The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
It's not dishonest at all. It's 100% clearly stated fact. Ron Paul has said on the record many times that he opposed the ending of slavery and the civil rights act. It's now dishonest to correctly state Ron Paul's opinion just because it makes him look bad? Wow. That's worse than the claim that posting something that contradicts Ron Paul = spam.
I want to see proof that Dr Paul said he was opposed to ending slavery.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
If anyone has a link to this where he says just that I would love to see this plz...
Can do.

Paul repeated his claim that Abraham Lincoln should not have started the Civil War to get rid of slavery. "Six-hundred-thousand Americans died in the senseless Civil War," he said. "No, he should not have gone to war. He did this just to enhance and get rid of the original tenet of the Republic," he told NBC's Tim Russert.

Ron Paul wanted to wait for a "free market" solution to slavery. Letting it go along as is until the free market decided to get rid of it on it's own. Some how it's none of the government's business to end crimes against humanity occurring in this country. Free market principles are more important than human rights apparently. Unless you're a slave, then you might have felt differently about the subject.

Ron Paul opposing segregation because he believes segregation is a property owner's right:


He also opposes having Martin Luther King's birthday being a holiday.


Well-Known Member
We should make Ron Paul and his followers slaves in a sweat shop in china..then tell them to wait until the freemarket frees them...and to think that he would allow me to refuse people service in one of my businesses all based on the color of ones skin in the name of "property rights"...WTF


Well-Known Member
Can do.

Ron Paul wanted to wait for a "free market" solution to slavery. Letting it go along as is until the free market decided to get rid of it on it's own. Some how it's none of the government's business to end crimes against humanity occurring in this country. Free market principles are more important than human rights apparently. Unless you're a slave, then you might have felt differently about the subject.

Ron Paul opposing segregation because he believes segregation is a property owner's right:


He also opposes having Martin Luther King's birthday being a holiday.
Read and watched everything and have to say you could view this in two ways depending which side of the fence you sit on. It just seems like another typical discrediting effort employed in politics, by saying he felt it would have been the lesser of two evils to buy slaves then release them rather than killing 600 000 people and the cost of a war included is by no means saying he is racist which is what the detractors are implying now. Big difference really!!!

Lets try find where he discusses MLK's birthday....


Well-Known Member
We should make Ron Paul and his followers slaves in a sweat shop in china..then tell them to wait until the freemarket frees them...and to think that he would allow me to refuse people service in one of my businesses all based on the color of ones skin in the name of "property rights"...WTF
By that account we should make Obama and his followers fight at ground level in the hot zone in Libya simply because that's his position...


Well-Known Member
Read and watched everything and have to say you could view this in two ways depending which side of the fence you sit on. It just seems like another typical discrediting effort employed in politics, by saying he felt it would have been the lesser of two evils to buy slaves then release them rather than killing 600 000 people and the cost of a war included is by no means saying he is racist which is what the detractors are implying now. Big difference really!!!

Lets try find where he discusses MLK's birthday....
are you saying it would have been better to keep the slaves instead of losing the lives ????? What about the lives of slaves...???? The Civil War was not an evil it was a war that helped stop an evil that was going on in America..


Well-Known Member
None of your claims were presented here, Not a single instance of "I want there to be slavery" also no mention of "blacks should not have civil rights." Where do you come up with this shit? Perhaps you should crawl back under your bridge.


Well-Known Member
are you saying it would have been better to keep the slaves instead of losing the lives ????? What about the lives of slaves...???? The Civil War was not an evil it was a war that helped stop an evil that was going on in America..
Of course, because setting slaves free is the same as wanting slavery, How could I not see this?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Read and watched everything and have to say you could view this in two ways depending which side of the fence you sit on. It just seems like another typical discrediting effort employed in politics, by saying he felt it would have been the lesser of two evils to buy slaves then release them rather than killing 600 000 people and the cost of a war included is by no means saying he is racist which is what the detractors are implying now. Big difference really!!!

Lets try find where he discusses MLK's birthday....
I'd like to know when it became ok to pretend supporting the "rights" of property owners to systematically oppress a race of people became a reasonable non-racist argument. Pretending the rights of people to be racist is more important than the civil rights of Americans is a ridiculous argument and possibly racist in it self.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
None of your claims were presented here, Not a single instance of "I want there to be slavery" also no mention of "blacks should not have civil rights." Where do you come up with this shit? Perhaps you should crawl back under your bridge.
I didn't say that. By misquoting me you're doing exactly what you accuse me of doing.

I said Ron Paul didn't support ending slavery. He didn't support the emancipation proclamation. He didn't support ending segregation.


Well-Known Member
I'd like to know when it became ok to pretend supporting the "rights" of property owners to systematically oppress a race of people became a reasonable non-racist argument. Pretending the rights of people to be racist is more important than the civil rights of Americans is a ridiculous argument and possibly racist in it self.
All of this is presumptious Dan, you are assuming that because he wanted to give property owners as much consideration as the suppressed that he is now racist, would you only give reasonable doubt to those you liked??

So in a nutshell are you saying Ron Paul is secretly a racist??


Well-Known Member
Lets try find where he discusses MLK's birthday....
and if you really want to continue discussing American politics I would suggest you start by doing some research ...Try google..its your friend...Its a known fact that he voted against MLK birthday ..the same as John McCain


Well-Known Member
and if you really want to continue discussing American politics I would suggest you start by doing some research ...Try google..its your friend...Its a known fact that he voted against MLK birthday ..the same as John McCain
Thanks I am doing research as you can see when I say where you quote me..."let's see where he discusses....." that implies I am going to find it myself. Also where on a previous page I immediately linked a video to the same link as Dan....but for the record foghead I don't need to know the history of America to know that in that video RP categorically did not say what you guys are implying...if you are going to accuse then at least make it solid evidence not the sort of evidence you see regarding UFO's....kinda hazy and easily interpreted in many ways depending on your stance...


Well-Known Member
just do your research before you chime in will stop you from wanting to discuss things that are already known facts...Now do you wish to comment on why he would vote against MLK birthday???


Well-Known Member
just do your research before you chime in will stop you from wanting to discuss things that are already known facts...Now do you wish to comment on why he would vote against MLK birthday???
Are you discussing things that are not known facts, are you ahead of your time?????????????????

PS. Why don't you link where he claims this, you guys are always quick to say, "prove it or it did not happen"


Well-Known Member

But one article on him voting nay, do yourselves a favour and read what Richard in the comments section at the bottom has to say...

Either way voting NO on another public holiday does not make anyone racist, in South Africa after 1994 we got a flood of public holidays 47 in total and many people, black and white thought it was ridiculous as they took away days that we could all be contributing to our economy.

You guys are nothing more than opponents that play the age of game of discrediting each other for the sake of feeling like you have a voice whilst your chosen officials only let you down again and again...