Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

Lying dumbass;

-66% of those aged over 65 believed that climate change is caused by human actions

-by contrast, 79% of 18-34 year olds take the view that human action is responsible for climate change

-63% of those with no post-school qualifications were unconvinced about the role of humans in producing climate change

-University graduates were much more likely to take the opposite view, with 86% agreeing that human activity was responsible - See more at:

Not that it would matter anyway because none of you denytards accept anything unless it denies ACC too, which is why you detest science so much. It's objective, and it's objectively telling you you're all a bunch of fringe morons who can't read a pie chart. As Sanders noted, in every other facet of reality you accept science, medicine, food health/safety, engineering, etc. but when it comes to climate
lulz. the band was passably skilled,

the frontman was screamo and ruined it.

the vidya offered the usual selection of "anarcho-______ist" tropes, and was laughable in it's naivete.

randomly places home made pipe bombs destroys an evil city (and it's presumed capitalist ovelords...) through the skill daring and dedication of a small band of immaculately coiffed, elaborately tatted out, and ludicrously pierced twenty-somethings, and their angsty anarcho-_____ism.

yeah twentysomething hipsters are really a force to be reckoned with. they get so much done.

and twentysomethings are so good at keeping secrets, nobody twatted, instabooked or facegrammed anything about their Thuper Theekrit Thkeem and tipped off the cops.


those morons plots are Self Foiling

who needs the Goddamned Batman when the super-villains cant resist detailing their plot on their FaceSpace Page
the Kylite Rebellion

every single spurious claim you made in the above post is a POLITICAL agenda, and has DICK to do with Science (seriously, look that word up, it does not mean what you think it means) and not a single one of those spurious claims has EVER been supported by me.

Creationism, Christianity and Islam have dick to do with science... Ya don't say..

You been hitting the bottle tonight or do you really not know what an analogy is? I didn't say you were any of those things, I said you are behaving like those groups do when reality bites them in the ass; they cry persecution, just like you've been doing. The reality is that anthropogenic climate change is real, nobody in the entire scientific community denies it, and the ones that do aren't in the scientific community, imagine that.. You believe they remain outside it because of political motivations and have done nothing this entire thread and others about climate change but regurgitate talking points directly from GOP senators mouths and deny the evidence against you. "Persecution!"
You believe they remain outside it because of political motivations and have done nothing this entire thread and others about climate change but regurgitate talking points directly from GOP senators mouths and deny the evidence against you. "Persecution!"
Creationism, Christianity and Islam have dick to do with science... Ya don't say..

You been hitting the bottle tonight or do you really not know what an analogy is? I didn't say you were any of those things, I said you are behaving like those groups do when reality bites them in the ass; they cry persecution, just like you've been doing. The reality is that anthropogenic climate change is real, nobody in the entire scientific community denies it, and the ones that do aren't in the scientific community, imagine that.. You believe they remain outside it because of political motivations and have done nothing this entire thread and others about climate change but regurgitate talking points directly from GOP senators mouths and deny the evidence against you. "Persecution!"
so, just off the top of my head, and name checked or cited in this very thread, Dr Salby, and Dr Spencer, and many others are Not In The Scientific Community because you say so?

funny how Dr Spencer and Dr Salby still have their diplomas and still publish research, and still cash checks from Nasa, Noaa, the IPCC, and others, despite their Heresy.

what you dont realize is, SCIENTIST can disagree, and they settle their disagreement with RESEARCH not by lining up for a street fight like the Sharks and The Jets.


im trying to make this information accessible to you, and since you dont seem to understand reality, ill use Broadway Musicals, a subject you may be more familiar with...

now im not sayin you REALLY like showtunes, or that you REALLY like Broadway Musicals, or that when you hear Gilbert & Sullivan songs you touch yourself in an impure manner, or that you follow Celine Dion on tour every summer, or that you have a Backstage Laminate so you can go into the male icedancers' dressing rooms at the Ice Capades and come out with your lipstick smeared...

im just sayin it's out there.

anyhow, when scientist disagree, the dont draw blades and spill blood, they try to replicate the other guys findings, examine methodologies, do their own research projects, or if all else fails...


but they do NOT excommunicate each other, start pissing matches in the popular press or appeal to opinion polls, bandwagon fallacies or childish name calling.

that aint science.
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Post #2144
Accept that you're a fanatic and move on.. Just like you're a racist, just like you hate the poor, just like you probably harbor homosexual fantasies.. Hey, I'm not hating, go for it, do you if that's your thing. "Gurl power" and all that..

Be who you are, dude. Don't be afraid of being judged by anyone

Post #2287
im trying to make this information accessible to you, and since you dont seem to understand reality, ill use Broadway Musicals, a subject you may be more familiar with...

now im not sayin you REALLY like showtunes, or that you REALLY like Broadway Musicals, or that when you hear Gilbert & Sullivan songs you touch yourself in an impure manner, or that you follow Celine Dion on tour every summer, or that you have a Backstage Laminate so you can go into the male icedancers' dressing rooms at the Ice Capades and come out with your lipstick smeared...

im just sayin it's out there.

you very nearly used "I'm Rubber You're Glue" to repeat my own charges against YOUR fail and redirect it at me.


anyhow, when scientist disagree, the dont draw blades and spill blood, they try to replicate the other guys findings, examine methodologies, do their own research projects, or if all else fails...

but they do NOT excommunicate each other, start pissing matches in the popular press or appeal to opinion polls, bandwagon fallacies or childish name calling.

that aint science.

That's what you don't seem to understand.. I doubt you ever will grasp this, so I'll try to put it another way...

Someone denies biology > their work doesn't get past peer review because they don't accept the foundations of the discipline. Did the scientific community "excommunicate" them? No. They're an idiot who doesn't understand how science works so the work they produce obviously reflects that.

Here, try another... Someone denies the big bang theory > their work doesn't get past peer review because it doesn't coincide with observable reality, they get shut down at the door, cry "Persecution!!" and insist they're right over all the other dedicated scientists who have reached a different conclusion than them. Their ego is so big they're totally opposed to change.

You're doing exactly what the ID crowd tries to do, the science is valid and widely accepted by the scientific community, the parallels to the creationism v. evolution debate are nearly identical. Have you ever seen a creationist win one of those debates, even once? Lol, you're the Wendy Wright of the fabricated climate change debate!

fucktons of annoying green text and jacked up html tags

yeah, thats not how it works dingbat.

and FYI, the reason nobody tries to dispute your fallacies point by point is your idiotic green text.

it fucks up the quote system, but thats probably why you do it.

diddums get tired of defending ums siwwy comments?

diddums have a bad day a pweskool?

put down the fucking crayolas, and try to make a cogent argument.

youre clownshoes.
yeah, thats not how it works dingbat.

That's exactly how it works, and that's why your posterior is in a constant state of pain

and FYI, the reason nobody tries to dispute your fallacies point by point is your idiotic green text.

Green text is all it takes to shut you up?? Lol, not sure you should have mentioned that.. probably gonna be seeing a lot more green text around here..

it fucks up the quote system, but thats probably why you do it.

That's exactly how it works, and that's why your posterior is in a constant state of pain

Green text is all it takes to shut you up?? Lol, not sure you should have mentioned that.. probably gonna be seeing a lot more green text around here..

and thats your ohh so erudite rebuttal: Nuh UH!! a meme, and more green text.

Protip: if you look back at previous exchanges, youll note i HAVE gone point by point in the past, but you aint worth the effort of correcting your greentext's tag havoc.

nobody but YOU feels the need to endlessly make themselves feel special with crayolas.

black text is more than adequate for rational people, grownups and people who have a real point to make.

your colour crayons serve no purpose beyond making detailed responses to your inanities into a tedious chore.

even your silly opinion polls dont use green text, because they want it to be legible, even if it is irrelevant.
and thats your ohh so erudite rebuttal: Nuh UH!! a meme, and more green text.

Protip: if you look back at previous exchanges, youll note i HAVE gone point by point in the past, but you aint worth the effort of correcting your greentext's tag havoc.

nobody but YOU feels the need to endlessly make themselves feel special with crayolas.

black text is more than adequate for rational people, grownups and people who have a real point to make.

your colour crayons serve no purpose beyond making detailed responses to your inanities into a tedious chore.

even your silly opinion polls dont use green text, because they want it to be legible, even if it is irrelevant.

quote his reply, select all, change the color to standard, and full speed ahead princess.

it ain't that tough, i've rebutted him point by point may times before doing this.
and thats your ohh so erudite rebuttal: Nuh UH!! a meme, and more green text.

Protip: if you look back at previous exchanges, youll note i HAVE gone point by point in the past, but you aint worth the effort of correcting your greentext's tag havoc.

nobody but YOU feels the need to endlessly make themselves feel special with crayolas.

black text is more than adequate for rational people, grownups and people who have a real point to make.

your colour crayons serve no purpose beyond making detailed responses to your inanities into a tedious chore.

even your silly opinion polls dont use green text, because they want it to be legible, even if it is irrelevant.

Now if only you could assert your affinity for black font towards black people..

It's not rocket science, grandpa. Im sure if you can single handedly expose the global climate change hoax you can figure out how to properly quote a colored post...
Creationism, Christianity and Islam have dick to do with science... Ya don't say..

You been hitting the bottle tonight or do you really not know what an analogy is? I didn't say you were any of those things, I said you are behaving like those groups do when reality bites them in the ass; they cry persecution, just like you've been doing. The reality is that anthropogenic climate change is real, nobody in the entire scientific community denies it, and the ones that do aren't in the scientific community, imagine that.. You believe they remain outside it because of political motivations and have done nothing this entire thread and others about climate change but regurgitate talking points directly from GOP senators mouths and deny the evidence against you. "Persecution!"
Now if only you could assert your affinity for black font towards black people..

It's not rocket science, grandpa. Im sure if you can single handedly expose the global climate change hoax you can figure out how to properly quote a colored post...

"That's Racist!!!"
classic. just classic.

and again you resort to using the word "Science" without understanding it's meaning.

your crayola nonsense is difficult to read through this haze of weed smoke.

it doesnt make your comments more (or at all) insightful, it doesnt transform your opinion polls into scientific evidence, and it doesnt make your 404 laden citations any more (or at all) useful.

also, sorry bucklefuckle, shit's still green.
"That's Racist!!!"
classic. just classic.

and again you resort to using the word "Science" without understanding it's meaning.

your crayola nonsense is difficult to read through this haze of weed smoke.

it doesnt make your comments more (or at all) insightful, it doesnt transform your opinion polls into scientific evidence, and it doesnt make your 404 laden citations any more (or at all) useful.

also, sorry bucklefuckle, shit's still green.

Perhaps update your Windows 95 PC running Internet Explorer to a more modern version of updated technology. I think you might have better results..