You know what pisses me off? The government is late with my check because they can't figure out the next farm bill where I should get a whole lot more of tax payers money for literally doing nothing but sitting here. I am hoping for an extra few Million over the next couple of years. I deserve it and I finally found the Ferrari I wanted. Guadalupe is just now driving the tractor around to get the last few sugar beets out of the ground. I paid him almost $8 an hour last week, money I won't ever get to see again, good thing I got on that government program where they pay my employees salary and give me a huge tax break for hiring a person who previously was on unemployment. Soon as Guadalupes 6 months are up I will make up some excuse to fire him, then soon as planting season starts I will hire another unemployed person and government will subsidize him also. Free labor for my farm, paid for by government tax transfer payments. 90% of my crop is sold to US Govt agency who provides relief provisions to other countries. Then lets talk about CRP and how much it pays me to not do anything to my land. Then all the tax breaks I get from my PV array combined with all the subsidies. Yep, you poor ass tax payers actually pay me over $900,000 a year to grow stuff you don't even need.
I laugh at how stupid people are every day, Obama has made the government like one giant broken piggy bank, just because you don't take advantage of these programs makes you see me as some evil person who is morally reprehensible. Don't you know that the only way to make it is on the backs of the little people like taxpayers? Government ALLOWS, hell, even WANTS me to do this, they pay me exorbitant sums of cash to fuck you taxpayers in the ass on a daily basis. Blame your law makers, not me. Hell, I don't even vote.