The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


Well-Known Member
Dude thats what I said SLAVERY WAS A MAJOR PART IN THE CIVIL WAR...others say it was not...don't tell me what I don't I need to show the qoutes of what people have said ????
YOu missed my point ( I have to assume it was intentional) again.

GOD gives me my rights not the Government. So to say I don't have the right to exclude black from my property is to deny the very nature of this Universe The Government just suppresses those right by threat of murder. Do you really believe that the free exercise of property rights by private individuals would result in slavery? YOU have got to be kidding me?

DO you think Slavery was a result of the free exercise of individual right?
It was quite the opposite.
We repeat HIstory not because we fail to restrain the individual, but because we default to Government oppression.
I don't understand why this is such a hard concept for some to get.


Well-Known Member
YOu wouldn't keep people out of your Laundromat because it would be economically stupid. Slaves were kept because it was economically sound.

To equate private property right to Slavery is a straw grasping stretch to say the least.

I take offense to that comment..... Are you a Racist?
Do you think that White people by default are prone to be SlaveMasters?
Do we white folk have an uncontrollable desire to oppress and enslave those of darker tint and those urgings are being kept at bay by limiting private property rights and enforcing affirmative action?

It just a question not an accusation.


Well-Known Member
Do we white folk have an uncontrollable desire to oppress and enslave those of darker tint and those urgings are being kept at bay by limiting private property rights and enforcing affirmative action?

It just a question not an accusation.
I sometimes wonder this.:-P

(I'm Ojibwe, White Earth Nation)


Well-Known Member
OK well let us look at some votes here from Ron Paul and his fight against racism. bigotry and hate..

HR1913- Hate Crimes Expansion- Expands definition of a hate crime to include felonies motivated by prejudice based on national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity of the victim ...and RON PAUL'S vote NO ( bill still passed house)

HR2831-Equal Pay Bill-Vote to pass a bill that would designate that unequal payment based on race, religion, sex, national origin, age or disability is a new violation with each payment...and Ron Paul's vote NO ( bill still passed house)

HR11-Employment Discrimination Law Amendments-Issues grant money for salary negotiation skills training for girls and women,Increases penalties against a discriminatory employer including compensation of legal fees and liability for punitive damages against an employee...and Ron Paul's vote NO ( bill still passed house)

dude I could go on and on but you need to check for your self his voting record on civil issues before you claim how much he fights for me just how he fights..his vote does not..


Well-Known Member
YOu wouldn't keep people out of your Laundromat because it would be economically stupid. Slaves were kept because it was economically sound.
once again if I only let blacks and mexican wash I would lose nothing I couldn't make no turning only white people away would not really hurt me would just be damn wrong to do...


Well-Known Member
YOu missed my point ( I have to assume it was intentional) again.

GOD gives me my rights not the Government. So to say I don't have the right to exclude black from my property is to deny the very nature of this Universe The Government just suppresses those right by threat of murder. Do you really believe that the free exercise of property rights by private individuals would result in slavery? YOU have got to be kidding me?

DO you think Slavery was a result of the free exercise of individual right?
It was quite the opposite.
We repeat HIstory not because we fail to restrain the individual, but because we default to Government oppression.
I don't understand why this is such a hard concept for some to get.
Question who gives you your right if you are atheist or agnostic????? I mean do you have to believe in God to have rights??? and what God ..Zeus , Allah, Jesus, GOD....


Well-Known Member
Do you think that White people by default are prone to be SlaveMasters?
Do we white folk have an uncontrollable desire to oppress and enslave those of darker tint and those urgings are being kept at bay by limiting private property rights and enforcing affirmative action?

It just a question not an accusation.
Far from it ....most white people are very kind and giving...but a few still cling to that "Southern Heritage"..that "white pride"...hell did you not pay attention to some of these clowns when Obama was elected..Those pieces of racist bigoted waste are the ones I'm speaking to and about...and I bet if some are allowed to tell someone that they can't come in to shop in the store they would...are you saying that no one would do that ???


Well-Known Member
once again if I only let blacks and mexican wash I would lose nothing I couldn't make no turning only white people away would not really hurt me would just be damn wrong to do...
Have you ever ran a business? It is not sound business practice to limit your clientele. BY banning 70 percent of the market from purchasing your service you do great harm to any business. Silly statement.


Well-Known Member
Question who gives you your right if you are atheist or agnostic????? I mean do you have to believe in God to have rights??? and what God ..Zeus , Allah, Jesus, GOD....
YOu are born free.... Government can't give you rights. THey can only take them by the barrel of a gun. BAsic AMerican Revolutionary Concept.


Well-Known Member
UB's quote it there as an attack on me in his eyes, and nothing more. You can not lift a single sentence from a lengthy post and keep it in context. To do so is to be disingenuous.

is that you, newt? :lol:


Well-Known Member
very serious...what ..everyone has to believe in God ???? everyone does not believe the way you do guy...
Never said they did... WTF are you even talking about. It is just hard to believe an adult doesn't have a grasp on such rudimentary concepts like individual rights and free agency. JUst because I believe in a GOD and someone else doesn't, doesn't mean our rights come from 2 different places. Or that the Concept of free agency isn't valid because some people disagree on the concept of a Deity.

And your response of "everyone does not believe the way you do guy...." is equally perplexing. I don't want to continue to sound condescending but your responses make me wonder if you have problems conceptualizing abstracts.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever ran a business? It is not sound business practice to limit your clientele. BY banning 70 percent of the market from purchasing your service you do great harm to any business. Silly statement.
I run a business, I see who comes to wash at my places...WTF do you even know my clientele...HELL NO....I would say 10-15% of my business would be banned if I was allowed to do what Ron Paul said is my right...I would never do something so evil merely using it as an example...I make great profits now..and believe me I would still make a profit if I did that...Now if I didn't let mexicans wash I would have a problem, but not if I banned white people...just giving you an example of how fuck up Ron Pauls "idea" could get...


Well-Known Member
OK well let us look at some votes here from Ron Paul and his fight against racism. bigotry and hate..

HR1913- Hate Crimes Expansion- Expands definition of a hate crime to include felonies motivated by prejudice based on national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity of the victim ...and RON PAUL'S vote NO ( bill still passed house)

HR2831-Equal Pay Bill-Vote to pass a bill that would designate that unequal payment based on race, religion, sex, national origin, age or disability is a new violation with each payment...and Ron Paul's vote NO ( bill still passed house)

HR11-Employment Discrimination Law Amendments-Issues grant money for salary negotiation skills training for girls and women,Increases penalties against a discriminatory employer including compensation of legal fees and liability for punitive damages against an employee...and Ron Paul's vote NO ( bill still passed house)

dude I could go on and on but you need to check for your self his voting record on civil issues before you claim how much he fights for me just how he fights..his vote does not..
YOu will never get it. YOu believe the Government plays a different role the we, and Ron PAul, does only difference is the role you want the Government to play is a fictional one and ours is backed up by a little document called the Constitution.

You don't understand the principles of the United States Constitution.. .YOU don't see any difference between the USA and all those other Governments out there. Ron PAul voted NO because he was right. YOU think murdering a BLack Guy warrants a stiffer punishment than a white guy? What ever happened to equal treatment under the law?


Well-Known Member
I run a business, I see who comes to wash at my places...WTF do you even know my clientele...HELL NO....I would say 10-15% of my business would be banned if I was allowed to do what Ron Paul said is my right...I would never do something so evil merely using it as an example...I make great profits now..and believe me I would still make a profit if I did that...Now if I didn't let mexicans wash I would have a problem, but not if I banned white people...just giving you an example of how fuck up Ron Pauls "idea" could get...
YOUr Just plain Silly....... Race based politics, whether you want to acknowledge it or not are racist and those supporting them are unwittingly supporting State sponsored racism. YOu just don't think it's racism because it feels good.