The Truth About Ron Paul - Part 2


Well-Known Member
Dude no man is an island and no man stands alone...your freedom is protected by our military...which branch did you serve in ????
OUr Freedom is protected by knowledge. That is it. And the only time it is protected by the military is during a homeland invasion.

We have a very different view of Freedom. I prefer the Jeffersonian concept.......

And every man is an island.... We only become a collect if we choose. I have no connection to unless I choose to or if a GUN forces me to.

I am an individual nothing more nothing less.


Well-Known Member
PLease provide one.... JUst one document that supports this idea that seems to be so popular these days. Just one.
you want me to provide an example of the government ensuring equality WITH the addendum that it has to be popular nowadays?

before i list a few, let me just add this: why does it have to be popular? i thought people like you were against the 'tyrannical majority', right?


19th amendment

civil rights act of 1964

14th amendment

lily ledbetter fair pay act (just to get a recent one in there).

progressive measures towards equality for all. they may not be airtight, as systematic discrimination does still exist, but that type of shit is going the way of the dodo.


Well-Known Member
HUH? this doesn't make sense and the civil right movement had nothing to do with my property. The Government has no legal right to regulate private property and my not selling something to someone because I don't like them has nothing to do with "civil rights".
say you don't like black people or muslims or jews and you open up a gas station. that gas station is your private property, but if it is supposedly "open to the public", you have no right to charge blacks or muslims or jews twice as much or refuse them service altogether solely based on their religion or skin color (or any number of other factors).

you have to think these things through London.... You don't really make any sense.
nothing makes sense when your mind is a closed like a steel trap.


Well-Known Member
you want me to provide an example of the government ensuring equality WITH the addendum that it has to be popular nowadays?

before i list a few, let me just add this: why does it have to be popular? i thought people like you were against the 'tyrannical majority', right?


19th amendment

civil rights act of 1964

14th amendment

lily ledbetter fair pay act (just to get a recent one in there).

progressive measures towards equality for all. they may not be airtight, as systematic discrimination does still exist, but that type of shit is going the way of the dodo.
I didn't say anything about an addendum?????

NOne of these examples are documents providing proof that the role of our Federalist Government is to ensure equality. The federal Government has a very limited amount of power and nowhere in the Constitution does it provide those powers.


Well-Known Member
say you don't like black people or muslims or jews and you open up a gas station. that gas station is your private property, but if it is supposedly "open to the public", you have no right to charge blacks or muslims or jews twice as much or refuse them service altogether solely based on their religion or skin color (or any number of other factors).

nothing makes sense when your mind is a closed like a steel trap.
Again you fail...... Fail to actually understand what I am saying and understand the role of the Federal Government.

JUst because we have laws don't mean those laws are Legal, Just or correct.


King Tut
Dude no man is an island and no man stands alone...your freedom is protected by our military...which branch did you serve in ????
i haven't served, thank God. i was rejected in the Clinton cut-backs from the Navy. Qualified for trainging to become an Engineer on a nuclear sub. They kicked me back(2f or 4f whatever it is) because i had a 30% hearing loss in my right ear and a screw in my hand.

I was young and dumb then. IQ isn't a true measure of intelligence. And i shouldn't have to stand alone. My family and neighbors should stand with me to defend our COUNTRY(ummmm, well regulated militia does NOT = National Guard NOR the US Military), not fight and rob and kill some other countries people all for every reason EXCEPT that we were attacked(Gulf Wars). So you're right, no man stands alone. So join us and take back our fucking country!


Well-Known Member
Again you fail...... Fail to actually understand what I am saying and understand the role of the Federal Government.

JUst because we have laws don't mean those laws are Legal, Just or correct.
Well one thing we know Ron Paul shot himself in the foot on this one....No other politic would dare say what he did about the Civil Right vote of are you guys going to vote for Mitt ????


Well-Known Member
I have the right as a private citizen to do as I will with my private property. Even if you don't like it and it's bigoted..... Even if the Federal Government passed laws and armed people and built courthouses to stop me from doing it. I was born with that right........ THe Federal Government just attempts to take that right (which is the only thing a Government can do is take rights) from me. Our Constitution guarantees property right. The current Tyrants ignore the Law.


King Tut
Well one thing we know Ron Paul shot himself in the foot on this one....No other politic would dare say what he did about the Civil Right vote of are you guys going to vote for Mitt ????
You hit the nail on the head! He's not just another politician!


Well-Known Member
I have the right as a private citizen to do as I will with my private property. Even if you don't like it and it's bigoted..... Even if the Federal Government passed laws and armed people and built courthouses to stop me from doing it. I was born with that right........ THe Federal Government just attempts to take that right (which is the only thing a Government can do is take rights) from me. Our Constitution guarantees property right. The current Tyrants ignore the Law.
do I have the right to kill someone who killed sombody in my family ????


Well-Known Member
I have the right as a private citizen to do as I will with my private property. Even if you don't like it and it's bigoted..... Even if the Federal Government passed laws and armed people and built courthouses to stop me from doing it. I was born with that right........ THe Federal Government just attempts to take that right (which is the only thing a Government can do is take rights) from me. Our Constitution guarantees property right. The current Tyrants ignore the Law.
not if it is 'open to the public'.

because you would be impinging on the rights of others, as it does harm to those you discriminate against on the basis of your bigotry. empirical evidence proves this.

your right to be bigoted is overtaken by the rights of the public not to be harmed by your bigotry.

you do not have the right to harm others with your bigotry. feel free to be as bigoted as you wish on your own time as long as it does not harm others.

no one can stop you from being a bigot.


Well-Known Member
I have the right as a private citizen to do as I will with my private property. Even if you don't like it and it's bigoted.....
this is the result of allowing bigotry...


you have the right to be as bigoted as you want.

you do not have the right to harm others with your bigotry.

case closed.

don't like it? go fuck yourself.


Well-Known Member
ron paul is unique in that he brings the conversation BACKWARDS by 50 years or so.

that is not a quality i want in a president.

i want someone who is forward looking and intelligent enough to know that bigotry that harms others is NOT ok.


Well-Known Member
not if it is 'open to the public'.

because you would be impinging on the rights of others, as it does harm to those you discriminate on the bases of your bigotry. empirical evidence proves this.

your right to be bigoted is overtaken by the rights of the public not to be harmed by your bigotry.

you do not have the right to harm others with your bigotry. feel free to be as bigoted as you wish on your own time as long as it does not harm others.

no one can stop you from being a bigot.
Who defines what "HArm" is?
The Constitution of The United States Protects my property rights. Also, Property can't be private and be public at the same time.
Are you a lawyer? LOL


Well-Known Member
ron paul is unique in that he brings the conversation BACKWARDS by 50 years or so.

that is not a quality i want in a president.

i want someone who is forward looking and intelligent enough to know that bigotry that harms others is NOT ok.
What A maroon.......


Well-Known Member
Who defines what "HArm" is?
we the people? the SCOTUS?

i can not define harm, but i know it when i see it.

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The Constitution of The United States Protects my property rights. Also,
. YOUr statement makes no sense. Property can't be private and be public at the same time.
Are you a lawyer? LOL
the gas station, the laundromat, the restaurant are all private property of the owner.

the owner makes them 'open to the public'.

if they are open to the public, they must serve the public, without blocking out blacks or jews or whites or christians or whoever else based on bigotry of the owner of that private property.

you want to make a private laundromat or gas station or restaurant that is not open to the public and exclude who you wish? feel free.