Carne Seca
Well-Known Member
Really? Religious zealot? Okay lets do this in order.
Carne i never claimed you were all being hate mongers. Nor did i ever ever state that i new what it was like to be a homosexual. In the post before last was directed at sso, i did forget to quote him so that may have lead to confusion. My apologies. I was just defending my view from sso, he had for some reason decided to be a bit bunt and a little insulting. Which is okay ive read some of his posts in the past and thats how he rolls its all good. Ive also noticed he seems to be very passionate about his views which is admirable. Further more you assume im a religious zealot, how did you come to this conclusion? If you really think im a zealot for disagreeing with you.You would shit yourself if you met a actual religious zealot they have no room for acceptance or tolerance.
Karrion, i never chose for my stomach to turn at the thought of having sex with another man. Beyond this maybe your right, maybe your born this way maybe you dont choose. It doesnt matter i wont hate you for it. You seem to be trying to change my mind, i do not see that happening. This is a conclusion that i have arrived at of my own free thinking thought process, not what a damn book told me. Hell the bible has been effed with so many time im sure the lets punish gays with death was added in by some doucher.
Really guys if anything you are showing that your more intolerannt than not (not intended to insult just a observation), i have yet to directly or indirectly insult anyone nor do i have a desire to. People seem to be reaching for the pitch forks.
Now guys honestly if ive said anything that leads you to think i hate you please please please point it out so that i may correct my self and apologize.
I disagree with you, i do not hate you nor am i upset that you disagree with me. Were all freethinking adults.![]()
Maybe I wasn't referring to you?

You have a right to your opinion and I respect that. You're wrong (in my opinion) but you have the right to be wrong. Believe it or not, as much as I love women, the thought of a man and woman together churns MY stomach. So before you paint me into a picture of your own making maybe you should look into your own heart as to why you thought I was referring to you? Guilty conscience maybe?
And for your information I have met several zealots with absolutely no compassion or empathy. This ended up in me being bashed on three separate occasions. Which is typical for gay men in America. Here you are assuming (once again) that you know more about my experiences than I do. My partner also faced zealots and on one occasion he lost his life. Now I have a grave to visit instead of living a life I dreamed of and was working to make happen. My life was destroyed and I constantly live in fear because if the rhetoric that creates such hate and fear. Rhetoric that is being showcased in this thread.
Until you walk in my shoes for a month or two, don't presume you know what I mean or what I feel.