
If Elon is behind it over hurt feelings, he's as bad as Trump and would be an unreliable national security partner who might have to give up control of a vital national security asset, he might own his stock, but not be able to vote it. If he's like this when he gets control of Twitter, he will censor critics of himself like Xi or Putin.

People are expressing concerns and he would be stepping on the CIA and military's toes on a matter of vital national security with nukes on the table. What if CIA operatives in eastern Ukraine are cut off and killed because Elon has a stray hair up his ass about something said on social media. He would be considered emotionally and mentally unstable by many in the government, certainly unreliable. Was the service Uncle Sam paid for interrupted and why, perhaps the FBI will want to know.

the Muskmelon has the ego for it.
Four-cylinder 2 stroke engines running flat out and then some, make a lot of noise. At $10K a pop they are cheaper than some artillery rounds and unless GPS jammed, are as accurate as a precision weapon just by using commercial GPS service.

'They Sound Like Motorbikes': Ukrainians Say They Can Hear Iranian Suicide Drones Coming
362,864 views Oct 7, 2022 Russia has resorted to using Shahed-136 drones from Iran in its war on Ukraine. Ukraine says it's already downed many of the drones, which work by slamming into their intended target, laden with explosives. Ordinary Ukrainians say they can already recognize the sound of the drones.

That's a vw air cooled motor, just in reverse
That's a vw air cooled motor, just in reverse
A common light aircraft design, only in two stroke, it flies low so aspiration not an issue and has a high HP to weight ratio. You could probably buy a container load of them for a few grand a piece or less from China, delivered inside a month, check Alibaba for lot prices Flight control computers with GPS modules and bells and whistles are around $100 USD or less when bought in bulk. Everything ya need to make a cheap precise cruise missile that can carry 100 pounds of high explosive. It's a wild world and ya just need money and not to be under sanctions for a small country to do sophisticated things. A cast of thousands is no longer required to make a stealthy high-tech killer that can go 1000km at near tree top level on a GPS way point mission.
sounds like ukraine needs to make a bunch of fake targets to spread around the real equipment. Let them find a needle in a haystack. russia will use up a lot of these on plywood mockups...
They are launching them 50km inside Belarus from an airbase, looks like it might be HIMARS O'clock with those new tungsten bb rounds that cover a football sized area or larger. Just the thing for 20 Iranian drones supposed to be there.
A common light aircraft design, only in two stroke, it flies low so aspiration not an issue and has a high HP to weight ratio. You could probably buy a container load of them for a few grand a piece or less from China, delivered inside a month, check Alibaba for lot prices Flight control computers with GPS modules and bells and whistles are around $100 USD or less when bought in bulk. Everything ya need to make a cheap precise cruise missile that can carry 100 pounds of high explosive. It's a wild world and ya just need money and not to be under sanctions for a small country to do sophisticated things. A cast of thousands is no longer required to make a stealthy high-tech killer that can go 1000km at near tree top level on a GPS way point mission.
They seem to be using them like the buzz bombs of almost 80 years ago: indiscriminate civilian attack.
They seem to be using them like the buzz bombs of almost 80 years ago: indiscriminate civilian attack.
Ironically, they operate at half the speed and about the same ratio are getting through the AA defenses. I think it will improve with electronic equipment, they are probably not well shielded and can be GPS jammed. Using waypoint missions, they can take various routes to the target and approach from any direction.

"US representatives Tom Malinowski, Sean Casten and Susan Wild described the oil cuts as “a hostile act against the United States and a clear signal that [Saudi Arabia and the UAE] have chosen to side with Russia in its war against Ukraine”. - Could America be looking at expanding the war into the Arabs states again? Lots of oil.

"US representatives Tom Malinowski, Sean Casten and Susan Wild described the oil cuts as “a hostile act against the United States and a clear signal that [Saudi Arabia and the UAE] have chosen to side with Russia in its war against Ukraine”. - Could America be looking at expanding the war into the Arabs states again? Lots of oil.
No, just pissed about being stabbed in the back and them aligning with Iran oddly enough. They bought Trump, so MBS didn't make friends with Biden, then there's that sordid bone saw incident...

"US representatives Tom Malinowski, Sean Casten and Susan Wild described the oil cuts as “a hostile act against the United States and a clear signal that [Saudi Arabia and the UAE] have chosen to side with Russia in its war against Ukraine”. - Could America be looking at expanding the war into the Arabs states again? Lots of oil.
no but the US could stop selling them weapons

"US representatives Tom Malinowski, Sean Casten and Susan Wild described the oil cuts as “a hostile act against the United States and a clear signal that [Saudi Arabia and the UAE] have chosen to side with Russia in its war against Ukraine”. - Could America be looking at expanding the war into the Arabs states again? Lots of oil.
They really cut their own throats by driving up prices, it just incentivizes alternative sources and EV adoption. In a demand for petroleum will fall with the use of EVs and it will be a buyers' market with petrol engines outlawed in many places. Producers will try to sell it while they can, or it might be left in the ground like the vast high quality coal fields found in Canada recently or the mines under where I am in Nova Scotia.
To be fair Bidens letting the royal Prince off after he killed the Journalist.
Trump was in power, but I doubt Biden would have or could have arrested him. Arranging to have his fellow princes chop the fuckers head off with a regime change would be the closest to justice you'll get, MBS is a psycho and loose cannon.