
Here is what can quickly happen in the Ukraine or something similar, because of the strategic conditions there and into the near future. In the middle of the night a civilian or a freshy delivered C130 flying at low level over friendly territory can land on a highway with partisans waiting, and a dozen trucks can pour out loaded for war with a hundred troops and resupplies too. After the trucks leave the partisans unload and stash the resupplies and wounded and refugees are loaded on the plane and it takes off and flies at low level over friendly territory back to Poland or western Ukraine. The mobile forces using NATO intelligence and supported by drones then proceed to destroy Russian supply columns and supply dumps behind their lines deep in eastern Ukraine and near Kyiv at several points, relieving the shelling of the cities by choking off supplies. They never confront combat units only soft targets, though they might ambush them with mortar attacks from kilometers away.

These units can be rapidly assembled in Poland in days using Trucks bought on the market and out fitted for war from NATO stocks. Crews can be quickly trained too from those with military experience. They could have dozens of such "rat patrols", in weeks and the C130 transports to deliver them all over Ukraine while picking up wounded. They would fly low at tree top level over friendly territory at night to avoid fighters and SAMs.

I'm sure this and many other things have occurred to the Ukrainians and their military advisors as the situation unfolds. It's the Russians blunders, poor performance and strategic dispositions that allow this kind of thing to happen.
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'Putin's nightmare' as Russian soldiers revolt and security forces 'overwhelmed' at home: US diplomat Richard Haass

Appearing on MSNBC's "Way Too Early," foreign relations expert Richard Haass noted reports coming out of Ukraine that Russian soldiers are sabotaging their own vehicles because they don't want to take part in the invasion is a bad omen for Vladimir Putin.

Speaking with host Jonathan Lemire, Haass -- the president of the Council on Foreign Relations-- admitted that Russia's invasion may be unstoppable but in the long-term may turn into a nightmare for the Russian strongman.

"If you believe Vladimir Putin, his invasion of Ukraine is going according to plan," host Lemire began before adding, "That's a dubious assessment, but still what he said during a virtual meeting of his security council yesterday. Putin continued to push false claims that Nazis are in control of the Ukrainian government."

"The speech was intended to push back against reports of logistical problems slowing down the Russian army as well as intelligence from the Pentagon that some Russian troops are surrendering or sabotaging their own vehicles rather than fighting," Lemire stated before asking Haass for comment.

'"I don't think there's any way, Jonathan, he can get his original plan back on track because that ship has sailed," Haass explained, "He was counting on very little resistance from Ukraine, he had no respect for Zelenskyy, he thought the United States after Afghanistan had no stomach."

"Europe he also had contempt for, particularly Germany," he continued. "So he underestimated his opposition, overestimated the capability of his own forces. So now we are clearly on Plan B. Now he is basically turning to quantity, if you will, more than quality to essentially level big parts of Ukraine. But because he is who he is, because he is an autocrat, he has to be infallible. He can never admit that he made a mistake, so that's what you had yesterday. I don't know what the word is in Russian, but it must be something like spinsky."

Reacting to reports that Russian soldiers are sabotaging their own mission, Hass, explained, "Clearly they have more troubles. The Russians aren't used to fighting this kind of war. This isn't what they did in Syria -- it is at a scale they're not used to. The equipment looks old, the troops don't look well-trained, they're not motivated, they don't seem to understand what it is they're doing and why, so I think this is of a larger piece. The idea that there might be some troops sabotaging is really interesting. It doesn't seem to be happening at scale, but this has got to be Putin's nightmare because essentially he depends upon his security forces, not just the soldiers but obviously inside the country. That's any autocrat's nightmare, that as protests begin to mount that the security forces either get overwhelmed or show sympathy with the protesters."

so Ukraine has a Jewish president, their previous prime minister, Volodymyr groysman, was jewish, before becoming prime minister he was mayor of Vinnytsia for 8 years.
most of the Jews that still live in Ukraine are in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odessa...which are under attack by russian forces.


" Approximately 1 million of those Jews were killed in the Holocaust, but a 1989 census estimated that close to half a million lived in Ukraine in 1989, before the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Under Soviet rule, Jews were persecuted and additionally denied the right to emigrate, forced to hide much of their religious practice in a society rife with antisemitism.
After the Soviet Union collapsed, close to 80% of those Jews left for Israel and elsewhere. Many of those who remained are elderly and poor, and others are disconnected from their Jewish heritage, perhaps from the decades of persecution. "

This took me about 5 minutes to find, and verify with a couple more sites that say pretty much the same thing...so why does putin bother with the lies? does he not realize that any and everyone will fact check him? that eventually the truth will get to that generation that still watches state tv for their news, and a lot of them aren't going to be pleased?

" Hi. I'm Vlad. i have a lot of nuclear weapons, and a dream of reestablishing an empire better left dead."....
was that so hard? just tell the truth.
so Ukraine has a Jewish president, their previous prime minister, Volodymyr groysman, was jewish, before becoming prime minister he was mayor of Vinnytsia for 8 years.
most of the Jews that still live in Ukraine are in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odessa...which are under attack by russian forces.


" Approximately 1 million of those Jews were killed in the Holocaust, but a 1989 census estimated that close to half a million lived in Ukraine in 1989, before the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Under Soviet rule, Jews were persecuted and additionally denied the right to emigrate, forced to hide much of their religious practice in a society rife with antisemitism.
After the Soviet Union collapsed, close to 80% of those Jews left for Israel and elsewhere. Many of those who remained are elderly and poor, and others are disconnected from their Jewish heritage, perhaps from the decades of persecution. "

This took me about 5 minutes to find, and verify with a couple more sites that say pretty much the same thing...so why does putin bother with the lies? does he not realize that any and everyone will fact check him? that eventually the truth will get to that generation that still watches state tv for their news, and a lot of them aren't going to be pleased?

" Hi. I'm Vlad. i have a lot of nuclear weapons, and a dream of reestablishing an empire better left dead."....
was that so hard? just tell the truth.
Domestic consumption for his base, like trump any excuse will do, they will believe because they want to. Most of his base though are on pension or government employees on salary like cops and that is becoming worthless with inflation.
so Ukraine has a Jewish president, their previous prime minister, Volodymyr groysman, was jewish, before becoming prime minister he was mayor of Vinnytsia for 8 years.
most of the Jews that still live in Ukraine are in Kyiv, Kharkiv, Odessa...which are under attack by russian forces.


" Approximately 1 million of those Jews were killed in the Holocaust, but a 1989 census estimated that close to half a million lived in Ukraine in 1989, before the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Under Soviet rule, Jews were persecuted and additionally denied the right to emigrate, forced to hide much of their religious practice in a society rife with antisemitism.
After the Soviet Union collapsed, close to 80% of those Jews left for Israel and elsewhere. Many of those who remained are elderly and poor, and others are disconnected from their Jewish heritage, perhaps from the decades of persecution. "

This took me about 5 minutes to find, and verify with a couple more sites that say pretty much the same thing...so why does putin bother with the lies? does he not realize that any and everyone will fact check him? that eventually the truth will get to that generation that still watches state tv for their news, and a lot of them aren't going to be pleased?

" Hi. I'm Vlad. i have a lot of nuclear weapons, and a dream of reestablishing an empire better left dead."....
was that so hard? just tell the truth.
Putin the dictator banned twitter in russia
All Russian independent stations are shut down now. China has always controlled communications and is echoing the Kremlin. They need public opinion against the West. They are both trying to control the narrative following Russia's success at that. "Fascists, neo-nazi Americans installed Ukrainian puppet Zelensky, etc." Fox News & Tucker Carlson are doing their part so long as the $$ keeps flowing their way. Lindsey Graham gave them a big boost with his stupidity.

Thank God the moron isn't in office.
It will be like that for one maybe two months, the seasons are completely fucked up
They will be ok spring is coming and every week gets better. I think this might be over by spring or summer, Russia is just too fucked militarily and economically or Vlad might go.

Maybe they won't kill Vlad, just feed him a massive dose of LSD in his borsch and we will see him on TV, being dragged out of the Kremlin in a straight jacket while frothing at the mouth and blubbering. To be confined in an insane asylum in Siberia and never heard from again, poor fellow lost his mind. Can we now have our economy back please? The troops are leaving Ukraine and Belarus now! :lol:
Hacker Group Anonymous Declares 'Cyber War' On Putin's Russia

The online hacker group known as 'Anonymous' has declared that it is at 'cyber war' against Russia and the regime of President Vladimir Putin, targeting more than 1,500 Russian websites. U.S. officials confirmed they have seen evidence of the Anonymous hacks.