[h=1]46.5 Million Americans, Record 22.3 Million US Households, On Foodstamps; 8,753,935 On Disability[/h]
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Tyler Durden on 07/27/2012 11:26 -0400
America's transition into a welfare state continues, as May saw a new all time high number of American households, 22.3 million to be exact, enter technical poverty and collect foodstamps. At the individual level, 46.5 million Americans lived off foodstamps, a 222,157 increase in the month, or nearly three times the number of people who found jobs in June according to the BLS. Next month this too will be a record, as it is currently just 17,367 before the previous all time high set in December of 2011. The good news, and we use the term loosely, is that the average benefit per household rose from all time lows of $275.82 to $276.76. Surely, the bottom is in and just like housing, there is on blue skies ahead.
And before we go, here is the total number of Americans on disbility: 8,753,935.
Combined foodstamp and disability recipients: