo-Oron waterfall while attempting to “save a man” in Siberia in September 2021. Is Putin paranoid about his inner circle?

Escorted out of the meeting and out a window when the FSB hit squad arrives, but plane travel is sketchy to the far east of Russia with sanctions and all... Come comrade, look at the wonderful view out this high window...

'Russian goals have changed and are contradictory' | Richard Spencer
54,156 views May 27, 2022 “The Russian goals have changed and are so contradictory that no one's quite clear what Putin is after.” Does Putin keep changing his goals of the invasion? Matt Chorley talks to Richard Spencer on Times Radio about what Putin wants.