Attention Atheist

This is the first time in history questioning of religion is not out of the social norm
History is mighty long my friend... and you've only been here to witness the smallest of historical slivers. Religions come and go but humanity remains. The gods the your distant prodigy will worship may be VERY different than the ones currently available. If you were to choose a diety on historical performance... I'd go buddist.

the seedman

Active Member
i get it. Im a little slow lately:?. If only i could, my dog is a big baby @ 1 year old. maybe if i teach him to nudge the groin of anyone who says "god" and "salvation" that would be entertaining..
you need to blood him in, let him kill a rabbit first, then find some jehovahs witness.


Well-Known Member
you need to blood him in, let him kill a rabbit first, then find some jehovahs witness.
I had a crazy thing happen last week... my cat killed a rabbit on our property. It was like 1/2 to 2/3 his size. I didn't see him do it; just him carrying it around. Must have been quite a struggle. Maybe I can teach him to go after jehovah's witnesses now?


Well-Known Member
i get it. Im a little slow lately:?. If only i could, my dog is a big baby @ 1 year old. maybe if i teach him to nudge the groin of anyone who says "god" and "salvation" that would be entertaining.
I'm just glad Gore invented the internet.:lol: Atheists have a public forum now,so to speak; much more so than before. This is the first time in history questioning of religion is not out of the social norm on the global social scale. The very existence of this thread has made at least one person go think a little about its topic. That alone is a good thing.
It wont take long (relatively), a few generations and im sure we'll be the majority, if we don't get blown to kingdom come first.
Oh, we'll get blown to kingdom come before atheists grasp their bragging "rights."............Bet on it.

the seedman

Active Member
Oh, we'll get blown to kingdom come before atheists grasp their bragging "rights."............Bet on it.
what ya talking bout, we've allready claimed braging rights, if your still stupid enough to believe in a god thats waiting 2000 years after the death of his son to show up and show his disapproval, of the way we treated his son, your going to spend the rest of your life waiting for something thats never going to happen, good luck............. loosers


Well-Known Member
Bragging rights!? WTF! Atheism is NOT a culture or organization. It is the only belief that does NOT organize universally...Weird huh? Or is it?


Well-Known Member
what ya talking bout, we've allready claimed braging rights, if your still stupid enough to believe in a god thats waiting 2000 years after the death of his son to show up and show his disapproval, of the way we treated his son, your going to spend the rest of your life waiting for something thats never going to happen, good luck............. loosers
good luck............. loosers
Speak for yourself dear.


Active Member
the dude who posted this thread should go shoot himself. narrow-minded people like that need to just shut the fuck up


Active Member
"hey you guys!!! Welll !!! How was evrything made then!? Huh?? Obviously god! I mean, my daddy told me abou god and its just obviously true why would anyone lie!!!! Huh??? Yea you guyz r wrong!!! Ha!!!"


Well-Known Member
No, of course not....atheists are never activists for the cause of "standing for facts via science and reasoning."
And atheists NEVER make it their goal to "debunk the myth of the believer."........neva.:-|
Reasoning via a genius behold glory for one, while faith sheds light on that which has never been seen through the simple mind of the man.

This has been my signature since day one......
Life is as good as you and those around you allow it to be.

No...atheism is not now, nor will it ever be, a movement.

This anagram A * T in a circle will help you better. Is literal ATEO in Spanish 500 million people can read it. Plus A + T is are the root letters for ATheism in over 80 languages plus dialiects.
