
I don't understand Xi's course of action either. This article might shed some light. They claim that Xi has jumped from early economic development-centered policies to polices that put security first. Security means whatever Xi wants it to be, internal security, external security, economic security, security through technical prowess, security through food independence, and so forth. If anybody understands what "Hegelian-Marxist dialectics that guide Xi and his comrades’ way of thinking" means, please fill me in.

What I do understand from the article is if Xi had stuck with the status quo economic development policies, he would have had to step down so that somebody else could continue on and take China into world leadership. Xi stole a march by changing the country's focus from economic development to security and thus made him the one -- he believes -- to make China number one.

So, maybe he's just a power mad megalomaniac, who doesn't need a reason, just, power for power's sake.
I read a small amount of philosophy, but Hegalianism is weird, they consider everything part of a greater truth, a transcendent reality, so you are supposed to be able to reconcile all these lesser "truths" into a cohesive whole, that will encompass EVERYTHING...
I probably have that completely wrong, but that's what i remember from a 2 week unit 25 years ago.
How is this guy even alive? Vlad must be protecting him because the FSB and army would kill him. Wagner won't be operating in Africa for long IMO, he has come into the sights of some powerful western governments. I don't think he or his private army has a chance of taking over Russia, it would trigger a civil war with the army, FSB and regular government types, to them he is an ex-convict. I don't see him surviving the war, someone will surely kill the fucker, perhaps the Ukrainians if he spends enough time in Ukraine or close to it.

How is this guy even alive? Vlad must be protecting him because the FSB and army would kill him. Wagner won't be operating in Africa for long IMO, he has come into the sights of some powerful western governments. I don't think he or his private army has a chance of taking over Russia, it would trigger a civil war with the army, FSB and regular government types, to them he is an ex-convict. I don't see him surviving the war, someone will surely kill the fucker, perhaps the Ukrainians if he spends enough time in Ukraine or close to it.

Pigozig is an asshole murdering nazi fuck, But I'm starting to kind of like him.
I'd still be happy to hear the Ukrainians captured or killed him, but anyone who says 9,200 russian generals should be sent to the front line to absorb damage can't be 100% bad, just 99.999%.
I dunno how big they are or who they are, plenty of Ukrainians speak perfect Russian and there are plenty of ethnic Russians in Ukraine. It will cause the Russians to redeploy their thinly stretched forces though and the resentful mobiks sent to fight them could end up joining them. If they need to defend their borders and interior, it leaves fewer troops and equipment fighting in Ukraine. If Moscow and other cities are attacked by drones, it means they will redeploy their air defenses inside their own borders and not in Ukraine. A small force like this could cause Russia to redeploy dozens brigades back to Russia, since they could strike anywhere along the border. It might also send a message to Belarus, there are plenty of Belarussians fighting in Ukraine too. Belarussians who want to liberate their country are in Ukraine getting training, combat experience and arms, probably from the Poles and Ukrainians.

We don't know about the clandestine operations of the CIA, British intelligence or any of the many western intelligence organizations who are using Ukraine as a base and springboard. Ukrainian intelligence has probably been acting as a dating service for them and hooking them up with Vlad's many enemies. One thing is for sure, they haven't been sitting on their hands but have been taking full advantage of the situation and it is a great setup as far as they are concerned. Funding and equipping Belarussian and other dissidents or rebels would be logical and putting them on the battlefield first in Ukraine will help weed out any infiltrators among them. I can see Polish intelligence taking a particular interest in this kind of operation and keeping the Belarussians fighting in Ukraine well equipped and paid regularly.

If they are in NATO it would be best for Russia and Ukraine will be constrained by membership, if not, they are free to seek revenge and retribution any way they can. Most Ukrainians can pass themselves off as Russian and kill teams will infiltrate Russia hunting down war criminals and causing no end of mischief. They can support and base Russian rebels, TV personalities and dissidents who will broadcast into Russia from Kyiv with the help and support of western intelligence agencies. The ruling elites will come under increasing pressure as Russia polarizes between the nationalist right who want an imperial Russia and the liberals who want a European style liberal democracy with the rule of law. One side represents the past and corruption and the other the future and hope with Ukraine as the model.

In America it is a virtual cold civil war, in Russia it will likely end up as a real civil war between fascist imperialists who look to the past and liberal democrats who look to Europe and the future.


Can drones decide the war in Ukraine? | DW News
117,647 views May 31, 2023 #drone #ukraine #russia
Ukraine's army does have specialized drone brigades fighting the Russian troops on Ukrainian territory. Both sides in the conflict have deployed unmanned aerial vehicles - with Russia using Iranian-made drones to regularly bomb cities including the capital Kyiv.
This looks serious and might take any bridge out of service in the west until it was addressed. I wonder how much money the well-connected oligarchs skimmed off the project, how substandard the concrete is and how much rebar is in it. If the bridge is like their military, it might fall down on its own.

yeah i just ran into that story, seems when they struck it with that car bomb, that when it cracked.....they need to hit it again.......