The Junk Drawer

When Russia is defeated and driven from Ukraine, they won't have anything in the tank, or any tanks for that matter. How many Russians die is up to the Ukrainians, they are the ones killing them at a horrific rate and ratio. Expert opinion that I follow has them clearing mainland Ukraine by fall or before and cutting off Crimea to take the following summer, or this one if they are lucky on the mainland and make a quick job of the Russians. There is an increased risk of nuclear war, but if you have an understanding of what will happen to the Russians and Russia (extinction) the chances are low, Vlad and everybody in the chain of command knows, the Americans made sure they understand. Europe is all in on this war and of course people are going to go about their lives, but the war in Europe is right next door and the eastern Europeans have very strong feelings about it, having lived under Russia's thumb. It is an imperialist war of aggression by an imperialist empire, and a violation of the UN charter and international law nothing more, Countries like ours who live by the rule of law (quibble if you wish) must enforce international law while supporting another liberal democracy that lives by the rule of law and has a great PR campaign! Countries used to just have interests, not friends, but in this increasingly interconnected world public opinion counts a lot, as does shared values, so these days friends count a lot.
Maybe. Going by the maps it looks like a bit of a stale mate atm and Russia and Ukraine seem to be settled in for a long war.
In a lot of cases a large scale nuclear war could be a good thing. It reduces the worlds population like the Great wars and Spanish flu did (perhaps like covid could of if it wasn't for clever scientists) but in fraction of the time. Leading to more resources for the survivors and a period of world wide growth. Fish stocks might even recover substantially after their steady decline over the decades. With the Y chromosome disappearing it may mean that the human population would be a lot smaller even many generations after. It might just save the earth.

Russia is the president of the UN at the moment.

Its certainly interesting times we live in and get to comment on due to our free speech and press.
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You dont think Trump should be locked up for his crimes if convicted?
you are reading me completely backwards, or have my comments confused with someone elses...i personally think trump should be drug behind a diesel pick up with a "fuck jo and the jo" sticker on it till there is nothing left but a bloody dog collar, and it should happen in front of his die hard base...
any more questions about what i think should happen to trump and 99.9% of his followers?
Hero is a word that gets thrown around way to much these days. Every soldier isn't a hero, every fire fighter isn't a hero, every cop isn't a hero. Its not a job description is a rare and special trait that often comes to the fore in a split second. Throwing the word around diminishes its meaning.
who said anything different? you are calling assange a hero...not every thieving, law breaking, foul fuck is a hero, either...He never did one thing to make anything better, except the balance in his bank account.
you are reading me completely backwards, or have my comments confused with someone elses...i personally think trump should be drug behind a diesel pick up with a "fuck jo and the jo" sticker on it till there is nothing left but a bloody dog collar, and it should happen in front of his die hard base...
any more questions about what i think should happen to trump and 99.9% of his followers?
trump should of been arrested the day of his insurrection for treason. If convicted he should of faced the punishment for it. You cannot do anything to the dick heads who voted for him but those that helped in his insurrection and attempt to take over the US government should also be tried and face the full extent of the law.
His war on Free press should of ended when he was not the prez.
who said anything different? you are calling assange a hero...not every thieving, law breaking, foul fuck is a hero, either...He never did one thing to make anything better, except the balance in his bank account.

I didnt call him a hero. You brought up the word.
You don't think that exposing American war crimes and the CIA's illegal surveillance of the American people was worth knowing?
Why don't you want a Free press? Once its gone its gone.

What protects a Democracy?
A free press.

Assange published Truthful information. Information that has value to the American people- the world as well. And faces the espionage act from 1917(?) that has never been used. Is in a Jail cell fighting extradition to a unfair trial.
Murdoch knowingly published lies and instructed his news anchoes to spread misinformation. Buys his 5th wife a $2m engagement ring. Will never see a jail cell.

And people wonder why Authoritarian like countries every time they get caught out treating a journalist bad or clamping down on free press and information go: "But American cannot talk look at what they are doing to Assange."

The American Civil Liberties Union said: "For the first time in the history of our country, the (Trump) government has brought criminal charges under the Espionage Act against a publisher for the publication of truthful information."
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trump should of been arrested the day of his insurrection for treason. If convicted he should of faced the punishment for it. You cannot do anything to the dick heads who voted for him but those that helped in his insurrection and attempt to take over the US government should also be tried and face the full extent of the law.
His war on Free press should of ended when he was not the prez.
Yeah...And?...Imho he should have been hung on the jibbet they erected to hang pence on.
Is this you attempting to troll? You're pretending that i'm saying the opposite of what i'm saying?
Anything you can dream up for trump to suffer, i'll be there to help you implement it....And i'll probably be improving on it as well...You aren't a mean bastard, i am.
EVERYYHING trump did on his own initiative should be rolled back, repealed, erased, or expunged...
If you're trying to connect this to julian "i'm a cheap crook" assholesange...keep fucking trying till we're both will take exactly one lifetime more than either of us have before i'll change that opinion.
I didnt call him a hero. You brought up the word.

Hero is a word that gets thrown around way to much these days. Every soldier isn't a hero, every fire fighter isn't a hero, every cop isn't a hero. Its not a job description is a rare and special trait that often comes to the fore in a split second. Throwing the word around diminishes its meaning."

^that would be YOU bringing up the word.

just because i don't share your misguided hero worship for a money grubbing lying cockroach doesn't mean i have a problem with a free press, it means i have a problem with a mercenary piece of shit who did what he did for profit, and not out of any sense of altruism. assange isn't and never was a hero. He did not give one fuck about doing the right thing, he did what he did for personal profit.
He published classified information, then tried to run from the consequences. he's not only a criminal, he's a fucking coward.
assholesange has nothing to do with any kind of assault on a free press, he was never a member of the free press, he was a verminous parasite, making a living on the misfortune of people HE made suffer those misfortunes...he is subhuman filth, and you're a fool for support such a piece of trash.
Yeah...And?...Imho he should have been hung on the jibbet they erected to hang pence on.
Is this you attempting to troll? You're pretending that i'm saying the opposite of what i'm saying?
Anything you can dream up for trump to suffer, i'll be there to help you implement it....And i'll probably be improving on it as well...You aren't a mean bastard, i am.
EVERYYHING trump did on his own initiative should be rolled back, repealed, erased, or expunged...
If you're trying to connect this to julian "i'm a cheap crook" assholesange...keep fucking trying till we're both will take exactly one lifetime more than either of us have before i'll change that opinion.
Even most of Trump's fan boys know he's a POS and are riding him like a hog in a yokel's barn yard race trying to get to the finish line of fascism. I imagine it's much the same, Bobo, MTG and the other miscreants who can do no wrong, it is a battle between evil and stupid for them and it's hard to say who won. Evil, stupid and ignorant are the three primary reasons people vote for republicans, since Trump there are no others and all the good people have long since left the GOP. J6 was the final line and those still with Trump stepped over it and into a world of hurt and that hurt has not even begun for most.
What the fuck are you talking about? ME liking trump? Are you motherfucking higher than Johnny Cash sitting in a goddamn bush eating cake with his hands?
I don't like Assange, and nothing in the world you will ever say will make me like the criminal piece of shit...period.
I read the facts of the case, they haven't i don't plan to either.
He isn't a hero, he's a dirtbag piece of shit, and that's all he'll ever be.
You brought up the word hero.

I then said the word Hero gets thrown around way to much.
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"Lebanon woke up in two time zones on Sunday amid an escalating dispute between political and religious authorities over a decision to delay the clock change by a month.

Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati decided last week not to start daylight savings time over the last weekend of March - as usually happens in Lebanon, Europe and other regions - but instead to roll clocks forward an hour on 20 April.

Though no reason was given for the decision, it was widely seen as a concession to Muslims, allowing those observing the holy month of Ramadan to break their daylight-hours fasts at around 6pm rather than 7pm."

If you are stoned, DON'T put your lighter in the dryer with your clothes and check your pockets before the laundry! It could have been a cellphone too.

is it for sure for sure a lighter that caused this?? Because I swear over the years I’ve found them in the dryer (goddamn stoner) and they’ve been fine. Cell phone seems more likely but damn that’s crazy