
I was watching a bit lately, they put the criminals on the frontline, then the new conscripts with orders to shoot anybody that falls back, then they have the contract soldiers behind those with similar orders... etc...
The Ukrainians will target the experienced troops at the rear, they will encourage those at the front to surrender by pounding them a bit with old inaccurate Russian shit while saving them more accurate and longer-range NATO stuff for the more dangerous ones at the rear. With a 25km 155mm artillery range those contract troops will need to be pretty far back, because by now the Ukrainian military reconnaissance drones will be plentiful and circling overhead like buzzards. Once they kill these guys and their C&C in the rear while jamming their communications locally. The conscripts with no training will collapse quickly, especially if they know they will get good treatment as POWs and be exchanged, if they want to. Ukrainian intelligence probably knows all their names and who the criminals are among them already.
meanwhile in the propaganda bullshit brigade....ck this crap out

keep in mind the video that they are showing, incentially is a very grotesque vid by a russian serviceman, showing what they are doing to the dead body they've either killed, tortured, etc etc.........and they are calling it mis-information, like "we didn't do that, aka fake news" and repug tactic that the orange avenger used as well
Ukraine war: Russians start leaving Ukraine's Kherson city
Vladimir Saldo said all Russian-appointed departments and ministries would cross the Dnieper river.
Some 50-60,000 civilians would also leave in an "organised, gradual displacement", he said earlier.
Ukraine has called on residents to ignore the Russian move.

The head of Kherson's regional administration said Russia wanted to take civilians hostage and use them as human shields. The transfer or deportation of civilians by an occupying power from occupied territory is considered a war crime.

But Ukrainian officials have questioned whether large numbers of people are actually being evacuated, suggesting that images of a crowd assembled by the river are largely for show.

Serhiy Khlan, an aide to the ousted head of the Kherson region, suggested the "deportations theatre" could be acting as cover for a much bigger Russian move: a complete military evacuation from the west bank of the river.

"I foresee the withdrawal of troops," he said, adding that he expected Russian forces to attempt to destroy the city after leaving.
Russia, he said, was planning to establish a new capital for the Kherson region at Henichesk, close to the Crimean Peninsula, adding that banks and offices related to the occupation of Kherson had already been evacuated.

One Kherson resident told the BBC's World Service that she was not going anywhere until Kherson was liberated by Ukrainian troops: "People are not panicking, nobody wants to be evacuated."

She said that Russian soldiers were now worried how they could survive in the city. "There are plenty of them here; they are dressed as civilians. We can see them - they are different to Kherson people. They walk in groups, their hair is cut short, they are dressed mainly in black."

Ukrainian officials have warned that this might represent the start of a forcible deportation to Russia.

There are thousands of old diesel electric locomotives in the US and Canada sitting on rail sidings, some of which can be converted and refurbished as electric generators, these can be containerized and used as mobile emergency generators.

Something useful to the democrats? This could be the source of many news stories soon and the CIA will have a peek too, if they aren't behind it! :lol:
