Israel calls Polish ban on ritual slaughter (shechita) ‘totally unacceptable’.


Well-Known Member
Why do you like picking old wounds but ignore the bloodshed taking place now?
i'm not picking old wounds, i'm simply pointing out your hypocrisy.

i suppose you living on land stolen by genocide is OK but jews settling lands that would otherwise be occupied by people who are lobbing bombs at them and sending suicide bombers to blow up buses full of women and children is not OK. that makes sense, but only to a hypocrite or a jew hating neo nazi.

i suppose you'll be OK with whatever israel has done in a hundred years from now because hey, it'll all be water under the bridge at that point, right? no use in picking old wounds, eh?

transparent neo nazi dumbass.


Well-Known Member
O but your baseless bullshit stays I think the mods are just mostly if not all left leaning themselves so it's no surprise why your bullshit is left to stay.

Now lets get into what has been swirling around the site about you the site snitch.

You were a mod, you wanted a user banned because he disagreed with you and your politics. You had access to this websites database and got his IP address its a no brainier what you did with that users IP and why you are called a rat. And of course it would be covered up something like that would be damaging to the rep. bongsmilie
mods like i was had no access to IPs or any database of any sort.

since i'm the site snitch and you're the 733T h@ck3r script kiddie, you should be able to use you mega script kiddie skillz to tell everyone all about this snitching.

go ahead, out with it. let's see a list, or at the very least, one tiny little scrap of evidence.

otherwise, it's all just asshurt from a little neo nazi bitch who grew a plant that belongs in a compost pile rather than a pipe.


Active Member
i suppose you living on land stolen by genocide is OK but jews settling lands that would otherwise be occupied by people who are lobbing bombs at them and sending suicide bombers to blow up buses full of women and children is not OK. that makes sense, but only to a hypocrite or a jew hating neo nazi.
First off the Palestinians wouldn't be able to bomb the jews if they were not in there land killing off their people by doing the same thing they claim Hitler did to them.

Secondly can I see some statistics as to how many jews died compared to palestinians ? Also how many bombings has there been recently compared to israels air strikes on neighboring countries ? You sure do like sticking up for war mongers that cause a whole region of the world to be unstable.


Well-Known Member
First off the Palestinians wouldn't be able to bomb the jews if they were not in there land killing off their people by doing the same thing they claim Hitler did to them.
what a stupid thing to say. not surprised considering the source.

the palestinians would be sending suicide bombers to blow up innocent women and children no matter what. and to compare what the palestinians are bringing upon themselves to what hitler did is 100% proof that you are a fucking child.

Secondly can I see some statistics as to how many jews died compared to palestinians ? Also how many bombings has there been recently compared to israels air strikes on neighboring countries ? You sure do like sticking up for war mongers that cause a whole region of the world to be unstable.
sorry if it upsets you that israel defends itself.

the fact is that if israel laid down her arms, she would be annihilated. if palestine laid down their arms, there would be peace.

well, there would be some peace. the rest of the region wants to "erase israel from the page of history", which is real, actual aggression.

that's the type of aggression that is causing instability, not jews wanting to live peacefully in land that is rightfully theirs and which they have been in since the dawn of time.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
There is your problem. You are arguing, And what you are aruging is religion. Now you call it morals or whatever.

No such thing. You view is hopelessly bias along with the OP.

Right call? Wrong call? Have you tried pissing up a rope? You might make a better call there.
Your trying to make it about law its not all about law but human decency in general.

Really am I? In that case it seems to me that you are very confused! Oh and learn to spell "You're".

You're climbing up a tree because an apple dropped on your head and now you're pissed off. ;)


New Member
what 67 borders?

You say Illegal, But I rather question legality, because legality is often decided by buffoons and I would rather not do something that I don't like simply because the "law" of some stupid book said so.

I think you could even consider your statement to be slightly hypocritical in that regard. You say that the jews are wrong to steal land because a book told them so, but you say that they must leave because of another book (the law book)
Maybe read up on the issue first before trying to debate it...


New Member
but it's OK for you to live at the expense of the aboriginals?

you hypocrite.
ridiculous strawman considering you live at the expense of native americans and advocate for a war mongering country you've never been or have any connection to other than a wannabe belief. Good one ger toshav!


Well-Known Member
The thing is we cannot solve the problems of our lifetime. We can barely solve the problem of our life.

This is a 70K year effort so far, just to keep our families safe.

So, the idea of recrimination like this either way, misses the point.

We all fall short of our own high expectation.
The thing is we cannot solve the problems of our lifetime. We can barely solve the problem of or life.

Doer shut the fuck up, just because you can't tie your own shoelaces doesn't mean everyone else is as retarded as you.

You just need to accept the fact that you're stupid and let everyone else discuss these topics on their own. Of course though, in order to accept something you need to first be smart enough to accept it, So I see we may have a problem here.

Maybe read up on the issue first before trying to debate it...

I have some other things I need to do first before I start changing the world. brb.


Well-Known Member
Ah, Firtz. Now you give zee ORDERS.

I can't hear you. These are only photons. You will know at a later date to never give orders that will be ignored.


Well-Known Member
ridiculous strawman considering you live at the expense of native americans and advocate for a war mongering country you've never been or have any connection to other than a wannabe belief. Good one ger toshav!
this isn't about me, i'm not asking israel to return any land. you are the one doing that. you think they stole the land and so should give it back.

well, you're living on land that was stolen through far more brutal means. you gonna put your money where your mouth is and give it back?

oh, almost forgot. the only time it's not OK is when the jews do it.

so stupid of me to try to reason with a rabid, holocaust denying, anti semite piece of garbage like you.
Ah, Firtz. Now you give zee ORDERS.

I can't hear you. These are only photons. You will know at a later date to never give orders that will be ignored.

Doer, the un-insultable one.

I foresee a prophecy. One day one will come that will insult the un-insultable (it will be a girl) and doer will be so mad that he will blow up and consume the world! or some bullshit like that. who the fuck cares, its doer, the un-insultable.


New Member
this isn't about me, i'm not asking israel to return any land. you are the one doing that. you think they stole the land and so should give it back.

well, you're living on land that was stolen through far more brutal means. you gonna put your money where your mouth is and give it back?

oh, almost forgot. the only time it's not OK is when the jews do it.

so stupid of me to try to reason with a rabid, holocaust denying, anti semite piece of garbage like you.
LOL you truly are a moronic wannabe lapdog... The difference between Australia and Israel is the British were mainly behind the slaughter of aborigines, starting in the 1800s ending in the early 1900s. Same time the US was killing it's natives!

Israel's land grab started in '48 with the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. More than 700,000 displaced or killed for Israel to exist as the Jewish state. The only "civilised" country doing today what most countries did 200years ago...

Your support only rests with a bought religious belief, ger toshav :dunce: Now run off to stormfront and get your jollies creating sockpuppet accounts you pathetic little infant cocksucker...