
The mad midget will blow a gasket over this.

yeah he's gonna blow one.....

good for the EU

now if we can get them and Kazakstan to work together on gas deals that will make it even better......

Is Ukraine preparing to destroy Russia's Black Sea fleet? | Admiral Lord West
6,695 views Jul 19, 2022 "I do find it slightly worrying when Putin’s cosying up to the Iranians." Should we be scared about Putin’s visits to Iran? Admiral Lord West tells Ayesha Hazarika on #TimesRadio that this is ‘worrying’.
yeah that one came out yesterday...it was a good giggle....we are losing in ukraine cause of Mutant Troops they created......it's more like we are losing cause we have no moral, no money, no food....and our commaders are dickless.......and there goes another Ammo Depot now......
The Ukrainians might have had 25,000 dead troops, but I figure the Russians have suffered two to three times their number and maybe more, because of poor medical treatment and infrastructure. They have only had a fraction of the predicted civilian casualty rate, people just move out before they level the place, these days.

The Russians are exhausted and the replacements are shit, morale is rock bottom and troops drawn from distant rural republics are dying and causing problems back home. The west needs to be careful if it wants a long war, the Ukrainian troops will overperform and the Russians might run and abandon equipment without ammo and especially without fuel or leadership left alive. One thing is for sure, they will go for Crimea and all Hell will breakout when they do. Vlad might not have very much left in Crimea to defend it and if the bridge at Kerch is blown along with an attack on the south, he will be fucked.

HIMARS drive their logistical support back to the railheads where the trains are unloaded and the ammo stacked for the trucks. When they reach those with HIMARS, it's game over and they have to withdraw. They also have to withdraw because their forward ammo dumps are getting hammered and their artillery support is falling way off in areas as their ammo goes up in smoke miles to their rear. It all adds up to getting pushed back to a critical railhead on a front and the Ukrainians destroying it, they could also do the same thing by getting in range of vital rail bridges. The Russians depend on the rails and are light on trucks, so since it's summer, special forces and partisans should be targeting them with mines and IEDs behind their lines. You might use an artillery shell on a truck, but probably not waste a HIMARS, however they should be easy targets for special forces operating behind the lines at night. You can use a cellphone to detonate an IED from miles away while well hidden and the risks are low.
The Ukrainians might have had 25,000 dead troops, but I figure the Russians have suffered two to three times their number and maybe more, because of poor medical treatment and infrastructure. They have only had a fraction of the predicted civilian casualty rate, people just move out before they level the place, these days.

The Russians are exhausted and the replacements are shit, morale is rock bottom and troops drawn from distant rural republics are dying and causing problems back home. The west needs to be careful if it wants a long war, the Ukrainian troops will overperform and the Russians might run and abandon equipment without ammo and especially without fuel or leadership left alive. One thing is for sure, they will go for Crimea and all Hell will breakout when they do. Vlad might not have very much left in Crimea to defend it and if the bridge at Kerch is blown along with an attack on the south, he will be fucked.

HIMARS drive their logistical support back to the railheads where the trains are unloaded and the ammo stacked for the trucks. When they reach those with HIMARS, it's game over and they have to withdraw. They also have to withdraw because their forward ammo dumps are getting hammered and their artillery support is falling way off in areas as their ammo goes up in smoke miles to their rear. It all adds up to getting pushed back to a critical railhead on a front and the Ukrainians destroying it, they could also do the same thing by getting in range of vital rail bridges. The Russians depend on the rails and are light on trucks, so since it's summer, special forces and partisans should be targeting them with mines and IEDs behind their lines. You might use an artillery shell on a truck, but probably not waste a HIMARS, however they should be easy targets for special forces operating behind the lines at night. You can use a cellphone to detonate an IED from miles away while well hidden and the risks are low.

i think with bring in the HIMARs and the M270 from brits have become the game changer on the ground.....now the RA are going holy shit, if you thought they're morailty was low then, when the HIMARs and other long range rockets system came online it's really at a bottom low now...

there has been chatter now of the UA forces looking at that bridge, in fact i've seen a couple of Youtube vids saying that the are looking at them, and also Crimea, specifically Sevespool at the black sea base there and the RA navy.......seems to me they are a little rattled now....and is getting worse...
so the russians are losing because we turned a bunch of Ukrainians into Captain America clones?....well, they need to get Ivan Vanko out of retirement and have him take care of the Ukrainian super soldiers...
:roll: :lol:
yeah they're reaching into the bottom of the barrel......only a few days of training and then sent to the front.....uh ok who's got the extra body bags.....

“There was a soldier in our company who didn’t know how a machine gun works. So I taught that guy how to disassemble and assemble a machine gun. I wouldn’t want to be next to him in battle. How can you fight like that?” he told The Moscow Times.
buying them from someone else cause you can't make your own eh.......

i just don't like Iran...Iranians on the whole seem to be decent enough people, i've known a few...but their government is just a fucking thorn in the side of international peace.
they're desperately trying to get that big nuclear stick, but i don't think for one second they want it as a deterrent...i think they intend to use it, first on Israel, then on the Saudis...if they survive using it on Israel....i think the Israelis will wipe iran from the face of the Earth, although the iranians might get in a sneak attack first strike...the Israelis will level every city in iran...then build kibbutz where tehran used to be
i just don't like Iran...Iranians on the whole seem to be decent enough people, i've known a few...but their government is just a fucking thorn in the side of international peace.
they're desperately trying to get that big nuclear stick, but i don't think for one second they want it as a deterrent...i think they intend to use it, first on Israel, then on the Saudis...if they survive using it on Israel....i think the Israelis will wipe iran from the face of the Earth, although the iranians might get in a sneak attack first strike...the Israelis will level every city in iran...then build kibbutz where tehran used to be

i'm with you about Iran aka the perfect example on why not to have church and state as one.....the Iranian people totally different, they are awesome. I've know a couple like you, awesome people...great food, good music etc etc.

It's the government i don't like, all they're sabler rattling, death to america, and Isreal is completely no sense.....some one mentioned Yemen not to long ago...well welcome to Iran and they're support of the Houthi's in the area, not including ISIS is there too spreading they're BS......and you wonder why that civil war hasn't stopped.....
The mad midget will blow a gasket over this.


Has Putin run out of trained soldiers? | General Sir Richard Barrons
7,305 views Jul 20, 2022 "They are really scratching around for people and pulling in new battalions of volunteers who have no more than 30 days military training. That's a clear sign of running out of places to find people." General Sir Richard Barrons, former commander of the joint UK forces, tells Ayesha Hazarika on #TimesRadio how Putin is struggling to find soldiers.