
I just want to remind all the media outlets that are calling fearmongering over Russia / Putin "launching a surprise nuclear attack on the west"

77 Years ago, It was "the west" that did the unthinkable. It was "the west" that ended them and it was "the west" that basically got the Soviet Union to concede and ally with US.

To think 77 years later, we don't have anti nuke measures in place, and further to think we won't respond with everything we got.... lol.
We’ve been on borrowed time for 60 years now
I just want to remind all the media outlets that are calling fearmongering over Russia / Putin "launching a surprise nuclear attack on the west"

77 Years ago, It was "the west" that did the unthinkable. It was "the west" that ended them and it was "the west" that basically got the Soviet Union to concede and ally with US.

To think 77 years later, we don't have anti nuke measures in place, and further to think we won't respond with everything we got.... lol.
Save it for the anniversary in August. Not many are pro Putin here, are you?

NATO ain't gonna be dictated to by a nuked up mafia Don either.
I just want to remind all the media outlets that are calling fearmongering over Russia / Putin "launching a surprise nuclear attack on the west"

77 Years ago, It was "the west" that did the unthinkable. It was "the west" that ended them and it was "the west" that basically got the Soviet Union to concede and ally with US.

To think 77 years later, we don't have anti nuke measures in place, and further to think we won't respond with everything we got.... lol.
It only took ole Joe a year to get Vlad by the nuts, who would have thought, quietly getting NATO to release weapons in Europe to Ukraine for the past year he could drive Vlad stupid! We Canadians have had several hundred trainers in Ukraine for a long time (moved shop to Poland), we have been providing weapons as have other NATO allies, this has been going on for awhile and what was a trickle has become a flood, as shit pours in. Vlad is finished and Joe fucked him in record time, hail to the chief, leadership counts and not just with Zelenskiy either! The guts and determination of the Ukrainians has fucked him too, we couldn't do it without them. All the republican Putin fans are on the run and Tucker has both feet in his mouth, he should be used to the taste by now.
I'm just a mouse speculating on how to bell the cat. This is what old men do during wars. We talk about crazy strategy while young men fight and die.

Giving safe harbor and ground support to Ukrainian air defense forces would not be unprecedented in this war. Belarus is giving Russia license to launch missiles from their territory into Ukraine. They gave Russia license to stage an invasion into Ukraine -- the stalled forty mile convoy came from Belarus. Thus far, they haven't sent their own troops but they most certainly are providing military support for Russian actions. So, it would be risky but I'd say, justified by what Belarus is doing.

Providing an air base and supporting staff to Ukraine inside a NATO country would be a provocative and belligerent act. If we did it, I'd love it. It would be handing back to Putin one of the shit sandwiches he gave to the world. He'd blow a fuse.

Regarding belling the cat, how about we sneak some sleeping potion into its water and put the bell on him when he's out?
if we go to that much trouble, why don't we just give him a double dose so he never wakes up?
you know me well enough by now to know that i'm entertaining..."scenarios"...just possibilities...that would lead to putie's demise.
the chance of one of his olis offing him was actually pretty good until fuckheaded graham had to run his cocksucker, now putin will be extra vigilant, with 24 hour guard within ear shot.
right now, an anonymous drone strike is looking good... i would actually arrange at least three consecutively, if one misses, the next one won't...the third is just my ocd...and they would never expect a third attack of the same kind within hours, if not minutes of the last attack...
Russia has a vast Siberian hinterland and might focus on developing that, right now their economy is no better that Saudi Arabia and they have not harnessed their talent and brains to do more than resource extraction and export.
they have all kinds of resources, they could have done so much more than they have...it seems like putin is afraid to join the modern world, maybe because people in the modern world have a better idea of what's going on around them than the pensioners who have never watched anything but russian state tv their entire lives?

Its a hard listen because the russian translator isn't very smooth but Mikhail Khodorkovsky gives an intelligent analysis of the political outcomes from Putin's failure in Ukraine. He gives two scenarios. One scenario ends with the country completely breaking up due Putin closing the borders leading to economic degradation back to the 19th century. The other ends with the people rising up in revolution after years of deprivation.

The vid starts at about 3:30 and he talks about the scenarios I listed at around 7 minutes.
this is rather cold hearted, but Ukraine should gather up as many dead russian soldiers as they can, and air drop them into the center of moscow.
let putin explain thousands of dead russian soldiers in body bags all across red square...
they should also make an offer to their p.o.w.s...we will let you go, and get you back into russia, and you tell people there the truth...there are no nazis in power in Ukraine, only dead Ukrainians, and dead russians...and putin made them all that way
I believe as do many others, that Hitler’s rise was due to the mishandling of the terms that ended WWl. Putin’s rise or that of a Putinesque figure seems, in retrospect, like a variant of the same disease.

Just my opinion for, what it’s worth, but these are my thoughts.
We should have had a Marshall Plan and had a person like W.E Deming to help rebuild a citizen-led democratic economic stabilization program in Russia after the fall of The Iron Curtain, similar to our efforts in Europe and Japan after WWll. It is no accident that Japan and Germany developed into peaceful and democratic societies. I think it is necessary to allow the Russian people time and help to recover from decades of programming by Putin and his propaganda News Network. But we need to let them find their freedom and help provide their ability to sustain it.

Putin is another Hitler. No matter how much land and rights we cede he will never be satiated. Before yesterday he was the leader of a Government that possessed nuclear weapons. Today he is also a nuclear blackmailing terrorist.

Putin is playing a game of Chicken.
Pluck Putin!
russia wouldn't have welcomed a lot of westerners trying to tell them how to improve themselves after the fall of the iron curtain...they had a lot of hostility, and there were power struggles for the scraps going on constantly.
Deming was invited by the japanese government, and encouraged by the commander of the allied powers...russia invited no one, and would have welcomed no one from the west
russia wouldn't have welcomed a lot of westerners trying to tell them how to improve themselves after the fall of the iron curtain...they had a lot of hostility, and there were power struggles for the scraps going on constantly.
Deming was invited by the japanese government, and encouraged by the commander of the allied powers...russia invited no one, and would have welcomed no one from the west
I don't know, as I said it was my opinion but a quick bit of research does not seem to completely support either of our contentions.
You might tell me after reviewing the data what your opinion is. I am not sure either of us is in any position to know based even on historic data.

russia wouldn't have welcomed a lot of westerners trying to tell them how to improve themselves after the fall of the iron curtain...they had a lot of hostility, and there were power struggles for the scraps going on constantly.
Deming was invited by the japanese government, and encouraged by the commander of the allied powers...russia invited no one, and would have welcomed no one from the west
I hesitated to post this with my previous answer, knowing Wiki's are not always accurate, but this was the story I heard and my understanding of how Deming ended up in Japan.

"In 1947, Deming was involved in early planning for the 1951 Japanese Census. The Allied powers were occupying Japan, and he was asked by the United States Department of the Army to assist with the census. He was brought over at the behest of General Douglas MacArthur, who grew frustrated at being unable to complete so much as a phone call without the line going dead due to Japan's shattered postwar economy. While in Japan, his expertise in quality-control techniques, combined with his involvement in Japanese society, brought him an invitation from the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE).[13] "

this is rather cold hearted, but Ukraine should gather up as many dead russian soldiers as they can, and air drop them into the center of moscow.
let putin explain thousands of dead russian soldiers in body bags all across red square...
they should also make an offer to their p.o.w.s...we will let you go, and get you back into russia, and you tell people there the truth...there are no nazis in power in Ukraine, only dead Ukrainians, and dead russians...and putin made them all that way
The cold heart resides in Putin's chest..