Well-Known Member
Lying dumbass;
-66% of those aged over 65 believed that climate change is caused by human actions
-by contrast, 79% of 18-34 year olds take the view that human action is responsible for climate change
-63% of those with no post-school qualifications were unconvinced about the role of humans in producing climate change
-University graduates were much more likely to take the opposite view, with 86% agreeing that human activity was responsible - See more at:
Not that it would matter anyway because none of you denytards accept anything unless it denies ACC too, which is why you detest science so much. It's objective, and it's objectively telling you you're all a bunch of fringe morons who can't read a pie chart. As Sanders noted, in every other facet of reality you accept science, medicine, food health/safety, engineering, etc. but when it comes to climate
the Kylite Rebellionlulz. the band was passably skilled,
the frontman was screamo and ruined it.
the vidya offered the usual selection of "anarcho-______ist" tropes, and was laughable in it's naivete.
randomly places home made pipe bombs destroys an evil city (and it's presumed capitalist ovelords...) through the skill daring and dedication of a small band of immaculately coiffed, elaborately tatted out, and ludicrously pierced twenty-somethings, and their angsty anarcho-_____ism.
yeah twentysomething hipsters are really a force to be reckoned with. they get so much done.
and twentysomethings are so good at keeping secrets, nobody twatted, instabooked or facegrammed anything about their Thuper Theekrit Thkeem and tipped off the cops.
those morons plots are Self Foiling
who needs the Goddamned Batman when the super-villains cant resist detailing their plot on their FaceSpace Page