New Member
are u saying im a bigot?![]()
No way man,..... well, maybe on the subject of the jews

07-23-2008 11:58 PM Bigot - noun: a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own

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are u saying im a bigot?![]()
its called making a point. do you really get that offended that someone has an opinion?
No way man,..... well, maybe on the subject of the jews; that was a comment someone posted to me, privately, of course.........
Slowdown "cowboy", no offense hear........
on the subject of jews, i gots no problem with em. we have a pair of rabbis, (husband and wife) that are good family friends
Its zionists and zionism i dislike
Let me blow some of this smoke through my screen to you then,,,,it will have to be quick, though.....I don't want Moe's "big hand" flying through the screen and open hand slapping my face while the portal is open.....![]()
Not all blacks were slaves. There were free blacks before the War Between the States. History records black slave owners as well.If she was around 150 years ago, she could consider herself white all day long but since society considered anyone with any black whatsoever in them black, she would be considered black, and therefore a slave![]()
Let me blow some of this smoke through my screen to you then,,,,it will have to be quick, though.....I don't want Moe's "big hand" flying through the screen and open hand slapping my face while the portal is open.....![]()
I'm callin a truce Ccodine while the portal is open...
Check this out, we can agree to disagree O.k., My pastor says all the time "The cheapest commodity in the world is opinions because everyone on earth has one" You think Barrack is a fuck up and I think he's the answer, you think Regan & Bush were great & Clinton was man-whore who did nothing but fuck his term and I think that Bush as the biggest piece of shit president we've ever had & that Bubba was best prez we had since they guy elected 30 years before him (hard act to follow). You see me as an evil ass, racist, violent, nigger who just wants to "slap" people and I see you a bitch ass, racist, white boy with a whole lotta mouth (over the net might I add). Hell you probably like Coke while I fancy the taste of Pepsi. Ever heard the quote "One Man's Patriot is another man's tyrant"? It's plain as day we both see the other person as the tyrant & ourselves as the Patriot and we're never going to agree on this topic, I'm waiving the white flag (look at the bottom of the page) You win! So with that said Just Shut the fuck up & L.I.G. (Let It Go) partner... You blowing my high...
grandma wanted a plum pie.
And I want some poontang pie, can you help out with that?
grandma wanted a plum pie.
And I want some poontang pie, can you help out with that?